the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 54

i just started researching on LD last week and am soooooooooooooo amazed. i mean we always had all the answers but just needed to wake up!!! lol am so glad i started researching on google! i love GOOGLE!! :smile: and dream journals i used to hear and read about all the time but thought why i dont need one! but now i know how fun and useful they can be. :smile: i love LD and will try to have fun everynight. :wink:

Hello, astral_kitkat here.
I am 19, and live in the US. I have recently (about 3-6 months) been interested in LD, AP, and OOBE and eventually found this awesome site. :smile:
Umm, I’m not really good with introductions so I will just leave it at that…(very shy :peek: ).
Anyways, glad to be here!

:welcome: hello soulconsole and astral_kitkat, welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:

soulconsole, I hope you decide to keep an on-line dream journal in the DJ forum> I feel it is easier to keep motivated when you have the support and advice of an whole forum behind you :content:

astral_kitkat, I’m sure you will feel comfortable here before too long and lose that shyness :happy: Due to your interest in AP and OOBE you will probably like our Beyond Dreaming and Spiritual Corner forums :smile:

Good luck with your lucid quests :thumbs:

This is like gaiaonline. lol well send me a pm if you wish to befriend me.

Hello :wave:

I’m Peridot, and I am a major lucid dreamer . I have many dreams in which they are extremely vivid and lucid.
Anyways, I found the forum 'cause I was looking around for constructed languages and found this site.

Glad to be here :content:


:welcome: hello AmaratheUnknown, welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your time here :grin:

:welcome: hello Peridot

That’s an unusual way to find us … you must have googled up My constructed language - Come and contribute! :eh: We do have quite a few interesting topics about subjects other than lucid dreaming and dreaming :content: . I wonder how many others have been brought to LD4all through one of these topics
:thumbs: I’ve already read your dream journal, it’s great that you decided to begin one immediately. :yay:


Just wanted to introduce myself. I’m new here and new to LD. I’m going to be starting a dream journal to track my progress, etc.

I tried to will myself to wake up during my dreams last night, to no avail. I DID, however, remember having 6 dreams, which is the most that I can remember ever remembering (that sounds weird). I guess that’s a start.

:welcome: here TC_1986 ! :smile: I hope you will enjoy it here :smile: You can also make some quests here or write your experiences :wink:

:welcome: to LD4all, hope you enjoy the forum. :boogie:

I was reading the forum for quite some time and I think it’s time to introduce myself :content:.
I think that by registering here I will get some help with my dreams as I try to have LD since april 2008 and still nothing. I also have problems with vision in my dreams. What I mean is that I mostly see action in a 3rd person view.
Anyway, hey all :smile:

Welcome to the forum Ishmur :wave:

I have a suggestion for trying to have a LD, try and meditate. That helps you to focus, and might increase your chances of having a LD.

Also, you can try Meditation and its effect on Dreams, that’s an experiment I’m hosting, it might help.

Hi! I’m new at LD’ing and i really want to try it, i just don’t have so much time for it (I go to school and work) which method should i use for best succes??

:welcome: hello TC_1986, Ishmur and Monkeydude, welcome to the LD4all forum :grouphug:

TC_1986, you have made a great start with your dream journal, I hope you keep it up :thumbs:

:yes: plus now you are able to read the dream journal forum too :smile: Some of the DJs in there are very inspiring and you may also like to read The BIG “My First LD” collection- Part IV and Your Most Interesting LD :grin:

When you become lucid, you should be able to change that :content:

I would recommend WBTB combined with MILD. But really you should look at
“How to Choose Your Technique” - By Treader
so you can find which technique really has the most chance of success for you
Links and short descriptions to all new and known techniques
for an overview of all the methods.

Two easy techs which don’t take any time at all are…
just performing reality checks
FILD when you wake in the night and are really tired.

I hope you all enjoy your time spent at LD4all and experience your first LD :dream: in the near future :smile:

Hi everyone, I’m Bumbeak and I’m new too! (What a coincidence.) I’m a dragon and I live under a couch. I also happen to be chief of the couch. That means that I rule everything that is under, over, near or is the couch.

I’m a writer and I play violin. I also like drawing and eating faces. I’m going to be a 3rd dan black belt in Tae Kwon Do soon.

The first and only time that I remember lucid dreaming was when I was five. The experience was so much fun that I decided to do all the most insane things I could imagine. As I grew up, I kept trying to induce lucid dreams, failing. When I mentioned it in school, one of my classmates gave me more information. That was the first time I heard the term “lucid dream”. Once I googled it, I found LD4ALL, and here I am.

Dats it. Go see my website. =-)>

Hi, I’m ninja9578, some of you may know me from the other big lucid dreaming sites. I’ve been lucid dreaming for about two years and consider myself fairly skilled at willingly inducing lucidity and controlling my dream.

I love to meditate, specifically to help me get into a WILD or for doing a WBTB.

Hehe, like the guy above me, I’m also into martial arts and have had a 3rd degree black belt for 7 years, but am too lazy to get my 4th. :razz:

Welcome bubeak! Ah dragon ey? You will feel right at home among the other dragons :content: :dragon: the couch, however is mine! :tongue: :hide:

Welcome Ninja9578, I always wonder what the numbers mean, are they just random, or related to anything special? there is a meditation experiment in the lab going on right now, maybe you like to join that one :smile:

Let me figure out the short & sweet introduction, otherwise, I’ll be here forever!
I had a life-altering experience with sleep paralysis/hallucinations when I was 17, although I didn’t understand what was occurring until just recently. My lucid dreaming began around the same time. Throughout my early 20’s my lucid dreaming was very controllable. I was able to recognize when I was in a dream state and manipulate my dreams with ease. These lucid dreams occurred very frequently, I’d say at least 2-3 times a week.
Fast forward into my 30’s when my sleep pattern became a little more irregular, with kids, waking at night, etc. I am able to recognize when I am in a dream state, but no longer able to manipulate as easily as before. I might get “halfway there” so to speak - Lets say I’d try to will a ferris wheel to appear in an empty field and I get a roller coaster instead. I have also been experiencing multiple false awakenings, one on top of another, on top of another.
In recent years, I have learned more about the connection between lucid dreaming & sleep paralysis, and although I cannot know for sure, (how do you prove something like this??) I believe I have gone straight into a dream state from an awake state. I would feel the sleep paralysis kick-in, the hallucinations and noises begin, and when the noises/lights stop, I am in my quiet room, but the furniture would be out of place. Or the walls a different color. This is how I would recognize I was dreaming. (Is this WILD?) These were my “flying” nights - i would get out of bed, open the window, and fly away - like swimming breast-stroke through the air. I could land, take-off at will, go higher, soar, you name it. I’d stop and meet people, some strangers, some people I know. Almost makes me feel as though they might have really been visited by me. I don’t dare ask
Last night I had one of my paralysis into lucid dreaming experiences, but it was not a good one. The lucidity was coming and going, and many times made me question whether I was dreaming or actually experiencing things in real life. I am here because I would like to find my way back to controlling my dreams like the way I used to.

:welcome: hello Bumbeak, ninja9578 and kmd415, welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:

We have a Big My first LD Collection in the dream journal forum, it would be great if you posted what you remembered about your first LD in that topic :content:

And now you have all the accumulated knowledge from the LD4all forum you will soon be having frequent LDs :yes:
I recommend browsing the knowledgebase forum first, especially the choosing your technique topic. :wiske:

You may like to attempt our monthly LD quest and earn some LD4all wings that you can keep forever :yay:
There are quite a few ideas of what to do when lucid in the adventures forum and you may like to check out the lucid lab.
Since you are experienced, I hope you are also willing to give people new to LDing some help in the quest forum :thumbs:

:wave: hello kmd415,


The best way to deal with that is by doing reality checks, it will act as a confirmation that you are dreaming and will make the lucidity stronger. :smile:
You are a 'natural lucid dreamer, so once you start reading about methods to increase lucidity and stabilise dreams you will be able to experience even better LDs than before :smile:

I hope you all enjoy being LD4all members as much as I do :happy:
Oh :boogie:
/me notices that you are over 30 and points to the 30 years or older link in her signature :grin:

I was getting mad at AOL trying to get a name with meaningful numbers so I hit the number pad and submitted it. That’s how I got those numbers :razz: I just joined the meditation study :smile:

If I get lucid tonight I will, otherwise I’ll wait for next month’s quest, and of course I’ll help others out, it’s part of why I’m here. :happy:

Hi everyone! I joined today. I’ve been interested in LD’s for some time but haven’t got any yet. I’m working on it.
I’m from Finland, so my grammar isn’t always very good… Try to be patient with me.