The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 41

Welcome Drudge, :cool:
I know what you mean about raining like a shower. That’s how it been today here too and the wind… pooh. I hope you will get to love this place as much as I do.

Hello brock`,
I hope you’ll stay longer than last time :content:

:welcome: bvbrandon,
Good luck with your Lucid Quest.

Welcome The Lurker,
I hope you will post more, even though your name is The Lurker. Well you can always change your name if you do post more than expected. You could read this topic; it gives tips about how to stay in a dream. For example rubbing your hands, so you won’t wake up like you did the first time.

Welcome to LD4all chip9munk,
LD4all is full of helpfull members and topics that can help you to have your first Lucid Dream. Look around, and ask if you have any questions. :content:

Good to see you had a short LD FireKirby. :boogie: I’m sure you’ll improve more after some more time.