The B I G Lucid to-do list topic

To do:

world domination
summon a bunny army
fly at the speed of light
make a sarcastic talking rock DC

This is something I’ve always been fascinated with about dreams. Details.

Rather than running off an flying away, I want to look into the horizon, and really look closely at everything around me. I imagine that when you dream normally, you don’t pay much attention to it so your brain probably just puts very bizarre details where it doesn’t expect you to look.

So, I want to look at everything around me closely. Then if I can remember it, I think it’ll be the clearest dream I would have experienced.

My biggest to-do thing? Create DC’s to go on awesome adventures with. I’m somewhat of a creative developer. I like to invent characters for videogames & cartoons I make up. It’s a hobby for me. I’ve had four characters in particular for a while now, making up little episodes for them to go through. What I am absolutely looking forward to is meeting them face to face. I can’t wait for the totally hilarious & exhilirating antics & adventures! Going out into space, opening portals to alternate dimensions, toppling oppressive regimes, battling giant monsters, ohh it’ll be a blast! :crazy:

travel round time and space in the TARDIS

that’d be cool

First I am going to know who I really am and how did I get here. The origin of my soul. I want to know.

Second, the origin of man kind. How everything goes through the centurys, and if we really evolved from monkey and check if Atlântida really existed.

Third, I would really like to do what Carlos Castañeda did in his dream experience. That mean I would go to bed in my house, in real life, have some kind of lucid dreaming, and wake in my parents apartment in the beach, 4 hours distance from here, IN REAL LIFE! That’s like take your phisicall body through the dream and put it on other state far away from here. That would be VERY interesting. We can call it teleport. Just would have to pay the bus ticket to go back. Or better on, do it again.

Well, for me, i’m just about to begin learning properly, mainly because I tihnk I had an LD last night, but i’m not sure. Well anyway, I nearly had sex in my LD(?) last night.

  1. Flying, obviously
  2. Sex, again obviously
  3. Explore, look at everything, the sky, the people everything
  4. Dive into the ground
  5. See a higher power, get some answers, try to do something that may affect me in real life
  6. Get some inspiration, inspiration for anything, writing or painting.

I havent had an LD yet…but these will be the firts 10 things i do.

1.go to a zoo and ride a tiger a person or a dog
3.have tea with hitler
4.cock slap this queer that i hate.
5.smoke crack
6.own a bunch of slaves
7.shoot abe lincoln in the back of the head
8.steal all the babys in a hospital and give them out to hobos.
9.rise an army of gerbals to take over the world
10.blow your own head off with a shotgun.

These may seem a bit odd…but the reality is there awesome. everyone hsould try these.

  1. Fly
  2. Go on a killing rampage!!!
  3. Go through a portal
  4. Run around everywhere nude
  5. Walk up to womeone and chuck them 1 mile away
  6. Jump off the higest thing in the world
  7. Stop a train/Subway
  8. Fly a car and land it on someone
  9. Build up an energy ball that’s gigantic and kill everyone
  10. Stop 9/11 from happening than destroy it.
  11. Kill the president
  12. Throw the moon at earth
  13. Turn into a female
  14. Turn into a vampire
  15. Jump up really high
  16. Cut someone’s head off with a sword
  17. Talk with DC’s
  18. Look at the sky
  19. Shoot someon with a gun.
  20. Drive! :content:
  21. Turn into a bird
  22. Go into space
  23. GEt sucked into a black hole
  24. go back in time to yesterday
  25. Go forward in time and see who I get married with :happy:
  26. Make myself have more lucid dreams by taking a pill (in the LD)
    29.Go through walls32. Eat a sky scaper
  27. Destroy an entire city

Update: I still haven’t had an ld and it’s been a month :cry:

Edited - have now updated my original list :tongue:

So here goes:
(In no particular order…)
1.Have a massive RAVE/ beach party
2.Have sweet 16 party
3.Go to panic at the disco concert. - Done in ND :content:
4.Meet really famous people - Done in ND many a time :grin:
5.Have relationships with a select list of hotties :wink:
6.Sex. :razz:
7.Own a massive mansion and interior decorate it :cool: - Done in ND
8.Have massive shopping trip, endless money. - Done twice whilst lucid.
9.Visit my old school and cause mischeif …heh heh.
10.Get a really good singing tutor and have lessons
11.Audition in xfactor
12.Maybe learn some maths? :confused:
13.Freeze time - Attempted in LD
14.Ooh … Dream Sharing ! :grin:
15.Meet my spiritual guide - Done in LD
16.Ask my dream what my dream symbols mean
17.Talk to myself as a child
18.See my past life
19.Transform into a guy for a bit :ok:
20.Create DCS (as i have none :sad:) - Ive now realised i have loads! :grin:
21.Get tips from them bout LDing :plotting:
22…Explore! - Done in LDs!
23.Look up at the sky :cloud9:
24.Fly =] (Have done but not whilst lucid) - Done in LDs :wink:
25.Jump off a tall building
26.Have 360 vision :happy: … [I mean awesome or what?!]
27.Eat ! - Think ive done :eh:

Some people put down ‘meet jesus’ … I did that in a ND when i was 7 and remember it to this day :smile: But ofc being the grand age of 7 i didnt think to ask him any questions… x) I did however ask him to turn me and my friends into furry animals for the day, which he kindly did :razz:

i have only been lucid once but i got to exited and woke up :sad: anyway,

  1. fly (duh!)
  2. turn myself into stuf like animals and rocks
  3. go to lucid crossroads
  4. find my spirit guide
  5. do magic harry potter style
  6. play quidditch
  7. share drems

Yes, it has. several times. The BIG fave thing to do in a LD Part VI. Its useful to look through, i got tons of ideas from it :tongue:. Plu you can look through the previous parts. and as Sakoda said, reading through this stuff makes the likelyhood of getting a lucid dream greatly increase :wink:

Hope this helps :wink:


  1. EXTREME headbanging, like supersonic to The Sword
  2. Flying
  3. Be a dragon, YAY :woo:
  4. Carry around like a huge but friendly anaconda to see people’s reactions
  5. Drive it like I stole it :content:

None Ld’s yet, but what i will want to do

1 Fly, wasn’t first originally, but everyone has hyped it up
2 Sex
3 Get abducted by aliens, then pull a gun on them or use super powers to get them to listen to me long enough to get them to take my galaxy touring every LD
4 Create and hang with a dc
5 Visit other planets and create a planet with the creatures i made in spore to inhabit it. Then, check back on them in my next LD
6 Super power adventure and battle

P.S. Is it just me, or does LD sound like a drug high?

I’ve never had one yet…but what I’d like to do is:

1- the most obvious: sex with people I could never have or in ways I could never do
2- be really tiny and walk through a world made for giant
3-then be a giant and walk through a world made for lilliputians
(note: I am amazed nobody else already listed those two!)
4-be invisible, and do stuff like spying on girls, or play pranks at random people
5-be able to stop time, and then pick up people and transport into other places (ex: take someone from a restroom and put him/here in a classroom) then set the time back to normal…and watch the results :colgate:
6-be a vampire and do vampire stuff; then the same nut as a werewolf, a zombie and a wizard
7-play God like in the Sims, or like in that Black and White game
8-find out more about my subconscious
9-look for my Guide
10-create some Dream Charachters; this way, I can discover more about my own charachters (I like to write stories and comics).
11-meet Freedy Krueger and become pals
12-meet the Faceless Bastard and ask him why the heck did it haunt my dreams for a while last year
13-try to get into other people’s dreams. Dunno if I can, but I’ll try anyway.
14-If I discover I can, look for my new pal Freddy and then take him with me… :devil:

that’s all I can think of at the moment

I’ve yet to have an LD yet, but I plan to (D:)

-Put up a lot of billboards that say “you’re dreaming.”

I haven’t had a LD so far, but I’m confident it will happen soon enough.

So, what to do?

Play the piano and play the piano and play the piano…

And then continue learning to play the guitar. Also, try out mentalist tricks on DC-s and maybe start training krav maga.

And then play the piano some more.

haven’t lded long enough to try it, but it sounds like it would be awesome and I just thought it up today.

Have a fancy dinner with a well mannered, fluent english speaking, british accented chupacabra. Laugh if you want, but you know you want to try it.

I just got a great one to do next time I’m dreaming. Need to go back and go through my bathroom mirror and beat the crap out of that corpse that tried to eat me. Not gonna let that thing scare me stiff twice! :grrr:

That would be FUNNY! :rofl:

i would so throw my cousin off the empire state! :devil: