the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 59

It’s easiest to do right after youve just awakened from another dream.
Be patient.

Sup Spider?

Met you in chat already, thanks for informing me about the Artemisia Vulgaris.

Hi! I’m a 15-year old guy from Sweden. I live in Nyköping, a small city south of Stockholm.
I came across some information about Lucid Dreaming on a Swedish gaming site and then I found a link to this site. :smile:

I have now read most of your guide about LD and I’m very interested in trying all this stuff. Now I just have to remember my dreams a little better! :wink:

Ps. My English is not very good, but I try my best :content:

Welcome Spider, Vaermina, aznkelly, and flio3! I already met you in chat, Spider, but I’ll welcome you again. :slight_smile: And for those of you worrying about your English, it’s actually pretty good. It’s nice to meet you all, and I’ll likely see you elsewhere around the forums!

Happy dreaming! :slight_smile:

Yes I actually was. Haha :colgate: Yay :content: I have an old account there!

Hey all, irish dreamer here.

Was into dream exploration back about 7 years ago but life got too distracting after that up until January of 2008 when i rekindled the old flame and took it a step further with Lucid dreaming.

Have had a few lucids since then and looking to explore deeper now to make it a regular event.

Hope to speak to a lot of you really soon.


Hello, and a pleasure to meet you all.

I found this site yesterday and was terribly excited. I had a LD once before, but couldn’t remain lucid. I also have a lot of trouble remembering me dreams, so I thought a DJ was a fabulous idea. Last night I tried the exercises described in the guide to help remembering them and was extremely pleased to find that in the morning I could write down two dreams. One of them was over two pages long.

Anyway, I hope to become an art teacher and thought that a LD would be great inspiration for a project when I get back to school and maybe improve my portfolio.

All and any advice for my quest would be greatly appreciated.

<3 Beelzebub

Hey guys! My name is Ash. I’m pretty young but I’ve had lucid dreams before. When I was younger I’d get scared and jump off of things to wake up. Whoops haha. I started keeping a dream record 3 weeks ago, and I’ve had 2 lucid dreams in the past 3 days (haven’t had one sicne I was around 9). In the last one, all I remember is holding a bag of chips and saying “I’m lucid! Yes!” and then it just blacked out. Hope this site helps :smile:

Thank you, for your welcomes! :content:
psychedelicboodle thanks for the tip :biggrin:

I hope my first LD will be very exciting :lmao:

:welcome: cutmeupashley and Beelzebub to ld4all :colgate:

It will :grin: what do you want to know?

How could I miss to welcome you? Im a swede as well :tongue:

Wellcome to all of you new ones.
You will see that people on this forum are extremely helpful and kind.
they where to me… :wink:

Welcome to LD4all, Selene, Kandismon, nightEagle, Lufsen, Aelyissía, Maniac91,
Spider, Vaermina, aznkelly, psychedelicboodle, flio3, MrDamon, Beelzebub and CutMeUpAshley :grouphug:

sends lucid vibes to all

hope you all enjoy your time on LD4all and experience some great LDs :content:

Thanks moogle :content: !

Hey guys, how’s it going? I decided to register for the forums here, for the fun of it.

I’ve been interested in dreams for quite some time, and have recently grown only more so. Though I’ve never had a lucid dream (that I can remember or that lasted more than ten seconds), I’ve become quite fond of my normal dreams. Of the ones I keep track of (basically ones that aren’t boring), many have been real funny, heartwarming, or some other such feeling. I don’t ever remember having nightmares-- nearly all of my dreams I remember are positive in some way, and if they’re negative, they’re usually so in a movie-like sense, and I am never actually bothered by them (I once had a dream in which I was shot, and I was pretty amused by it when I woke up right afterwards). For this, I’m grateful, and I always look forward to what fun or interesting things my dreams may bring me.

Anyway, I’ve browsed this site and its forums many a time, but have only recently thought to join it, so that I might participate in discussions. I’m always interested in talking about dreams, so hopefully joining the forums here can yield some good stuff!

Welcome Tonchiki :content: !

Hi there! :bounce:

I read about LD in a spanish forum, and I decided to search for more information about it. LD4all seems to be the best site for it :grin:
I hardly remember dreams now, just few details or little actions in the dream, but I expect to improve my recalling and become lucid some day!
Hope that LD4all helps so :3

:welcome: konchiki and kekos :grouphug:

It IS the best site :grin: everone is helpful here :wink:

Good luck :happy:

:welcome: hello Tonchiki and Kekos, welcome to LD4all :grouphug:

There is also the added bonus that some subforums can only be viewed by members, eg the Dream Journal forum and this one :smile:

Personally I think it’s important to like your normal dreams too :smile: Don’t forget to start your own dream journal if you would like to share some of your dreams with us.

We have a topic called “ever been shot in your dreams?” in the stuff forum

On behalf of pasQuale and all of us … thank you :happy:

There is a big recalling dreams topic in the stuff forum and also a Improving Dream Recall topic in the knowledgebase forum.

I look forward to reading all about your very first LD :happy:

Huzzah, i’m new!
…well not really, i’m on the chat sometimes but i finally decided to join the forum.

OK hi thx bye

(yay a post) :cool_raz:

Welcome to the forum, kwaran! :cool_laugh: