I have made something that has helped me to become lucid a couple of times .I just look at it for about 2 minutes before i go to sleep .
I dont know if this will work for you, but if you leave a reply with something you would like to make a dream sign then i could change the last word that shows up, to the name of your dreamsign , but in most of my dreams i see myself so i use that as a dreamsign.
Its worth a try, and its free. Just trying to help
The link works fine for me. I looked at it before going to bed last night and became lucid for the first time in a dream last night, even though it was only for a few seconds.
Just one thing though, i’ve heard that it is better to write in the first person in subliminal messages and hypnosis. Perhaps it might work even better if you change the you to I.
The idea behind images like this is to plant something in your head.
Perhaps this one is a little too slow for subliminal messaging, but the point is still there. I suppose even at the very least it gets you thinking about LDs, which is ALWAYS a good thing.
I’ve seen quite a number of similar animations around the place, and people claim that it works. If it appears to work for someone, it’ll probably work for other people as well.
ClintB24: As long as the pinwheel is moving it is working. You are not supose to see the text since it is supose to be subliminal (it flashes so fast that only the submind detects it) On my computer it’s moving too slow so I see the text. I’m gonna give it a try dought.
Hmm, the wheel isn’t moving at all for me. It’s completely still and I have an 800Mhz. I’m just soooo lucky when it comes to stuff like this LOL. But, hey, I did have a nice LD last night after seein it, so maybe it did do somethin for me.
Well, I am using a 1000MHz (1GHz) with WinXp, and the wheel is moving so slowly that I can read the text. The reason is that GIF animations have a specific frame rate so that the speed of the computer has minimal effect.
Oh, I thought it was because of my slow computer. It often shows .gifs slow if I have many things running, no matter what the framerate is. I have not tested it on one of my “faster” computers.
ClintB24, some browser’s allow you to turn off animations. What browser are you using? If it is IE6, then you can check in "Tools>Internet Options>“Advanced” tab> and look under “Multimedia” for “play animations in webpages.” Make sure that it has a check.
Or you can download and save the image to view in a separate image viewer. I often use IrfanView, “IrfanView was the first Windows graphic viewer (worldwide) with Animated-GIF support.” It displays .gifs very well. It even easily extracts every frame so you can read the words.