Telling people about your Quest for Lucidity?

Hi there, people! Sorry if this has already been discussed. I couldn’t find it :smile:

Yesterday I was in College surfing the forum, and someone (a very stalker someone) asked me about what I was looking at. I went like “oh, just dreaming stuff” but this someone wanted more! and she said “oh, tell me about it”. In ten minutes, I found myself giving a lecture to at least 10 classmates about lucid dreaming, waking life, reality checks and stuff…

Some were sceptic, some were thrilled, some were “uh?” and some were “oh, yea… that rings a bell.” I wondered: how open and “informative” shoul I be about Lucid Dreaming and, in my case, the fact that I’m an aspiring lucid dreamer?

I have actually invited some friends to join me in my quest, but people just do not seem to be interested, or they are but they just drop the idea ten minutes later.

Should I just keep my mouth closed during and after my Quest, guys? :silent:

Moved from Quest for Lucidity.

If people are interested in it, and you feel like talking about it, why not? I for one like talking about Lucid Dreaming with my friends, it feels good to open people’s eyes to new things.

Also, talking about it with others could increase the chances of becoming lucid yourself, too!

It’s not something I tend to flaunt unless people ask me about it when I briefly mention my interests. I say I’m into lucid dreaming about as casually as I say I’m interested in languages, jazz music, video games and cartoons. Sometimes someone will ask me about lucid dreaming, and I’ll happily tell them about it. I’ll usually give them the “lite” version though, unless they express greater interest. Most people at my university don’t seem to be all that interested, but they don’t consider it weird either. At least not weirder than, say, LARPing (live action role playing). I run with the weirdest people, so for us weird is normal. Normal is boring.

Most of my friends know that I’m into it, but none of them have expressed any interest in pursuing lucid dreaming. That’s fine.

In you case, Lucho, you were asked about it, so it’s alright to go as in depth as you can while maintaining interest among your listeners, I think. If after a while most of them have lost interest, well… That’s their loss, frankly. But it’s also their prerogative. If you find someone willing to listen, by all means tell them about it. Eventually someone might actually want to seriously pursue it. :smile:

It’s easy enough to do it just like Svenshinhan said. If they want to know more, they’ll ask, if not leave it be. If you’re really intent on telling a friend about it, you could try something along these lines:

“Oh yeah! I had this really awesome dream this morning where I actually realized that I was dreaming. Have you ever done that before?”

Again, if they don’t seem interested, don’t push it. Easy peasy.


Yeah, you’re right guys. I guess I’ll not push it and try not to come up with a whole public speech every time I mention Lucidity. The thing is that after saying “waking up in your dreams” I get so excited that I feel like telling everyone all about it! :lol:

Previoustopicsthat discussed the same argument. :smile:

Yeah Rhewin’s right, although I can’t never seem to understand why sometimes they don’t get intrigued at all, not the slightest… :confused:

I find it depends on where you live. For example, I’m sure if you lived in california, theyll understand, as it seems to me that california is a very spiritual place. On the other hand, if you live where I live(Texas) people will look at you cross-eyed. And of coarse, dont preach.
@fretdancer: Its the mentality. If you dont care a bit about dreams and never think about them, then the notion of LDing seems impossible, absurd, and to some like witchcraft. If youve always been taught to be openminded, and are spiritual, and grow up surrounded by spiritual people, then youre more likely to find it facinating

Hmm, one of my teachers said about a week ago that we should have a presentation, but the topic was for us to decide.
So yeah, I’m going to talk about lucid dreaming infront of my entire class :shy:
Not sure how they’ll react though :bored:

:content: I grew up in California my whole life. I just recently moved to Canada. I know, yikes! Well
I just want to say that there is great advice in everyone’s responses here and:
@ Haddock, Go For It!

When I was about 19 or 20 years old, I had the awesome opportunity to choose a speech about an interest I have in my public speaking class. I chose Lucid Dreaming! I explained what it was, why I liked it, how to do it, and why it would be useful for anybody to look into it.
I made a power point presentation too. I included references to lucid dreaming books like ones of Stephane Labarge, the movie Waking Life, and of course I totally mentioned ld4all :ld4all:

Also , in my English class I had a similar assignment except of course it was to write an essay about an interest. :write: Lucid Dreaming it was!
I always found ways to express my interest in lucid dreaming and I still do when the opportunity presents itself. But Never just start boasting about it like a fanatic, Nobody likes when others push their interests upon them.
… you just have to do it when it’s right, keep it simple and gradual, speak when you are spoken too :wink:

Would you rather have remained ignorant of lucid dreaming?

It’s life changing stuff. It’s a shame that talking about dreams can be seen as ‘weird’.

Some people are convinced that they don’t even dream.


I’m cautious about telling people about Lucid Dreaming. I find that it’s a topic people have difficulty of grasping. It’s all a matter of timing, I only tell people about LD’ing when I have the time to explain and talk about it, otherwise people might just think that you’re some paranormal freak…

Yeah, I remember telling my two closest friends about lucid dreaming (at different times) only to find out that both were naturals! One of them never really tries to control the dream, just go along with it while the other finds their dreams completely boring, probably missing the fact that you can do anything. So it’s pretty normal for me to blather on about dreams to them.

Anyway, I think that it’s great to tell people about it when you can, just don’t go around the building praising it to everyone or they’ll probably be scared of you. (Not something I’d be worried about though, as most people probably think I’m crazy anyway XP)

When i first heard abut lucid dreaming I was so amazed, can´t understand that people don´t get involved whit it when they hear about it! :eek:

This is how I felt, but I thought it over. My brother, for example, wants no control over his dreams, because they seem to have taken an interesting turn from the norm, and he wants to see where it might go. Other people might see dreams as silly things that don’t matter in the long run, so no matter what you tell them, they won’t care. Some, like one of my friends, can’t hold on to a thought for too long, so although excited, the only way to hook him would be for him to have one naturally and decide he wants one.

The point is that everyone is different, and their reasons and opinions will always differ. I’ll tell my friends and people who ask about them, if they ask, or a conversation leads up to it, but I personally wouldn’t try and just randomly tell people about it, because they aren’t all that likely to actually listen to what you have to say, no matter how interesting.

I second what everyone said above. I only say something when someone asks me or something like that. But ALWAYS take the opportunity to tell people because, if you don’t, someone you know might never learn about lucid dreaming! That’s how I found out: my friend just happened to mention it to me and at first I thought he was crazy, but then he explained it more and I said, “Oh. That.” It turned out I’m a natural.

I know! Why not? What possible reason could there be for not wanting to be god of your own creation? [Everything Unseen_Eye said doesn’t count :tongue:]