the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 58

:wave: hello zaret, welcome to LD4all :happy:

ouch :meh: … if I get that amount I always need a good nap sometime during the next day

Taking your daughter to school must be giving you a natural WBTB :thumbs:

I hope you enjoy your time at LD4all :smile:

Hi, I’m Barbara and I’m new to both this site and the idea of lucid dreaming. It fascinates me, and I really want to figure out how to control them. I’m turning 18 in less than a month and have had just one conscious LD so far, which was amazing. I couldn’t believe the sensations that the dream gave me and knew I had to have another! I love this site, as well, and hopefully I can use the ideas here to help me have another LD :smile:

:welcome: Barbara and Zaret,
I think this site will really help you with your LD adventures! :content: I went from having maybe 1 a year to 6 this month and I’ve only been a member of this site since March. :boogie: I usually have them in the early mornings after getting out of bed for 5-15 minutes. I also noticed the earlier :sleep: I go to bed the more likely I am to have a LD.
Sweet Dreams!

:welcome: zaret and barbaraaa :boogie: is fun to see new members enter this site and I hope youll like it :mrgreen:

Hi im new, i started my quest for lucidity last night!
I read up on all the techniques, and before i went to bed yesterday i practiced as much as i could, using RC’s and WBTB along with MILD. i didnt achive lucidity (of course. :wink: ) but i did dream twice, they were more like movies, and they werent too vivid, and when i woke up i could only remember the last few seconds, i repeated some of the mantras ive seen, and it all came back to me! i filled about 6 more pages in my DJ, and im super excited. :grin:
Glad to be here, good day.

Welcome Lucidmobsir! :boogie: :hyper: :yay: You will love this place, its great! :grouphug: :hug:

Hi. I’m new to Lucid Dreaming and currently working on improving my dreram recall. A while back, I was experamenting with lucid dreaming. (At that time, i did not use a DreamJournal, which I now know was a complete failure idea to go without ) After a while I gave up because it didn’t seem as though I was getting anywhere.
Recently, I was reading an article about the song “Higher” by Creed, which turns out is a song about lucid dreaming. So therefore Scott Stapp inspired me with his amazing song and lyrics to give lucid dreaming a second chance.

:welcome: lucidmobsir and The3rdBorther :cool:

I hope youll find this site useful :wink:

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:wave: hello Barbaraa, Lucidmobsir and Thethirdbrother :cheer:
It’s always great to welcome new people :smile:

I love the feeling of satisfaction as you learn to do more and more things during LDs :boogie:
It’s always a good idea to make a small list of your LD goals that you wish to aim for :content:

mmm Lucidmobsir, I have a little feeling that you know isandur :eh:

that is great.
If you wish to share your dreams, we have a dream journal forum in which you can start your own DJ topic :grin: … I would love to follow your progress

:yes: it doesn’t help to try to cut corners. I’m sure you will do a lot better this time :happy:

I wonder if that is mentioned in lucidity centerstage? (searches)
oo, no-one has mentioned it yet … you should post about it in List of Music about LD/dreaming/sleeping…

I look forward to reading your future posts and getting to know you all better :grin:

Hi all,
I´m kinda new here, I stumbled over this forum last year and got into lucid dreaming. I had my first LD after two weeks and my abilities has improved ever since. I really find the WBTB technique combined with MILD effective, even though it can be tough to get up in the morning :razz:

Yesterday I set up a blog where I´ll write about lucid dreaming and other dream related stuff, so now I´m writing on a beginners guide on how to become a lucid dreamer. LD4all´s guide is great, but I want my own guide :smile: When I get some content online I hope I will get alot of feedback from you people :smile:

Anyway, Hi! :smile:

:welcome: lucidblogger, I love your entusiasm :happy:

You can trust me, Ill give you feedbacks whenever I can :tongue:

and good luck with your own guide :wink:

EDIT: uäääää! the swedes are finding their way here :cool_raz:

What’s up guys? I’ve been lucid dreaming on and off for the past three years… actually learned it from, but fell out of practice the past year. I’m hoping that by integrating lucid dreaming into my daily life I’ll get back into the swing of things. When I did lucid dream, I think I had about a total of 50. I used to keep a journal, and have gotten back into that. Anyway, nice to meet you guys!

:welcome: effinjones, you had a lot of LD’s :grin: and now you have entered the forum :tongue:

/me looks forward to see if EJ is gonna open a DJ in ld4all too :biggrin:

Welcome EffinJones, hope you´ll have a good time here on the forums! :smile:

Thanks guys! I hope to tomorrow, if I have any interesting dreams.

Hello! Im spooky (yes i am :tongue: ) and i started to read about lucid dreaming about 28. april 2009. I first read about it in a norwegian forum (im from norway btw) and then they linked to this site and said it was great, and it is great! Im currently currently working on my dream recall (i’ve just remembered 2 dreams so far, but it was the 2 last days, one yesterday and one today). I am also doing RC’s.

:welcome: spooky to ld4all, I hope this forum will keep your motivation for LD’s up and running :mrgreen:

Ah, I see youre a neighbor gissa mitt land :tongue:

Good luck :wink:

Hej hej spooky!
Welcome to the forum! I hope you have your first lucid dream soon! :smile:


hello lucidblogger, EffinJones and spooky :grouphug:
welcome to the LD4all community

@lucidblogger, I’m glad you have made great progress over the last year :yay:
I look forward to seeing your guide when you have completed it … when you have been here longer (50 useful posts required), you may consider applying to be a scribe for the LD4all knowledgebase forum.

@effinJones, welcome back to LDing :happy:

I’m sure you will get into it again :thumbs:

@spooky … I had to laugh :rofl: when I saw your post next to ghostie’s post :wink:

:yay: ← agrees

You should consider starting a LD4all DJ in our dream journal forum it’s a great way to stay motivated and it’s fun being able to share your dreams :content:

I’m new here!

I discovered LDs casually about an year ago and i was very enthusiastic about it!
A few days later i founded LD4all, wich was very clear about how i could start my quest for Lucidity. It was really more effective than other websites, with easy step by step instructions and good advices, so it is thanks to LD4all that i started seriously! Thanks a lot!! Unfortunately i lost motivation easily even if i really wanted to experience LDs!

A couple of weeks after i stopped my quest for lucidity i had my first LD :cool: ! It came naturally without any technics but my lucidity didn’t last very much. So i tryed to do more LDs during the year, but never had them after the first one.

Now i’m trying again, i’m really into it, like never before! :smile:
I do RC everytime i can, read much things about LDs, listen to binaural beats (the ones i find in youtube) , and i started even to take vitamin b6 pills before sleeping (lol! i cound’t swallow pills before now, but i’m really motivated and i’ve done it!!) and now i would like to join the LD4all forum to share my experiences and thoughts with you guys!

I’m glad to be here! :content: