the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic part 61

What’s up? I am new here!
I’ve had a couple of lucid dreams but I never thought there was a word for it until I stumbled upon this site! I think lucid dreaming is very interesting and it’s great to see that other people also get to experience it sometimes.

That’s my introduction!

Welcome Retro to LD4all! ^^
You’ll discover LD’ing can be a world of discovery and adventures, once you get used to them and have them frequently. Remember to always enjoy yourself, and look for guides/ask if you need any particular help! :wink:

:welcome: retro to ld4all :thumbs:

And congratulations for the LD’s :cool_laugh: its nice to meet other swedish LD’ers as well :cool:

And welcome everyone who I havent welcomed :tongue:

Hey everyone! :peek: I’m new, and wondering if anyone has tips on becoming lucid… I was lucid once… but it was for a short while. I hate alarm clocks. :grrr: If I should go to another forum for tips, just tell me. :smile: :help: me, please!!
Thank You!! :smile:
Oh, and by the way, my name is Taylor. But you can call me that or Turtle, which is my nickname. :content:

:welcome: to LD4all Turtle. Haha, Alarm clocks really are a creation of pure evil :tongue:

Quest for Lucidity Is a great place to check out for tips about getting to lucidity. There are MANY, MANY topics there with common questions already answered.
Good luck getting lucid again.

Thanks, Ysim!! I will go there then. :content:

Hello everyone!

I have recently become very interested in becoming a LDer and have been lurking these forums for a few days now and thought it was about time I signed up and said hi!

I don’t think I have ever previously had a LD, and rarely used to remember any dreams but in the short 4 days I have started to try some methods here with a journal etc and already I’m remebering quite a few dreams per night, which I can thank this website and forum for. I hope I can have my first LD soon, although as I understand it, patience is an important thing here.

Welcome Talyna! :wave: You’re on the good way, so keep going and be confident you’ll have a LD soon! :content:

Hey everyone! I’m Ari, nice to meet you. I’ve been interested in LDs for a while now, but only recently got back into really focusing torwards them. Last night and this morning while trying a form of WILD I got into what was probably sleep paralysis, I was doing a method where you twitch your muscles slightly to make your body think you’re asleep, and dreaming but already in SP, and I realised I couldn’t move my leg. It was kinda freaky at first, lol!

I’ve had about three lucid dreams before knowing they existed, probably more, and on a more random note, not too long ago I did a somersault… and knee’d myself in the forehead.

Welcome Ari! Don’t worry, it’s easy to get used to the sensations you feel when WILD’ing, no matter how weird, since it’s all hamless :smile:
And the somersault story made me laugh, keep trying! :content: It will only be a matter of time before you get a perfect one.

I’m new! :smile:

Welocme FawnDawn! :wave: be sure to have a read of the guides whe have here, not to mention the site guide by pasQuale. Hope you have an enjoyable time here :smile:

hello! :welcome:

Hi everybody! I’m new here! :grin:

Welocme Jupiter9333 to LD4all! :wave: I suggest you start with reading the LD guide written by pasQuale, then you can have a look at the more in-depth guides in the Knowledge Base, feel yourself at home :smile:

welcome everyone!

Hi all!

I am new here and new to lucid dreaming. I got interested in LD a couple months ago and started researching and trying. I’ve had 3 lucid dreams so far, but they were short and I can not get lucid consistently. Can not put a finger on what gets me lucid most effectively yet.

Read about the Dream Journal here. I will try that, but it’s a little tough, because I have a busy schedule and sleep time is precious and mornings are busy.

I really want to progress on LD, because I have a lot of questions for the “dream” and I think this will contribute greatly to my spritiual growth.

Look forward to reading more on this community.

Welcome yozhic to LD4all! :wave:
A DJ can be just a little notebook on which you jolt down notes about the dreams you had, and it can take 5 minutes or less, so you can do it while keeping your schedule, and it’s very important, as it gets you used to remember your dreams by the time you awaken.
I wish you a successfull journey. :content:

Thanks tosxyChor. Yes, the more I read on the topic, the more I understand that DJ is very important.

And, interestingly, I see the connection going the other way: since I started researching and trying to LD, my regular dreams started getting more vivid and I remember them better. Makes me even more convinced that it shoud work the other way around.

Hey everyone,
just got back to lucid dreaming a few months ago
the first LD I had when I was about 13 or 14 years old´
never talked about it… but now I think it’s time to do this… here XD
cucu, Lucy #:slight_smile: