The BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 65

Hey everyone. New here too, but had some lucid dreams. Trying to get more through this website!

Welcome Goodgame and Neyachos! I hope you can both develop your lucid dreams into a further state :happy:. You’ve come to the right forum.

:welcome: GG to the forum :cool_laugh: I remember that you were in IRC last night and I certainly hope you like the forum as well, good luck on your Quest for Lucidity :biggrin:

:welcome: Neyachos, youll certainly get more lucids when here :wink: also Lucid Adventures is a good place if you want tips what to do while lucid :cool_raz:

thank you ghostie!!

Ola co-dreamers, hope you’ll welcome me to the dreamers ball :wink:
Already on the dutch forum for a while and now also here.
Approx. once or twice a month I have a lucid dream and hope to increase them.
Guess I’m going to read… a lot.
Happy lucid dreaming to all of you!

Hello Everyone!

My name is Dan. I am a sophomore at the University of Michigan. I first learned about lucid dreaming in 2006. Ever since then, I have been keeping a dream journal, but I wasn’t very serious until this summer, when I finally recorded every dream for five months. I’ve learned so much from this site. This has been my favorite lucid dreaming website since 2006. I was just too shy to start posting on a forum, after all I am a Computer Science major. Finally, I decided to get an account here and started posting today. I am still trying to improve my lucid dreams, even with all the stress of college, something I’m sure many of you can relate to.

Well, anyway, I am happy to start posting with you all.
Sweet Dreams tonight!

PS - Welcome VampieraNL! I hope you have good luck increasing the number of lucid dreams you have.


That is all

Eeej tnx diees!
@Don10, hallo back!

Hello everybody my name is matt and i have been born and raised here in New Mexico all my life!! Have not had a full controllable LD and look forward to having one soon!! Hope to make some good LD friends here!!

Hi matt and :welcome: to ld4all :cool_laugh: youll have your full controllable LD soon and you will get good LD friends here as well :cool:

Why not also join IRC (the chat)? :grin:

Hi all!

I’m new on this forum, and I’ve always been fascinated by dreams. Having control over my dreams is something that I’ve, for a long time, considered as impossible, appart in a SF or fantasy world. After having seen Inception (excellent movie), I was almost irritated of not being able to control dreams. I then did some research on interent, and discovered the lucid dreaming. I couldn’t first believe that such a thing could exist, but, after reading messages on various forums, and after having studied the work of Stephen LaBerge, I admitted that it was finally possible.

It has now been three month since I’ve tried to have a lucid dream, with various techniques (Remembering dreams, auto-suggestion, RT), but I’ve never succeeded. When I talked about LD at my parents, they took me for a mad man, a schizophrenic, and many things like that :content:

Well, this forum looks very good, i’ts the first time that I see so many peoples fascinated by LDs :smile:

PS: I’m French, sorry for eventual ortohgraph/grammer mistakes

Hi… My name is Loah North/Zeal. Whats up with my name? Rarely do I insist on the name Loah as a single. I’m most commonly referred to as Loah North, although as a given name, I am Loah Zeal. “North”, is a reference to a curtain order, or group/classification. What it represents is still cloudy to me. That being said, Its difficult to discern what is a better name for me. To me, it doesn’t really matter.
(That made no sense at all. My name is Loah.)

As above, it’s very difficult for me to explain things, ideas, or experiences, because a lot of it relies on preliminary insight of my complicated mind… The hardest part is to figure out where to begin… Obviously if I started at the very beginning, I would probably have to write a book for it to be understood, unless I’m careful. So if I say things, or mix things up, I’m sorry. It happens often, and I usually end up having to go back and rewrite what I said, because it may have given the wrong impression or implication…

deep breathe The main goal of writing this, is to well… introduce myself. I signed up on this site a couple days ago. And I’ve been looking around, getting to know the place, and trying to figure out where to start. So why here? Well, the specific thing I wanted to talk about is that me and my dream experiences, have always seemed to be different in nature to what I read and hear from others. I’ll just try to keep this simple, because I could drag on forever…

Firstly, I did not know the definition of LD, or even heard the word until I was around 15. The reason I started reading about LD, is because someone had brought it up at one point, and I was curious. Every once in a while I come in contact with others dream experiences, and they are different in a number of ways. Content of course is different, but the mechanics of my dreaming don’t seem to be the same as “typical rules”. I had always believed that dreams were as I was seeing them, and that everyone else dreams operated similar to mine. Well, over the years, I have discovered that I was very wrong. But it may just be that I am viewing them or understanding them in the wrong way… I have never been involved in a community that dealt with this kind of thing, so I am interested to see how things go…

I am however concerned about all this, as the content I wish to discuss probably does not work well for the basis of this community… But you know, If it isn’t, then I will refrain from straying from the purpose of this place. At least it is a milestone.

Im new here too :happy: Well sort of…I’ve been on for 3 days I think?
Anyways, Ive already spoke to a few people on chat and in the playground :razz: But yeah im new…sooo…awesome :smile:

:welcome: superdreamdude to ld4all :cool_laugh:

Im one of those you spoke with in IRC :razz:

Hello everyone!

Just found this website yesterday and it looks pretty nifty. I became interested in lucid dreaming about a month ago and have attempted a few times and got really close once! I’m going to start trying harder by doing more reality checks and what not. Hopefully I will have more success soon! Anyways, I’m excited to see what I all find on here. Seems to be filled with very interesting people! :smile:

:welcome: Malia to ld4all :cool:

Good luck getting your Lucid Dreams and you surely will friend a lot of people in here :colgate: and keep up doing the RC’s, the LD surely comes soon

:wave: Neyachos, Goodgame, VampieraNL, dlees, Don10, SeavOne, Bruce2, Loah, SuperDreamDude2000, Malia,welcome to the ld4all community

It would probably be ok, just message a mod to see which forum your topic should go into if you are unsure where to place it or even if you should post it.

Hello. Well, my name is Ricardo, I’m 15 and I’m from Costa Rica. I found out aboit lucid dreams about 2 years ago and I had about 4 of them, but then I lost interest and I haven’t had one since then. One of this days I made a list of things to do in life (have you ever done one of those?) and I remembered about LD’s and decided I wanted to regain my ability to have them. So, I downloaded an app for the iPod that helped with LD’s and it mentioned this page. So… That’s how I got here.

I used to participate in a forum like this one but in Spanish (I’m a native Spanish speaker) but the forum ceased almost all activity when the main mod (Mariana Vernieri, maybe you’ve heard about her, she once did a great effort to promote LD’s within the Spanish-speaking community) virtually dissapeared back in 2007, to reappear at the end of 2010 just to say she wrote a book and post some anouncements of it. That dissapointed me, so I also was looking for another forum like that one. And this one is awesome! XD

So, anyway, that’s my story… I hope I’ll get more LD’s from now on! XD

Hi all!
I´m totally new here but not that new to lucid dreaming :content: I live in sweden and I´m diagnosed with narcolepsy and as a side effekt I dream alot. Really, alot and I remember pretty much everything wich can be good or bad depending on how you see things. I often suffer from sleep paralysis as well, a scary state.

I joined here because of my dreaming, I have managed to control my dreams quite often but not all the way or for a prolonged time, I really love to fly and beeing out in the beautiful wild in my mind. Its my safe place kinda :content:

I had the unimagneable luck to complete a quest/adventure without intending to, probably wont happen again for a long time but It made me so happy so I just have to mention it!

If anyone have any questions regarding narcolepsy or sleep paralysis just PM me, Im not afraid of any questions. Although I´m probably gona ask a zillion questions myself in the forum on how to take full control of my dreams.

C ya out there in the forums! :peek:

:welcome: vista to ld4all :cool: and congratulations on completing the Quest :hurray: :clap: youre the first one that did it so far (I mean, right upon join and unintended :tongue: )

Dont be shy to ask, we will answer your Questions :cool_laugh:

And have fun in the forum, nice to see fellow swedes here :cool_raz: