The BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 65

Another addition for the forums…

Hello all! I have already made a topic about one of thhe main reasons I am here–its about shared dream spaces! Other than that my goals for LDing are simply to help expand my horizons…and maybe speak to a few extra-dimensional beings once I am skilled enough, I hear they hang out in dreams.

Hi marc94, bquips and Jroasted, :welcome: to ld4all :grouphug:

About star thing, its based on posts, 10 for first and 2500 for last, and rest inbetween :cool_raz:

JRoasted, good luck about the shared dream spaces, sounds fun.

Good luck all three of you with your goals and enjoy your stay :cool:

I guess this is the post where you introduce yourself.

Hi, I’m Chris.

I have been playing around with LD and altered states since I was 13 years old, but was never fully successful and gave up for quite some time (pre-internet forum days). In the past few weeks, I was been reading a book where the author mentioned LDs. The book reignited my passion, so now I am here.

What I have accomplished in the past few weeks:
1 DILD - Realized I was dreaming then imagined that my dream rejected me and the DCs turned on me a la Inception style. Lucidity lasted all of 20 seconds before I woke up.

1 DILD from a False Awakening. I thought someone was breaking into our house, so I got up, started to move but couldn’t (one of my Dream Signs) so I turned into a wolf and slide down the stairs growling at whoever was trying to get in. Realized at that point I was dreaming and promptly woke up.

While I have been mainly following the MILD techniques from LaBerge’s books, I also have experimented some with WILD and induction via self-hypnosis and isochronic tones.

As part of my experimentation with isochronic tones, I am also playing around with Light and Sound Inductions using a Sirius Mind Optimizer with mp3s I created in Neuro-Programmer 3.

Hey guys, I had my first LD the other night :tongue: . I dreamed that I had fallen into a 21 year coma :bored: and when I woke up from it, I somehow became Lucid. I tried to create objects, but couldn’t. :neutral: But I had complete control of my thoughts and it was like I was fully awake! I even started singing loudly “I’m asleep, I’m dreaming…” and I couldn’t believe it! Anyway, that’s what inspired me to try LD. I tried WILD yesterday but I fell asleep when the HI was starting to turn into shapes and patterns. I’m gonna try again today :wink: I want to turn into a Dragon, fly (of course) and do other things. :content:

Hi, I’m new. A friend who is enthralled in lucid dreaming has tried to get me into it. I think I’d be stupid not to pursue it.

WBTB hasn’t worked well for me, but my cycles are all messed up. I can, however, become lucid in a dream as long as I perform a hand reality check. All I have to do is look at them really, and I know. I just haven’t been doing my reality checks.

I’ve become lucid a couple times, but was ungrounded quickly. Next time, I’ll remember to try the different techniques to stay dreaming.

Anyway, I like forums. I figure participating in the forums will have lucid dreaming more on my mind, and I’m more likely to become lucid.

Hi everyone !

I’m a 20 year-old French student girl living in Bordeaux, France, and a new lucid dreamer. I’m glad to join the community !
I first took interest in lucid dreaming about a year ago, when I had my first sleep paralyses. Pretty scary as I didn’t understand what was going on… But I searched on the Web and found explanations. I still have SPs at times but I can now keep them under control.

My research on SPs led me to learn about lucid dreaming. I focused on two sites : and I started practicing reality checks and I also planned to write down my dreams in a note book, but my studies had me very busy and tired and I lacked motivation to keep trying lucid dreaming so I gave up.

I kind of tried again a few weeks ago, no particular method but just doing RCs regularly in the daytime. And it finally happened, I had a RC while dreaming and I became lucid for a very short time. It happened again a few nights after, but it was a thin borderline between a normal dream and a LD. And last night I first talked to a DC while being lucid (and that was pretty strange, I’ll report it in the right topic).

Welcome, Chris, idylwyld16 (any way to shorten it?), biobio, and Ulalume

Chris: It sounds like you’re well on your way, hopefully this forum will provide some inspiration and possibly new techniques you’ve never heard of!

idylw…: Sounds like how I found LD4all, mystified by my first LD! Good luck with your future LDs and hopefully you’ll learn more about techniques here.

biobio: You have a very smart friend as well, and I agree it would be rather stupid to not try out LDing. It’s great that you have someone in real life to talk about LDs as well, many of us here don’t have that luxury, I know I don’t.

Ulalume: Don’t give up! Once you really start having lucid dreams, you’ll find that it’s worth it. I agree, it can be really difficult to keep a dream journal at times, I’ve failed with mine (shame!) but I’m working hard trying to pick up the habit. Try as hard as you can to keep going, and congrats on the lucidity!

To all of you: Remember to make a dream journal in the proper area :content:

Hi everyone :smile:

I’ve already read a lot on this forum but this is my first post.
Someone, who is actually an expert lucid dreamer, introduced me to lucid dreams about a month ago, and now i just can’t stop thinking about it.

A few days after, i was lucky enough to have my first lucid dream, without even trying :smile: At that time, i didn’t know anything about the different techniques and methods to induce a lucid dream. Yet, during a nightmare i saw a door and the penny dropped, i thought “if i open this door, i’ll be lucid”. And indeed, it resulted in a 5 minute or so lucid dream, that put me in a great mood for the day after :smile:

As the experience was so amazing, i decided to learn more about LD: i definitely want to do it again.
At first, i was kind of lost so i tried different methods, mainly the WILD which (i know) is not recommended for beginners (but i’m curious :tongue:). After reading this forum and other ones, i’ve decided to take it seriously and begin with the first step, so i started a dream journal 2-3 weeks ago. And it bears fruit :smile:

I’m happy to join you here !

Hello everyone :hugs:

I’ve been interested in LDs for well over a year now, and ever since I’ve been trying to have LDs.
My first LD was when I was about 10 years old, when I kept having a free-falling dream that constantly jerked me awake literally every night. While in this ‘phase’, I stumbled upon an article a girl like me wrote about how she herself had the same experience as me, and it said that to stop the repetitive dreams I was having was to stay calm and let myself fall. A few nights later, I had the same dream again, but this time I suddenly remembered about the article I had read -insert LD victory music here-. So I calmed down and as scary as it was, I kept falling and falling and falling until I finally reached the ground. It was just as the article said it would be like: I just stopped falling and walked it off, no injuries of anything.

After this experience, I became a little aware of being able to control my dreams, but it wasn’t until I stumbled upon a forum that I completely realized what a LD was.

The thing that intrigues me the most about LDs are Spirit Guides. Ever since I first read about them, I’ve been hooked immediately. To tell the truth, I think I’ve definitely found my Spirit Guide. Let me tell you the story of when I first met her, my Spirit Guide named Moka:

I dreamt I was part of a news crew that had just discovered a new island. We went on pairs of two, and I was paired up with a small blond boy who was around the age of 12. We hiked up the island’s mountain and into the cover of the magnificently green trees. We had eventually reached a small tree-house that had apparently been there for quite some time. We decided to take a break at the base of the tree-house, but just as I was about to set my things down, I suddenly turned around and saw one of the most beautiful scenes I have ever seen in my dreams. I saw, between the skinny and almost transparent palm trees, a giant waterfall that descended into the ocean waters below, and the water from the waterfall had made a beautiful rainbow appear. But it wasn’t those things that caught my eye, but the giant Orca that was diving out of the waterfall. After just a small glance I immediately woke up.

I’ve had other dreams with her in them, and a couple where we even talked to each other. I just received a message from her a few nights ago after over 5 months of nothing, too.
But the best thing about me having a Spirit Guide is being able to share my experiences with my best friend whom has a Spirit Guide of her own. I’m especially jealous of her, though, because she is more in touch with her Spirit Guide then I am mine. They communicate with each other practically ever day.

On to a different sub-topic, one of my absolute favorite things to do when being lucid is to go through mirrors, or run eyes closed through a forest, either way, the basic idea is that I like to see just where I end up after executing said thing.

Oh, and for those interested in knowing why I chose this username, I shall tell you:

My Spirit Guide’s name is Moka, so searching for the meaning of her name, I found out that it meant “Black Kettle”. Black Kettle, real name Moketavato (see the resemblance?), was the chief of a Native American tribe otherwise known as the Cheyenne tribe.

Sorry for the REALLY long comment ^__^;;

Ok, I realize my comment was a tad too long, so here’s a shorter version:

I have had lucid dreams for well over a year now and am still very interested in them. The thing I find the most interesting about lucid dreams is being able to meet my Spirit Guide, which I have already met quite a few times. I especially love to share my Spirit Guide experiences with my best friend who has a Spirit Guide of her own.
My favorite things to do while lucid dreaming are going through mirrors and running through forests with my eyes closed. The basic idea is that I like to see where I end up.
Also, my username is the title of a chief of a Native American tribe otherwise known as the Cheyenne tribe. His real name is Moketavato, which had a resemblance to my Spirit Guide’s name, Moka.

I hope that was short enough :smile:

Welcome, BlackKettle and Onironautica!

Onironautica: thank you for ending the lurk mode! You are very lucky in my opinion to know someone who is experienced in Lucid Dreaming. Your story was great and I see that it clearly shows that you aren’t as problematic as some people are. Lucky you, you’re very susceptible to DILD or so it seems… Start your reality checks!

BlackKettle: Don’t worry, I read the entire post. That too is a very interesting story. I’m actually rather jealous, as so many people tell me of their DG/SG yet I still haven’t met mine (apparently he doesn’t trust me) Once again, the same goes for you, you seem more susceptible to DILD, if not a natural.

To both of you: Check out the BIG “My First LD” Collection.

And remember to start a Dream Journal here as well!

hi im new here, lol, im hoping that i can master my dreams soon. its going well so far, last night was my first night tryin and i can already remember most of my dream which normally never happens so… wish me luck

hey everyb0dy, I am new here and w0uld just like 2 intr0duce myself. I am 26 and hav been interested in dreaming m0st 0f my life that i can remember. i 0nly f0und 0ut ab0ut lucid dreaming ab0ut a year and half ag0, but i hav 0nly started practising f0r ar0und 6 weeks n0w and hav had 2 lucid dreams s0 far my first being 2 weeks ag0 and my sec0nd just a c0uple 0f nights ag0. i am l00king f0rward 2 getting 2 kn0w s0me pe0ple in here as i d0nt get 2 talk 2 many pe0ple ab0ut my dreams, i am als0 really exited ab0ut having lucid dreams m0re frequently :smile: [/code]

Hey vash and gamblino

Vash: I just want to say good luck and welcome to the forums! You’ll learn that the people here are all relatively nice and we have a great, close community!

gamblino: Welcome and congratulations on the lucid dreams! You’ll find this is the perfect place to talk about dreams in my opinion, and an even better place to learn about them.
I do want to say, however, that the 0’s and 2’s really set my reading off, if you don’t have to, please try to type properly -.-
I just read things like “I am l-OOOO-king fuh-OAR-ward TWO getting TWO kn-OH s-UHM pee-ople…” type thing
Plus it really doesn’t look good, and it probably will frustrate some people -.-

Anyways, all of that put aside, I am glad to welcome you two to LD4all

yea i think i can do that, sorry its become automatic. I even do the 0’s wen im typing websites in and hav to retype lol, i will try to remember. but am glad to recieve ur welcome reply, and think i will like it here. i was just wondering how do u put the abrieviations with the little lines underneath like the LD’s etc.

You dont, it puts there itself if it is an acronym recognised by that system :smile:

Plus welcome to the forum :cool_raz:

cool thanku :smile: ididdnt realise lol

I’ve been active in the german LD forum, but have decided to change the scene and get into this bigger forum. So now I’m here, and looking forward to new adventures :smile:
Lucid Dreaming has become a part of my life since 2006, and it’s getting it more and more as time goes by. Of course there are fluctuations in the density of DILDs and the capacity to WILD, but the count is getting quite high :smile:
I just read Robert Waggoner’s book and was again inspired in many ways to get more directly in contact with the Unconscious Self. I also work with hypnosis, meditation and other techniques and approaches, including my very own, always looking to expand the horizon of my consciousness and experience.
Brilliant dreams everybody!

Hey everyone, I used to be really into lucid dreaming, but lost motivation. I’m back now and it feels great!

I just read Robert Waggoner’s book and was again inspired in many ways to get more directly in contact with the Unconscious Self.

i hav been really wanting to read robert waggoners book, i hav seen it in different places on the net, and read a small part from the beginning, but can’t find it where i live. hav u been trying anything from his book and how would u rate it. welcome bro , i am also new to LD4all.