the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 58


hello sarah, we have a Love in dreams topic in the stuff forum. It shows that these dreams are often bitter-sweet :meh:



Sounds like you could use this method to incubate LDs through MILD. You may like to look up the VILD topic too. Part I and part II (read the very first post for the method)

/me points to the stuff forum … we even have a nightmare DJ in there :wink:


Don’t forget to read the topics in the knowledgebase too. :content:
Good luck, hope you get a LD soon :smile:

:wave: hello mandi15 and David83, welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:

David :welcome: I hope you continue to enjoy the forum in the years ahead :content:
Good luck with your lucid quest :grin:


If you really KNOW that you are dreaming then they are LDs. But I am sure you will be able to have controllable LDs too soon enough :happy:

That is a great goal and a tremendous way to make each LD a form of prayer. :content: