The BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 65

Hola everyone,
I’m new to the forum I found it a few weeks ago, before that i heard a thing or two about lucid dreams but wasnt really paying attention to it.
I think I had this sleep paralisys thing when you wake in the midle of the night and couldnt move it was prety scarry the first time but when it happend the 3rd time I realized that I’m dreaming and it never happend again :happy: luckily
I had a few interesting dreams for example one reocurring that I can breathe under water. After reading a few articles and discussions it catched my attention and I started my quest to achieve lucidty :happy:
Today I realized for the 1st time that I’m dreaming during a afternoon nap( I catched a cold so thats why i was at home sleeping :sad: ) there was a movie shooting at my grand dad’s house :happy: i told to myself this cant be true and i become lucid for a short period I wanted to spin around and look on my hands but I was way too happy that I’m lucid (or pre-lucid) and lost control.

:welcome: to luizgall and zolee83hf!!!

Be sure to check out the FAQ’s and Tutorials section, and ask us if you have any questions.

P.S. luiz, your English is fine :content:

P.P.S. Congrats on the lucid, zolee, may you have many more to come :happy:

Hi all,

i’m already active on the dutch ld4all forum for quiet a few weeks… but now that it seems here is more reading material about lucid dreams, i also signed up here…

Since december 23, i am known with the term “lucid dreaming” and i am soo satisfied about this whole thing that i am going to have my own lucid dream :wink:.


Hi everyone!

I got into lucid dreaming in 2007, but had to quit obsessing over my dreams about three years ago when my waking life started to demand more of my time. I’m still leading a stressful life (= hardly any dream recall), but I’d like to try some LD-escapism nevertheless.

Sorry if my English is mangled, I haven’t used it in years…

Hi there.

Well French forum is down, so i come here to get some fun in LD’s with you guys!
I got all my LD’s randomly yet, mainly on holydays when i wake up on 10am and stay in bed until 2pm ^^

But now on, i’m working again and i wish i could get some better quantity and quality LD’s.

Hello! First forum Ive ever joined! :smile: I feel like an astronaut being sent into space, except that the destination is inner space to the world of dreams. Guess people like that are called oneironauts by some. I am really enthustiastic about LD, it is already adding new dimensions to this multi dimensional human experience and altering what I know of myself!
Good to be here with likeminden fellow earthy beings!

And you made a good choice of first forum, we have a really friendly international community here :grouphug:

Welcome to all the new comers, I hope you enjoy your time here.

Hey everyone. New member to the forums. I lucid dreamed alot as a child, before I knew what lucid dreaming even was and mostly just did things such as flying, floating and jumping higher then normal and various small things. I would estimate that I lucid dreamed probably an average of once a month some months more, and some months not at all for about 5 or 6 years. Around the time I hit puberty the lucid dreaming stopped, and now that I think about it, the vividness of dreams in general went way down, and remembering dreams became difficult.

The past few weeks I have been working to become lucid again, starting with a dream journal, RCs, etc. While I haven’t yet regained lucidity, I have had much more vivid, detailed dreams, and have been able to remember more dreams, some with a fair bit of detail.

So that is just a little background and introduction.

Hi everybody!

I am new to lucid dreaming. I remember having one particular lucid dream when I was a child and I was able to draw on this memory when reintroduced to lucid dreaming recently. After reading LaBerge and Waggoner, I have come to have seven lucid dreams within the past couple of months. I am eager to learn and explore more and was very happy to find this website and forum. It seems like a very warm and intriguing community to be a part of.

Thank you for having me as a member!

Hi Everyone

I first read about lucid dreaming a few years ago but kind of dismissed it at the time (I tend to be a bit sceptical). However my interest was peaked by watching Inception at the weekend and I decided to look into it again and found this fine forum :smile:

Anyway back to reading about it…
/me RC’s

Hey, just joined in, im now entering my third week of attempting to lucid dream. I had a lucid dream for a little bit (barely long enough to even count) on my third night so i am optimistic for the future. Hope to have a lucid journal entry soon. Until then you should check the entry im about to put up, most vivid dream ive had in years.

Hello everyone!

After a week of reading from this forum and the guide on this site I feel inclined to join in and introduce myself.

I’m Phantym and just had my first lucid dream this morning, using the WILD + WBTB methods after about a week of practice. :happy:

Welcome and congrats Phantym, it’s a great place to learn and share, I hope you’ll have many more LD’s!!


I’m new to LD4all, but not to lucid dreaming. I havent tried to LD in quite some time though, and to be honest I have only succeeded in having an LD on a handful of occasions (though when I managed it to it was sublime!).

Hopefully I will be able to find some good info here, so I can get back into it and have some more amazing lucid dreams.

Hi! :smile: I’m new here, but not to the concept of lucid dreaming. I’ve read about it a while ago (about a year or two) and decided that I really wanted to try, but never got around to it yet.

I’ve had no lucid dreams as of yet, but one fake one!

A couple days ago I watched Inception and now I’m 500% more motivated to do it! I’m starting a dream journal.

Looking forward to being on the forums! :smile:

:wave: Living_dead and glaringdream and :welcome: to ld4all! :grouphug:

Living_dead, this forum will most likely have the info you want :happy: good luck with the lucid dreams :smile:

glaringdream, glad to hear Inception inspired you, it inspired me as well :cool_raz: good luck you too.

I hope you both enjoy your stay here :cool_laugh:

Thanks GHOSTIE, from what I’ve seen of the site so far there’s more than enough ideas for me to try out, and hopefully increase my LD success.

Hi, I finally decided to join this forum after looking through some of the interesting archives. I have only had a few LDs in the past, but I hope to start having more. I definitely believe there are a lot of spiritual goods to be had in the dreamworld and that it is possible to unlock a lot of hidden intuition or knowledge so to say within the SC.

Well, hopefully I’ll have a LD tonight- I am planning on starting a dream journal now.

I am re-visiting after one brief look some years ago because I have lots of questions about my own questionable LD experiences. I seem to be lacking some info re stars. Cant find the info I need can you help? :help:
What are the stars below user names for and how do you obtain them? I have tried to find out myself but after reading a lot of good stuff I failed to find anything about the star ratings people have. :sadyes:
any help or advice relating to this would be appreciated as I intend to be more than just a casual observer from now on. My experiences are such a huge part of my night that I need to learn all I can about them.
So, how and why do you earn stars?Many thanks

Welcome Marc94 and bquips

Marc: Good luck on your quest for discovery in your SC! I totally agree, I’ve looked in my LDs for things that can be learned about myself as well. Also, good luck on the dream journal, and DON’T SLACK OFF ON IT! I know someone who did…
clears throat and coughs nervously
It doesn’t end good, so you MUST make it a commitment, it should be a part of your morning like a good breakfast and brushing your teeth (providing you have those healthy habits too :content: )

bquips: The best way to learn is by your mistakes, unfortunately this isn’t the type of thing you can learn like that, so do the next best thing and ask questions!
To answer your question here, the star ranking is by post amount, I’m not sure what each one is, but I think the first star is 5 posts, and 1000 is the 6th star… in between that, I have no clue, so you’d better become a part of the community and find out that way :tongue: Or someone smarter than me could just tell you

Anyways, a hearty welcome to both of you from the occasional and rarely welcoming yet somehow fantastic Download!
Can someone please back me up, here? I really don’t know what I’m even doing…