The Big "Hi, I'm New Here!" Topic - Part 45

:wave: hello Matalex7 and imweird welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
I hope you both enjoy being members of LD4all, it is a great forum :thumbs:

:wave: Stsdude2 and lostdreamer, I hope you both become active posters so we can get to know you :grin: (I can’t believe someone could be a member for so long with so few posts :thud: )

hi all
i’m mariah, aka bowlofsurreal
either floats my boat so call me whatever you’d like

Interests? I guess I show some interest in art, philosophy, foreign languages and cultures (eastern and hispanic culture mostly) and, above all, writing and poetry! I love to learn so my interests hop all over the place. XD

I’ve been interested in (and attempting) lucid dreaming for several months now. I thankfully found the guide early on but finally decided to join the site a coupla days ago… and here I am. :smile: I guess I’ll see you all around.

hi mariah!

i love your username, it made me laugh xD, very cleaver

I hope you stick around, it’s a great forum :thumbs:

I am interested in being able to Lucid Dream consistently. I have managed to do it twice, without actually doing any of the major tips/tricks/etc.

I look forward to using those practices on a regular basis.

Hello I’m new, and I have a Question. It may sound dumb, but, I don’t know. What is 'Kin" and is there a specific way you pick yours?
Thanks for your help!

Welcome Mariah |)

I think you will like the Garden of Creation, seeing you’re interested in art and poetry. It’s a great part where LD4all members share their creations, including poetry.
Good luck with Lucid Dreaming :dream:

Welcome 112 :happy:

What an unusual username you have chosen. Why 112 if I may ask? It reminds me of the emergency number =p
Good luck with Lucid Dreaming and if you need any help feel free to ask.

Welcome maytodecember :cool:

Your kin is your galactic signature. It corresponds to your date of birth on the 13 Moon Calendar. You can find your kin here. You just have to fill in your date of birth and you’ll find out what kin you are. There’s also more information about your kin on that site and if you look into the dreamspell section at LD4all you can also find more about kin and kin-related things. This could be an interesting site about your kin too. You can find your guide, challenge, like-minded and occult. If you wonder what that is, you will read it there. After you know what you’re kin is you can click on the appropriate box. I’m a Blue Electric Hand, so for me that would be Blue Hand. I hope this made things clear :slight_smile:

(Next time I talk to Q and I remember it I’ll tell her to add in the “What is your kin?” thing in the profile just like it is in the Dutch forum)

Hello mariah, 112 and maytodecember. Hope you enjoy ld4all. You’ll learn lots from everyone here on improving dream recall and control :smile:

Hello bowlofsurreal, 112 and maytodecember
Welcome to the forum :grin:

I am also interested in Writing and poetry and I have found Wolf Game and Vampire Game have been a good way to practice writing, at least for me :smile:

Hello, I’m new here and have never lucid dreamed before.

I hope this forum helps. :woo:

:wave: hello bowlofsurreal, 112, maytodecember and Nick1337, welcome to the LD4all forum :grouphug:
/me wishes you all well with your LD quests :thumbs:

LD4all will definitely help :smile: … there is lots of information and first hand experiences here plus a friendly crowd of forum members to help you keep motivated :happy:

Hello everyone.

A little about me:

My hobbies and interests include blogging, reading, nature, spirituality and religion, introspection, meditation, drumming, dialogue, learning, humor, psychology, inner growth and new tech.

Lately I’ve been learning jung’s theories about the psyche from a podcast, interested in all things LD, very hot from the weather and of average height.

I can be a little eccentric but most especially when motivated. Nice to meet you all.


Just joined the forum; stopping by to say hello.

I’ve been lucid dreaming for about a year now, but I must admit I’ve gotten a bit lazy about it!

Anyway, I joined because I’m ready to get back on the path… Starting a dream journal again, getting in touch with other LD’ers. When I do make those efforts, I have had good results.

Looking forward to getting to know you!

Welcome Kalmish,

Good luck with your quest to lucidity. I’m looking forward in getting to know you :content:

Welcome to LD4all mayan_dreams, :wave:

This forum could help you to get your motivation back. You can start a dream journal here. We also have very nice Quests every moon in Lucid Adventures. You may find that interesting. There should be a new one soon, since today is the last day of this moon. :slight_smile:

Hello Nick1337, kalmish and mayan_dreams. :welcome:

I definitely helped me to have Lucid Dreams :grin:

I like introspection too… I find it can be very helpful to sit and think sometimes :smile: It can be quite refreshing too :content:

Good luck with getting Lucid Dreams Mayan_Dreams :smile: I have found my Dream Journal helped with recall… I just recovered from a time with bad recall :smile:

Sorry, I’m not that good at introductions… But,
Hello everyone. I just started learning about LDing a couple days ago. And I hope to get better at it.
And a little about myself… um… I like to read and write, play video games. Um… I play an instrument…

Hello mdf92 welcome to LD4all :ld4all:
I’m sure you’ll be Lucid Dreaming in no time :smile:

Hi, I’m new to this forum, just joined the other day, thought i would drop by and introduce myself and give a few little experiences of mine.

I’m originally from England, I now live in the USA. I have been a lucid dreamer most of my life, I never really practiced trying to lucid dream it all came to me when i was very young and over the years I just gradually realised how to obtain one, at least for me it works.

I really don’t have to try, if i fall asleep on my back I am almost always guaranteed to end up partially awake paralysed. I also have heard the usual clicking noises, loud knocking, someone calling my name, have heard family members talking.
Some really wierd stuff. If i struggle and force myself to getup then i snap out of it, but if i relax and stop fighting the paralysis then i fall into some kind of experience.

My first experience when i was very young was when i woke up, or so i thought, and i was floating by the side of my bed, towards the floor. The carpet was almost touching my face. Very scary for how young i was.

My favorite thing to do while lucid dreaming is to jump through things. I normally jump through walls and doors. The last time i was running down a street and it just popped in my head, “oh jump through that tree”. It was so vivid and real feeling, it was a huge oak tree. I actually felt the inside of the tree pass by my face, wierdest thing i have felt in a long while. I have floated through ceilings, dropped below floors. Have been attacked by an almost Terminator looking character, the Metalic guy. He dragged me down the side of my bed once and I couldn’t breathe, very scary stuff. Also i had a witch at my bedroom window who took my voice away so i couldn’t speak. I quit doing it for the longest time after them experiences but every now again, i end up rolling onto my back in my sleep and having an experience.

I also have had the most vivid dreams i can think of. Normally when they are vivid I am someone else in the dream. When it’s a normal dream i am normally myself.

I was being chased before by the police in a car, ( i was someone else in the dream) anyway, as the police drove by my car he shot me in the head. I literally felt the bullet enter my head and i gradually started losing consciousness. As i died in my sleep i woke up.

Another time (someone else again), i was in the middle east somewhere. I was kneeling down and this guy middle eastern guy, was standing there with a sword. I knew what was about to happen. He swung the sword above my head and cut my head off. As my head started to fall i could actually still see what was going on. When my head hit the ground, i woke up.

I’ve always had a very vivid imagination, and these are not the usual things i tell the average person, but im sure you guys here are no newbie to this kind of thing.

Well, its a pleasure to meet some people with some same interests as myself.

Take Care

:welcome: Gantz77!

It’s great that you are a natural LDer :thumbs: you’re very lucky to have that ability, although it seems like you experience “the old hag” a lot

the old hag is of course the fear that comes with SP.

I have advice though! It can be quelled with belief. If you believe that the old hag or whatever bad thing or nightmare will come, it will. But if you believe you have power over it it will stop!

Yes, i have a very vivid imagination too, sometimes when i am working i lose myself in it :lol: i tend to be miles away.

anyway, :welcome: again, and hope you stay for a while :yes:

:wave: hello kalmish, mayan_dreams, mdf92 and Gantz77 :grouphug:

I hope you all enjoy being members of LD4all as much as I do :yay:

:eh: how long have you been in the USA for?


Thanks for the little tid bt on the old hag, i will have to remember that. I guess it goes along the same lines as positive thinking. It all starts with your own perception of the situation.


I came to the USA in 1998.

thanks again