the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 55

Sure you can achieve… dream abnormality.
Ghostie is a nice guy,even tough sometimes a little mean :tongue:
Moogle is the master truitist,and yes,truit does come from trout,but i don’t know if it’s dutch… :eh:

Dont worry, I dont bite :wolfbite: I am kind, I just like to drive fun of pg-posters :razz:

panchac, watch out to become hostile to moogle, she always has her fish handy :cool_raz:

That’s what happened to me, I don’t know if it would happen to you, but on my first month, I went around reading every last weird dream I could find…

Later then, I had a white cat literally fly right in front of me, telling me, “I’M DREAMING!” Which was quite humorous after it happened!

:wolfbite: Mmm! Tasty truits!

For those wondering, my “persist” statement was a play on a line from the song “Silent Lucidity”, itself taken from Pat Garfield’s “Creative Dreaming”. I’m pretty smart huh? :grin:

/me looks forward to being greeted by the white flying cat :content:

well you got greeted by a white flying moogle … is that close enough?

/me didn’t always get the moogle part…
What is that supposed to be?Who invented it and why?
Oh,Panchak,I’d advise you start off by reasing some stuff in our LD4all knowledge base


You could chill with us in the Playground :content:

cough**whisperStart with the playground!cough :grin:

Yes, O Most Mooglificent One, that will do nicely!

Pridak, surely not the vampire game?
/me :wink:s @ Pridak’s location

P.S. The thread linked in your sig no longer exists :cry:

Hi, I’m new here!
and I’m new in lucid dreaming, too. going to start my dream journal as soon as I remember a dream : )

:wave: hello nagash, welcome to the forum :grin:
Don’t wait until you remember a dream. Start a dream journal now and put down any dream fragments that you recall. Sometimes once you put pen to paper, more dream memories surface :content:

Yay! Antiego! Nice to meet you again! (EDIT: Moogle moved his post :tongue:) only to “Generic I’m Back”

Also, hey Nagash! Don’t wait to start a DJ, if you can’t remember your dream, WRITE IT DOWN! Write down that you don’t remember it even!

When I started my DJ, I wrote down all the induction methods I knew, I remembered 3 dreams!

/me :truit: Panchak
No reference to my ppl’s history plz :grin: The wolves might get angry…

Welcome nagash!
May you find what you seek![/spiritual]

Aww, Pridak!!! :cry:

And here I was going to hit you with a really bad 80s pun; ever heard of this band:

[runs to escape another truiting] :grin:

Wtf there’s a band?
Isandur…a little help here? :tongue:
:truit: :truit: :truit:

Ok…seriousley…we should stop spamming in this topic…
Meet you in the Duel topic in the PG,tomorrow! :tongue:

Somebody called my name?
do i see clearly? its dracula’s band tepes mode (depesh mode with a new leading voice?)
Pridak, he’s making fun of our Dracula! lets suck his bloooood! :bat:

Hey. I’m new to the forum and just wanted to say hello. I hope to get to know everyone here well. :content:


Sorry about that, I’m sure you’ll get to know a lot of people well, especially if you start in the Playground… Hope you have plenty of LDs as are guarunteed with registry. Refunds if no LDs!
*Since registry is free, there are no refunds. Donations are one-way and you won’t get a refund if you don’t have an LD. See if LD4all is right for you.

I figured I’d be tolerated for one last post here! I’m off to find out what this “Duel” thing is…

/me chases Panchak into the playground while wielding a truit.

:welcome: hello Wing welcome to LD4all :grouphug:
Best places to get to know members are probably Adventures, Gathering, Playground and finally the dream journal forum where you can talk one to one to members about their dreams :content:

I hope you enjoy your time here :happy:

Thanks for the welcomes everyone :smile:

Hi everyone! I’ve been lurking for a while and finally decided to join!

I’ve been having really nice dreams lately, with lots of colors and textures and it’s inspired me to continue my quest of lucid dreaming. I’ve always had vivid imagination so LD really appeals to me, because it’s such a great outlet for imagination and it gives me great ideas artistically wise!

Looking forward to reading you all! You all seem like really nice people with open minds, which is quite rare on forums!

Finally, I want to apologize beforehand if I make some mistakes in all my posts, English is not my first language, so I tend to make more mistakes than I would normally.