The Aliens/UFO topic

I uess i’d go with the wormhole travelling theory…or camps?
I can bet there’s more races out there,some,very evloved,some primitive.
I’d say we’re medium.
Wo knows what a few milleniums of extra living could have done to some of them?
They must know a lot.
And i would examine a few people.
There’s nice communities,like this one,too :smile:
/me will abduct you soon…

It is possible that UFOs have visited us, however this is incredibly unlikely. As far as I’m concerned no compelling evidence has ever been brought to light which would confirm the visitation of extraterrestrials in our time or in any other. The distances are too vast and the galaxy too large. Just finding us would be a long shot.

Did you ever consider the remote possibility that we’re the most advanced species in existence right now?

I don’t think that…
I am sure there’s been a lot of evidence of ETs visiting us…there’s signs everywhere…abductions(exclude old hag),UFO sightings,some even declare to have seen them…
I believe they have helped our ancestors,for example the egyptians,they found electricity in the pyramids.
And i forgort how and when,those giant figures,symbold that the (i don’t know what race) made (i don’t know how long)…i say that without help from above,it would have been very difficult…(they didn’t have technology by then)…

Yeah, I agree with pridak.
But I don’t think they helped the egyptions…mostly because it send shivers down my spine just thinking about it…

Testimonies are terribly unreliable, alien abduction stories usually boil down to people jumping to conclusions or hiding the truth. In the former case it can be hallucinations which we lucid dreamers are intimately familiar with, however those who are inexperienced often become frightened and confused by what happened. In the latter case, it is most common in those who have been sexually abused. Generally when one speaks of being sexually assaulted by extraterrestrials, it is usually a situation where they have been a victim of rape, incest, or a similar occurrence. The problem they run into is that they won’t bring themselves to accept that somebody that they loved and trusted could’ve done such a thing, so they suppress the memory of the attacker and when they can no longer remember who did it (or care to remember), they might conclude that they were the victim of alien abductors. Although this may not be the case for everyone, it could probably explain away the majority of people.

As for aliens helping our ancestors, I always like to kid that people don’t give their fellow men enough credit for their ingenuity. When ever humans do something which lies outside of the realm of immediate comprehension, there is a tendency to jump to superstition. Take for instance the widespread belief in the ‘faked’ lunar landing, or the suspicion about the origins of stealth materials. Both were the outcomes of experts in their fields investing thousands of hours of time and effort to conquer very real problems. I think it is reasonable to assume that the pyramids and other extraordinary feats of engineering were probably considered the work of a divine entity by the common people of the time.

Beyond the psychological aspect of superstition, we must approach the notion in a scientific manner. In science one requires hard evidence; word of mouth or speculation will not suffice. Unfortunately this is all we have to go by, there exists in the fossil record no evidence whatsoever that aliens have ever visited Earth. One might say “well we wouldn’t know anyways since the aliens would obviously be too smart to leave any evidence behind”, or “that’s because the aliens don’t leave any evidence”–you can go around in circles like this arguing, but ultimately this gets us nowhere without any proof.

I am open to the possibility of UFOs and alien visitation, however I remain unconvinced. Believe me, nobody would be more filled with joy than I were it proved, the fact of the matter is that we have nothing to go on.

Either there is lost technology, or we were helped at some point.

I am surprised nobody has presented the possibility that “aliens” are merely a product of our own world, living within another dimension than our reality. Just like dreams. As one who has studied the subject a bit (as best I can…) I have come up with a few hypothesis. One is that they have lived here for millenia, hidden within our own planet and presenting themselves as they see fit…but that is too convenient. I am more prone to believe that if they do indeed exist they could be an advanced form of human, visiting ourselves from the future (like a vacation…lol) Or more likely a multidimensional ripple that at times allows us to see them in our own reality, like ghosts or poltergeists. A tear in the fabric of reality so to speak…I better shut up now, I’m starting to sound like one of those ET freaks…

But really. Who’s to say that we cant share this planet with a multitude of indefinable beings, given that atoms are 90% empty space anyhow?
Like an Einstein-Bohm condensate…LOL Okay, I’m getting out of hand here…
But I love to wonder…

I think you make a valid point though. Aliens could inhabit some imperceptible realm that humans are incapable of detecting. Such would be the case if aliens existed in a fourth dimension overlaid upon our own three (Carl Sagan’s 4th dimension explanation springs to mind)…

Like fish in the sea.

I love Entheoman’s theory. Imagine if all those alien sightings over the years have been a bunch of highly evolved 5th graders on their history field trips. “Pack your lunch and bring your permission slips, kids - tomorrow we’re going to look at a species so primitive that they killed off their whole planet with their filth!”

I bet they clean their rooms with no arguments after a good look at us.

rofl joyousfree :happy:
this reminds me of a LD I had a few years ago though, I had exactly something like that! there were people in my room, playing around, and I knew these were “students of another dimension” !