The BIG Cat Lover & Dog Lover Topic II

Aww… those are really cute felines and canines. If they were within reach I’d hug them almost to death. I try not to do that with my dog too. She’s afraid of water and yet I torment her by spraying water on her. It’s mainly because it’s summer and it’s really hot nowadays and she’s not allowed inside.

I’ve wanted a cat my entire life, but was never allowed one. So imagine my surprise when on my 21st birthday this year, Dad presented me with the most adorable kitten ever!

His name is Nacoby Gleeson, and he’s a lilac Burmese. I haven’t uploaded any photos of him yet, but once I do I will post one for you. I adore him to bits! He does bite people a lot when he plays, but he more than makes up for it by crawling under the doona and purring, or climbing onto my lap and purring, or hilariously falling off the stairs and purring, or having a bath and purring (he doesn’t mind water!), and generally being soft, warm and fluffy. :content:

Last week I had a terrible cold, and he kept me company in bed all day, purring and being my hot water bottle. I love cats!

Aww Wissam, your dog is so cute! :content:

Here is a picture of my new dog, Buddy :content: I love him to bits, he is absoloutley amazing, rarely barks, always playful :happy: . The picture quality isn’t that good, because i took it from my cell phone :

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 3 is right after he had a bath :grin:

^ :aww: He’s lovely. I’d love to have a dog.

My cat was funny the other day when i came home soaked from heavy rain. She stood, hugging my leg for ages with her front paws and rubbing both sides of her face against my knee. She seemed to love the smell of the rain on my damp trousers. :smile:

Parents came home with a puppy! :content:

He’s so cute… purebred white lab.

Thing is… we don’t have a name for him yet. XD
Since everyone in my family has a name that starts with ‘J’ my to name him starting with a ‘J’. =_=;

So… any ideas? It would be muchly appreciated. XD

Jib? Maybe too simple…
Jindanor? lol A bit much for a puppy.

I want to name him Jonah… but my dad doesn’t like the name. ._.

My mom wants to name him Journey, but me and my brother don’t like the name.

We thought about Jagger for a bit…
Eh I’m sure we’ll figure out a name soon enough. :content:

I’ve always been a fan of Justice, also Jest(er).

Jello? =0)

Jack (Maybe short for Jack-o-Lantern, seeing as it’s close to Halloween. :wink: )

Something starting with J? What about “Jay?” I know, it’s pretty uninventive, but well—it alludes to all the names that begin with jay in your family and is a cute little name which makes you think of a nice friend. You know. Jay plays with you, Jay’s your friend—everybody likes Jay.

Oh maan, now I want to change my name to Jay! :shock:

I got a cousin named Jay… so that would be a negative. =’[
It is a cool name though.


Oh, maan! (So now I’m turning into Bruno)

It seems as if everyone has taken my ideas, with the exception of Jenny! :grin:

Yes, I’m useful! :cool_laugh:

Ah, well. So lets see what else I can come up with. :tongue:

Hmm. I think actual men names are actually nice to give to a dog… James, Jason, Jack (or Jake), John (or Johnny), Justin…

I’m also a big fan of Jethro Tull’s, so another idea would be Jethro.

Another nice cute name is Joy—or, if you want it to sound more manly, Joyce.

Or Julius, perhaps? (Or rather, for a more English–sounding name: Jules or Julian.)

Or Jimmy. Jimmy is a sweet sounding name.

Jeremy (where’d I get that one?)
Junkmail :razz:

might i suggest Jericho?

awww, he’s SOOOO adorable. i like jonah too, it’s too bad your dad doesn’t like it. i think juni is cute also. i dunno. i find it’s easiest to name pets with something ending in a y just because it’s easier to say. i named my dog roi and i just ended up calling her puppy all the time.

besides ones that have been said though…
jamie? or jude! i know a psycho cat named jude. so… maybe that would be bad luck.
J.C? jody?

Why not naming him after a planet… Jupiter! :grin: