has anyone ever tried to use phones in lucid dreams? and if so, what happened?
(just a curious thought)
has anyone ever tried to use phones in lucid dreams? and if so, what happened?
(just a curious thought)
I used it in a ND. I heard a voice and pulled out my cell. The man would talk nonsense, then stop.
I had a regular dream where i was talking on the phone to one of my friends. then we hung up and someone called on the phone, i woke up, and my alarm was going off. it was weird, anyone know what that means?
I’ve talked on a cell in a ND, but I wasn’t in first person, I saw myself doing it. I know that I heard someone on the other end, but I didn’t actually hear what they were saying.
Yeah when i was talking on the phone i didn’t actually hear what the person on the other end was saying, but i knew what they meant. I guess you could sort of say it was mind reading.
I used a normal phone in a normal dream once. I had to call a vet for our dog who had fallen down some stairs, but all the phones I tried didn’t work.
I had a ND wherein I answered the phone and my friend asked me my telephone number, I gave it to him and hung up. Immediately I was awakened by my RL phone and guess who it was, the very same friend!
A telephone was also involved in the only shared dream I’ve ever had (with my wife), so dream phones are very special to me.
okay okay…phones in LUCID dreams…LUCID! L to the U to the CID
c’mon now… :hm:
well in a LUCID dream, there are more interesting things to be doing that just using a phone
I used a telephone in my lucid dream last night. I was talknig to a lady and then she stopped talking but I thought she was still there. I cant believe I didnt relize it was a dream lol.
whatever you do, if a dream-phone is ringing nearby, DONT PICK IT UP!!!
(matrix… you know… haha hehe…)
About the mind reading topic alex… does anyone else find that in dreams you can just tell what people are saying without them actually saying it? I have also noticed that sometimes you can tell a person is somebody, even if they look completely different you still know that they are this person. How does this happen?
To stay on topic… no, I cant ever remember using a phone in a dream
Actually in my last LD (which was rather low level) i was talking on the phone when suddenly i realised i was dreaming. So i wondered who else i could make appear as a voice through the telephone. I tried to summon the voice of some hot chick (lol…) and somehow i succeeded…
yeah, i read in another form that the phone can be used as a tool… you can call it and ask whoever you want,. to come to where you are…
should work.,
Yeah Foolish sometimes in a dream I just know what’s going on and what people are saying even though I hear nothing.
I was sort of semi-lucid lats night{thats what someone tells me anyway} and was tyring to use the phone… but however much i tried i couldn’t type in the number properley and never got through to who i was tyring to call…
I’ll try and use a phone next time I go Lucid. I’ll keep you updated.
all the time, mostly in my dreams we communitace via telepathy - that’s ND & LD
I have occationally had this experience in RL with close friends, in one case this girl i used to know (internet friend) was writing a poem and i quoted a whole line to her which was the exact same line she was writing at the time.
The sensations i felt at that time were amazing, it was like being at one with this person. For a split second it was like i could feel everything she was feeling, in my mind i could see what she was seeing - it was rather strange and left me a little dizzy and with a euphoric feeling afterwards.
The sensation only lasted a second or two, but it’s something i will never forget and something i hope to someday feel again
Phones are actually quite a common dreamsign in my dreams. In one dream, the phone wouldnt work at all, or i couldnt press the numbers, i thought i kept messing up but it was the phone that was weird.
Another dream, i guess my alarm was ringing and i thought it was my phone, it was flashing lots of colors and making lots of noise and i couldnt shut it off… Why i didnt go lucid was beyond me, since it was making more light than my lamp usually does.
Finally, I suspected that i was in a dream so i call my friend. I ask said friend, “Hey, man, I think i might be dreaming. Do you know if i am?” He said, “No, your’re not, Id tell you if you were” Im like “Okay cool” and hung up. and that was the end of that. I bitched at him ALLL Day the next day.