Have you ever tried to tell a friend, family member or even that one guy you met on the bus last week about lucid dreams? How often have you been given a very weird look as if you are crazy, or that you’re dabling with something strange?
I’ve realized as I’ve gotten more active in the LD community that most materials relating to LD’s inevitable relate back to New Age philosophy or other spiritual matters (Astral Projection, spiritual OBE’s etc.). Why, even if you look around LD4all you’ll se advertisements abound on Quantum Jumping and all other… interesting items. Of course there is nothing wrong with these beliefs. I myself apply my own spiritual beliefs to lucid dreaming, but regrdless it seems near impossible to explain that I personally don’t take stock in the New Age beliefs that often suround LD’s.
That’s why I am trying to put together a group dedicated to explaining LD’s to the rest of the world. Regardless of whether you are spiritual or secular, you must agree that it would be great for more people to know about this gift. I would like to be able to show people that LD’s do not inherently clash with other beliefs or lack thereof.
Before I continue, I want to add a disclaimer: this topic is in no way designed to debunk or discredit New Age philosophy. On the contrary, it is meant to open LD’s to people of all spiritual walks. If that is not your pupose, please look elsewhere.
Just for starters, here are some things Non-New Agers can agree on, and some basic principles of this group:
*Dreams are a natural occurance.
*Lucid dreams are merely the act of becoming aware of the dream state.
*Interactions within dreams are only interactions within one’s own self.
*OBE’s, AP and other such things are examples of extremely vivid lucid dreams.
Of course, any of these can be tailored to one’s own spiritual beliefs. For example, I believe in God. I believe He gave us the ability to dream, and the ability to LD. If there is any spirituality to it, I believe it is between myself and Him, just like my prayer life. Again, that’s just one example, but the core remains the same. I can havea lucid dream and explore the various possibilities without having any inner conflict over my spiritual beliefs.
Anywho, I’d love to hear your thoughts/contributions. One last note, I gave my beliefs as an example, but I do not want this topic to become an agrument over whose beliefs are correct. Keep in mind, however, that this topic is dedicated to explaining LD’s to the world, not comparing religious notes. Finally, when it comes to spirituality, feel free to share but not to critique.