The Aliens/UFO topic

It most definatly is 100%

Oh and watch “Contact” blew my mind.

kT4all, are you christian??

Well yeah, but idk if I believe if theres life out there or not :eek: But there could be a chance but we just haven’t found/they haven’t found us yet. :happy:

Watch contact, you’ll be a believer. And try to keep an open mind :tongue:

How come like the only ones that believe in the aliens are just crazy/hippie people that are bums?

Who’s to say their crazy? i asked if you could try to keep an open mind…

an open mind you say? as in like be skeptical about everything? elaborate please :grin:

Skeptical?? quite the contrary. Well be yourself but i don’t know, i think by the looks of things you should try to look at things a lil differently i suppose. thats all

yeah I think I already do that. I don’t believe what people tell me all the time

Those are the people who claim to have been abducted or have casual conversations with them over brunch…

Contact… I’m trying to remember if thats the movie where they get sent the first broadcast of the Berlin Olympics and blueprints to a teleporter… The movie was kinda slow but it did make the whole thing seem plausible…

Yup that’s it. it’s great!

I’ve never seen Contact, never even heard of it before.

I’d suggest renting it… Anywho… on a related matter… I’m suprised we have a UFO topic and no one has mentioned the Haiti UFO’s yet… I know their fake… but its still interesting…

Not really hehe

Keeping an open mind means:

a) not ruling any possibility out unless it’s totally safe to (and it’s hard to say when it is)
b) not being guillible

Ok well I’m not gullible and I don’t understand the first one. :eh:

Saying its possible unless its to stupid to beleive…

huh… yeah that’s it.

Ok, well, that’s pretty much what I do already. :wink:

This topic is a must in every paranormal topic/forum/thing.
A few years ago,everybody was asking the same question:“Are aliens real?”
I’m pretty sure they are,and by now,i think you may know that too.
Here you can share your expieriences with weird UFOs,Aliens and other related stuff.

Yesterday evening,i took a look at the sky.I saw a blimping dot that was giving the sensations of green and red light.
I noticed it wasn’t a plane,it was standing perfectly still.
It was too high to be a tower.
And i’m pretty convinced it was pretty close,because if i looked at it through a specific window,and then through another,it wasn’t the same angle(like a star).
I think it wasin the atmosphere.
I wnt downstairs to watch a movie.
When i came back,it was gone. :smile:
I hope they don’t have any bad intentions.

I doubt alien visitors would have hostile intent. “Mars Attacks” notwithstanding, I believe a civilization would have to get it’s violent tendencies in check to get to the point, technologically, that they would have to be at to visit other worlds. We are not nearly at that point, we humans, and the number of technologies that could doom our species is rapidly increasing.

In fact, humans, in their exploration of other worlds, are very careful. We once self-destructed a probe that would crash into one of Jupiter’s moons in order to prevent the possibility of any Earthly microorganisms from entering the environment, and we don’t even know if there’s life there or not. I would expect a far more advanced society to be at least equally careful.

Now, while I believe in the possibility that advanced alien civilizations could exist, and that they could find a way to visit us, I think they would keep their distance. As a species, we are scary. Think about it. Our favorite spiritual icon is a dying man nailed to a cross. We have billions of animals living in terrible conditions that we use for food. We haven’t been without a war for more than a few days in the last several centuries. Our entertainment is extremely violent. If I were an alien, I would definitely stay away.