My name is wes, thats what my friends call me, but ive alwayed thought there could be something special about ever since i was a kid, maybe i have telekanisis, or maybe something like that, but when i was small, i would lay in bed and feel my body get thrusted forward my bed lift up and it would smash into the ground, now acording to the guide thats my spirit leaving my body, i thought thats just how i went to sleep sometimes, but really it was my spirit entering a whole new place, very cool.
Also every dream ive ever had in my life wich would be millions, I remeber a lot of them, and to tell u the truth i didnt know about lucidity tell now, but ive always knnown it wasnt real when i dream. always known. So when im in dreams i can almost controll them perfectly and do whatever i want. for example, i was at my dads house in a dream and i new it wasnt real because i was outside and i had just recalled falling asleep. there was a couger and it was trying to attack my familly out on the porch, i had just watched dragon ball z lately so i took my hands and clenched them togethar, this is an EXTREMELY hard thing to do in ur dream sometimes takes 20 minutes to get the beam, but i charged a big blue beam and totlay pwned the couger. then 30 more came running around the corner so i flew up. ill tell right now the best trick to making the kamayhamayha thing is to scream and shout as loud as u can while having ur hands near eachother and just keep thinking about the color and power u want it to be and just yell and scream in a powerfull way. and the best trick to flying, dont look at ur feet or straight when ur trying to go up wich alot of people do. LOOK AT THE SKY, look up, bend ur kneees and think of a power coming out of ur feet, then jump and give ur arms one flap or swim motion and ull be off very easily. Thanks for reading guys, and thanks for this website, i would have never known i was a concistant lucid dreamer since the age of 5. If u want to know any tips about things, mail me at and ill let u know what u can do. ive prolly been lucid dreaming longer than the person that made this sight =p
I would just like to add something u might find facinating and other might already of thought about, DO u ever wonder why in real life we only use 10% of our brain. and why when we dream we can do the coolest things like fly shoot magic teleport go invisable and more. its because when u sleep u use the other 90% of ur brain. while resting the 10%. that 90% of ur brain is insanely strong and thats why u can do cool things, if u could only use the 10% of ur brain when u slept to, it be the same as rl, ud be able to do nothing cool. BUt when u are awake u can not use the 90% of ur brain, it is that parts turn to rest, and is almost impossible to tap into it execpt for a very few ammount of people in the world that can slightly tap it and claim to have small ammounts of telekanisis.