the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 58

hello, I’m Steve, or “WTFA54” as it says roughly 3 inches to the left. I’ve currently yet to experience a lucid dream, but I hope that perhaps in becoming a contributing member of this forum I’ll have a breakthrough soon. To be honest, I actually planned to just mooch off the wonderful resources available without ever joining, but when I found out that the art section required that you be logged in, I was compelled to register. :wink:

:wave: hello mackdog, skyjordan17, Deusabscondidum, theycallmejon247 and buttrfli :happy:
welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:


It’s a shame that people don’t talk about dreaming as an every-day subject. Apparently my mum told my elder sister she could change dreams due to bad dreams … but had never thought to tell me (not fair :tongue: ).

You may like to see if you can get your hands on a copy of “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” by Stephen Laberge. They may have one in the college library. :content:


If you upload the results, you could post links to it in Garden of Creation or Fruits of Lucidity, we would love to hear the compositions that you create.

:smile: A second welcome to the forum :happy:
It was fun to read the forum dream produced by your LD4all browsing :smile:

Even your ‘normal dreams’ sound fun. :content:


:content: It’s possible to explore ideas and/or ask DCs and dream objects questions.
… and what’s wrong with just simple LD fun :yay:


I liked the way you told the dream … good writing but it felt natural.

Hope you all enjoy your time spent on LD4all and I look forward to getting to know you all. :smile:

Hai, I’m new 'round these parts. My interest in lucid dreaming is completely spontaneous. It sounds pretty cool, though, and my goal for the summer is to be able to lucid dream at will frequently enough. Tonight will be my 4th attempt. Wish me luck. XD

:welcome: hello Kenny, good luck for tonight and all the following nights :thumbs:

hey! ive been lurking around these parts for some time now (3 weeks) and i finally decided to become an official LD4all member. i’ve only had 2 LDs so far but its all because of you people! and to show my gratitude, i joined to tell yall THANKS! so i hope we can all grow, share and help all our LD experiences together… :content:

:grin: welcome to the forum :grouphug:
You will be able to read the DJ forum now :smile: and get more inspiration. I recommend the “Big First LD Collection” (you may wish to post your first 2 LDs there) and “Your Most Interesting LD”. They are both stickied, so easily found near the top of the DJ forum :content:

Hi, eveyone! :smile: I’m Taylor… I started becoming interested in lucid dreaming very recently. The past 2 weeks, I have been having very vivid, unusual dreams. I came across this site and have been lurking for a little while now. I immediately wanted to try lucid dreaming, but after several failed attempts and a previous fear of SP (first experience was terrifying), I gave up. I wrote down a few of my dreams to begin with to try and get familar with my dreamsigns, but I eventually stopped doing that, too. Last night lucid dreaming was the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep, but I managed to become lucid on my own, on accident I suppose. :smile: It was an amazing experience. I wrote all about it in The BIG First Lucid Dream topic. :content: After experiencing it for the first time, I am very interested in lucid dreaming again. Well, I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello! :smile: Hopefully there are many more lucid dreams coming my way. :wink:

:wave: hello taylornboone, welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:
I read your first LD [link] and you did well to control the level of excitement :content: It’s great that you remembered the stabilising techniques :thumbs:
I hope you decide to start your own DJ in our DJ forum to record your LD progress :happy:

Hey taylornboone. Welcome. I’m new here as well.

I read your “BIG First Lucid Dream” post. Good stuff. Congrats on being able to stabilize your LD. :woo:

My first (and, as of now, only) LD wasn’t as interesting as yours, and, as you can tell if you click on the following link, I didn’t do such a good job of stabilizing mine… [link] :neutral:

See you around the forum. Good luck with your LDs. :happy:

Hey, been looking around this forum for a week i think and decided to join.
Happened to accidentally run into this website from searching something (can’t remember what it was :eh: ) and it seems that it is really fun to do. Might have had a 1 or 2 lucid dreams before I even knew about this. Anyway, I used to live in the US about a year ago until I moved here(Philippines) from family reasons(not getting into detail with that). School is starting for me soon (In the Philippines school starts in June) so I’ll try to get on here when i can. Hope to get to know you guys soon :content:

Hi Detsu! :wave: Welcome to ld4all! I’m also relatively new here. I hope you get a massive amount of lucid dreams! :content:

:wave: hello Detsu, welcome to the forum :grouphug:
I’m glad you decided to register, now more sub forums will be available for you to browse :content:
Hope you enjoy your time here and experience some great LDs :boogie:

Thanks, I hope so too

Hi, I’m pretty new to this forum and to the world of Lucid Dreaming. I have looked through this site a lot, and I am actually in the process of using WBTB right now!

Anyway, this is an awesome website and I enjoy using it! :hurray:

welcome, horsegal

Glad you enjoy the site!

:welcome: welcome to the LD4all community :grouphug:
Good luck with your WBTB :thumbs:

Welcome horsegal! hope u enjoy it here :smile: if you have the chance- come check out the chatroom!

Hi there,
I’ve been back and forth to this site a few times over the last month or so and thought I would introduce myself. I’ve had lucid dreams and OBEs intermittently for a long time, and I’d like to gain more control over them. I look forward to getting to know everyone on the forum!

I just joined LD4ALL 3 days ago. So far, it is awesome! I have had lucid dreams since I was born. I never knew why, or what they meant. Now I do! :happy:

I just had my first lucid dream since joining the forums! Not my first ever. xD
My Lucid Dreams are sometimes a little too lucid… One of them was where I was dreaming that I knew it was a dream, and I was downstairs sitting next to a plug with a nightlight in it. I woke up the next morning, and I was next to the plug, with the nightlight in it. We didn’t have a nightlight that worked!! Lucid Dreams are creepy, but fun :happy:

So I hope to make a dream journal here soon. It will contain random and “what the heck?” dreams. :grin:

Hello everyone.

Okay, here’s my introduction: My name is Fred, I’m 16 years old and currently going to college. (Taking Spanish I, and Psychology…) I’m a fan of general gaming, good old debate and foruming. I personally enjoy the study of philosophy, ancient history (Romans, Greeks) and Medieval history. Interesting stuff.

I have some experience in modding forums, administering them, and running them. So I know all about the FAQ’s, rules, and the plain craziness that goes on.

Thanks. NOW BOW TO ME.