The BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 65

Hey Im Ryan and I havnt gotten an LD after a few days. Getting skeptic le.

HI Ryan, welcome to LD4all :welcome:

If you’ve only been trying for a few days, there’s no reason to get skeptic. Except for some people that have natural abilities, it takes time and effort. Make sure to read through the FAQ’s and Tutorials section, as well as the Article Space. If you have questions about techniques or general LD induction, ask them in the Quest for Lucidity :content:

P.S. this thread will probably be move to the BIG: “Hi, I’m new here” topic, so make sure to check there if this one is locked.

Hello, everyone.

My name on the forums is Glyph but my real name is Andrew. I’m a freshman in college and lucid dreaming has been an element of my life since middle school. While I have not yet had a true lucid dream where I could control anything, I have had points in my life where my dream recall was phenomenal. I became interested in the topic at a young age and active dreaming has been a part of my life since.

I look forward to conversing with all of you!

Hey everyone! My name’s kendallc123 and I just joined yesterday. Lately I’ve been so fascinated with the brain and dreams. Well, I’ve always been amazed by dreams! When I was little I always wondered if I could control my dreams, like when I had a nightmare, I could defeat the bad guy! :grin:

I’ve had 2 flying dreams in my lifetime that I can remember and they were amazing!! I started thinking, I would want to have the flying ability and super speed or something! Or I could date my crush :wink: So, I finally found your site yesterday after searching and figuring out what lucid dreams were. Thanks for welcoming me and I hope to have my first lucid dream very soon!

:welcome: kendallc123 to ld4all :cool_laugh:

Nice experience with the flying dreams :happy: could be better lucid but Im sure youll be lucid in a fly dream once :cool: the possibilities in LD’s are endless, good luck getting one :cool_raz:

Lastly, I hope you enjoy your stay here, there are lot of people here to be friend with :tongue:

They call me Zonon, Zon for short
I made a .::Z0N0N::. account here but entered the age differently and ended up in a place where i have to mail the administrator, so i entered this acc with my real age lols
And sorry if there are any flaws in my english, AND the heck load of dots, will try to abandon that habit here :grin:
And i’m almost totally new to lucid dreaming too…

Thanks!! I hope I’ll be lucid in a flying dream soon :grin: and oh yeah! I’m enjoying my stay! Thanks for the welcome message :smile:

Hello! my name is Jetex1911, but i guess you can call me Jet.
Have i had a LD before? yes, when i was very little, and i wasn’t even trying, but ever since, i have not been able to have a ld again, and i am trying now.
I’m glad i found this site, and hope i have a pleasent stay!

Hey Jet!! :welcome: I just joined here recently too. Although I still have never had an LD that I remember. I’m trying though!! Welcome and I hope you’re enjoying your stay- I know I am! :hurray:

Hello, fellow dreamers. My name is Nega. I’ve been lately been piqued into dreams lately, due to either I don’t dream anymore, as in just black for 5-10 minutes, or just simply I don’t even remember them at all :sad: . I also decided to join because my twin brother joined not too long ago. As I always say, why not? :wink: I feel like I should try to have remembered dreams again, and more importantly, some Lucid Dreams that I have aquired when I was just a little child. Anyways, Feel free to say hello! :content:

Hi my brothers!GReetings to all here!my name is stathis im 25 years old and im from new to LD amd mot experienced yet but im searching about this over 6 years -reading-listening-learning from guys like you here!im thankfull that finnaly i found this webpage(the best and the most interesting which can really learn you things)a big gratz to all the guys here participating to make this webpage!thank you x 1000 again!as i said im new here and to lucid dreaming with no experiences only some kind of OBE(i wasnt ready to see my self sleeping to bed lol i though i died :razz:)by the way sorry for my english i know that they are not the best!by the way (i dont know why)i feel like i love you and i know you all from now forgive me for this!i will be here quietly to read your topics guys and learn more until i will make my first tries to have LD coz believe me its the only way to keep me alive and interesting to live in this world!with respect -Otherkin :wink:take care all!

hello and welcome guys, no one seems to be welcoming us maybe we can welcome our selves, i joined recently too lol :tongue:

yeah…!lol :razz: but its ok i think the guys are busy atm with their dreams i dont have problem so welcome too mate.! :happy:

Welcome, Nega. Everybody dreams, its just that some people wake up at phases of sleep where you don’t remember them. You must wake up at the end of the REM phase to remember a dream. If you wake up 15 min after it, you won’t remember anything at all. So try autosuggestion - keep a mantra before you go to bed or just set your intention to remember a dream when you wake up. Mantra could be something like: "I will wake up at the end of each dream and I will recall it.

Beat Doctor, mind if i ask u here?
I use MILD and say the mantra
‘Im going to dream now.Im in a dream. Im aware of my dream.’
It worked the first time i tried (Day before yester’night’)
And if i am to record the dreams and MILD what will be my mantra? :help:

Hi there everyone. I am happy to say I am a member of this site now. I have had a few lucid dreams in the past but I need a lot more practice :content: My goal right now is to be able to learn and use the WILD techniqe. :smile: Glad to be here.

Hello, please enjoy your stay here!

Hi everyone!
I’ve been trying for some time now to get lucid dreams. I think I’m making some progress, I’m getting better at recalling dreams, and lately I think I had a half lucid dream. Anyways, I believe I can thank this site and forum for much of this, both for giving knowledge and inspiration, so I figured I’d join the forum.
And, well, here I am.

Hi Livionium and :welcome: to ld4all :cool_raz:

Well, congratulations for coming so far already and may you have a full LD soon :colgate:

Well, enjoy your stay, and good luck with the LD’s :grin:

Hi guys. Sorry my poor English :shy:

It’s great that I have found this forum, looks great! Perhaps with your help I can get an LD again - :content: