The Aliens/UFO topic

It was probably a satellite, maybe an iridium flare. Type “heavens above” into your browser and go to the website, they can tell you where and when to look to see the space station or satellites passing across the sky.

As much as I’d like to see aliens in my lifetime, I don’t think it is going to happen. The fact of the matter is that we’re such a remote system that the nearest star is lightyears away. Besides like bruno said, we’re just a bunch of angry atomic bomb throwing chimps, we would be their entertainment at best. :smile:

It was definitely not a iridium flare and i doubt it was satellites due to the fact there were like 4 objects at the same time that did not move at a constant speed or direction. If they went at a constant speed, then i would believe it was a satellite. Other than that, it kinda just looked like objects with the same brightness of a star.
Like i said, i highly doubt it was aliens :razz: as i have the same belief as you when it comes to the great distance. Also earth is probably a planet among millions or even billions similar bodies.

There are still many other possibilities i guess.

I belive in aliens becouse there is a SO smal chanse of there not being other life in the universe.

If they have wisited us? I don’t know.

The goverment is hiding the truth from everyone!
Dont tell this or they will kill you.

merged into existing topic :moogle:

I recently saw a ghost topic and it was interestings so i was wondering if any one had experince any UFO activity.

I live in las vegas reallly close to area 51 so alot of people claim to see UFO and lights I only seen a few lights. Well I keep seeing documetaries in the History Channel and National Geographic Channel about Alien Abductions so has anyone experience anything and what do you thing of abductions?

Well, I haven’t seen any, but I really really want to. I basically believe anything anybody tells me about supernatural stuff.

I got to check out that channel… sounds interesting…

The alien thing doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me, why would something from another planet fly however many million miles from their home planet just to abduct someone, randomly probe them and then dump them back down to earth? It’s ridiculous. People have been seeing these things for over half a century and in all that time nobody has got any real documented evidence of them?
If UFO’s have been sighted I would think it far more likely that they were built by humans than by aliens, it’s not that I don’t think aliens exist, I just don’t think that they spend their time flying around the American countryside kidnapping random folk and performing tests on them!

What I think is more interesting about the phenomena is the similarity that they have to stories of faerie sightings and abductions from the middle ages and even from before. The descriptions, short figures with pointed ears, large oval eyes, often with over-sized heads surrounded by bright light
Which of course brings us nicely to Christian halo’s which have been seen in cave paintings from long before the rise of Christianity and sticking with the Christians one can’t help but notice that the Ophanim in descriptions are remarkably similar to UFO’s.

This presents several possible theories, Aliens are here and have been here for thousands of years but just don’t want to directly tell us, preferring to pull strings from the shadows. Or that what we see now as aliens are actually the same as faeries and angels before them and that our image of them changes to fit with the thinking of the time period. Or that this is simply a common halluciantion brought on by elements that can affect any and all humans.

I don’t know, know one does, it’s doubtful that anyone ever will, still, here’s some pretty cool artifacts from the past:

Look at us? are we not primitive life, we are capable of thought. It’s all about evolution, things evolve continually. There is no doubt that there is intelligent life out there, it’ s just a matter of finding it via, radio waves, or something else. You skeptics make me mad actually, at how ignorant you are.

I certainly don’t believe in the kidnapping aliens, and I think the reason people believe in this is that it is a basic human instinct to want to think “Hmm, maybe [insert something here] actually exists/happened that we don’t know about” - proykinesis, aliens, magic and Princess Diana conspiracy theorys,ect fulfill this need.

I am open to the idea that there might be life elsewhere in space though; after all, there are fish on Earth that have evolved near the bottom of the ocean. These fish have learned to live without any heat or light, and have found a way to cope without oxygen.

As I said, maybe life on other planets exists, but I think we’re looking for it the wrong way and assuming that life there is intelligent. For all we know, if life exists it may be in the form of giant bouncing balls of jelly.

I believe in UFO’s… the government has been supporting the existance of these UFO’s so they could test aircrafts and fly over Russia during the whole Cold War…Aliens however… I do believe there is life on other planets… I do believe it might be inteligent life… Hell I even believe in greys… Imagine what we would be like if we lived on any other planet in the solar system… due to the distance from the sun we would develope bigger more buggy eyes and greyer, paler skin… But do I think that these beings visit Earth in aircrafts that can fly at immpossible speeds?.. Thats a mabey… I mean its possible Betty an Barney Hill’s case might be a true encounter… they didn’t have anything to gain out of this… just the lose of their credibility or sanity… they even had some pretty convincing information including a star map that was drawn out during a hypnosis session that lead to a star system call Zeta Reticulia which is roughly 40 lightyears away from earth…

There is life out there, but its not monitoring us in disk like objects that shoot through the at lightning speeds.

Not saying that they are yet… but it is possible… I mean its not a matter of moving really fast to get from our planet to another… its immposible to travel that fast… but say they might have been using some kind of worm hole… which is not yet completely proven to exist… but is still possible in general theory of relativity… Also… just an interesting note… while not all of his claims are valid Bob Lazar (For thsoe who do not know he claims to have back engineered such “disk like devices” during his stay at Groom Lake) claimed how the ships were able to defy gravity by using Uup as an unstable isotope back in the 90’s… an unstable isotope of Uup wasn’t discovered until 2004 and its been verified it could have that kind of affect under particulate bombardment… ((I hate talking science… it makes me feel like a retard because I know something will be wrong in what I just said =P…))

That would be nice of something other than us would be out there, but it’s highly unlikely that there is. :sigh:

Really? In a whole universe you think its unlikely we’re not the only ones in here?

Well in my religion yeah I do believe we’re alone. :sad:

Ah… well I’m out of that arguement then >.>

The chances of there being life in the universe other than us is almost 100%.

more like 99.8 %

Hence my “almost”.

That’s an estimation, if we do find it, it becomes 100%.

Well I still say its very likely… we went as far as to find microbes on other planets just in our solar system… which… while it isn’t the kinda life we’re looking for… its a start… :slight_smile: