the BIG "Hi, I'm new here!" topic, part 71

Welcome to the forum Kåre :smile:

Hi Kåre and welcome to ld4all, nice to meet trøndersk people in this forum (no, not from there myself, but been in that fylke)

Hope to catch you in chat someday :cool:

I think he just got fed up with me talking about it, I know it’s been a few years, never thought to ask what his nick was though.

Hello! I am mooseantlers, or Neil if you prefer! I’ve been into lucid dreaming for a few years but haven’t really been doing much in LDing in the last little while (been a couple years since I’ve been lucid) Jumped ship here from another LDing site… Been becoming more interested into trying to LD again! Looking forward to a new community (With the odd familiar face!)

hello mooseantlers :welcome:

Joining the next LD or ND challenge will give you a little more motivation and the opportunity to get to know more members. :smile: LD challenge takes place in Lucid Adventures and ND challenge takes place in the stuff dreams are made of …

Hope you enjoy your time spent on ld4all :spinning:

Hey guys, I’m new here, but not new to LDing. I usually hate forums, but I’ve decided to give this one a shot. My real name is Quinn, I’m 21 years old, and I have a youtube channel about lucid dreaming. I started lucid dreaming when I was 15 and I’ve been doing it on and off ever since (college occasionally got in the way). Anyway, thanks for having me and stay lucid.:smile:

Hello everyone!

I’m a 23-years-old girl from Germany and have just recently learned of lucid dreaming. Right away I was intrigued because dreams have always been a big part of my life. (Though I’ve never had a lucid one - yet.)
So now I’ve read quite a lot on the topic including HowTos.
I’ve never had trouble remembering my dreams but I keep a dream dairy now looking out for my personal dream signs. I’ve also started doing reality checks throughout the day.
Soon I’m sure I’ll have my first lucid dream :slight_smile:

I don’t know if I’ll post a lot but I’ll surely read a lot in this forum.
I just thought it would be the polite thing to do to introduce myself before I read about your personal lucid dreams. Even if I might never post anything at all.

Thanks for reading :smiley:

well I hope you do post! This is very wonderful and kind community, and we’re all happy to share what we have with eachother. that goes both ways :razz:.

Welcome to ld4all! [/color]

Hello Hime, remember that we produce some HowTos that need community support for technique validation (I mean, test them and tell us if they work).

You can also keep a DJ under the Dream Journal board.

Hello youwillbecomelucid, there are several boards that you can use to share your youtube channel as well if you think it’s also interesting for other members around here. Remember to check which board fits the video.

Thank you Loah and Tggtt!
I have decided to start a dream journal in this forum.
I don’t know if I will try any of the HowTos though. At least I won’t for some time now. For I’ll stick with journaling, looking out for dream signs and reality checks during the day for now. I don’t feel like I should try to hard and stress out over it. :slight_smile:

Yep, that’s a good idea…and welcome! :content:


I’m new to this forum. I looked at it and a few other sites several years ago and learned a little bit about LD. I did eventually have a few, though I do not keep a DJ. So why, after all this time, am I suddenly joining the forum? Well, basically, I wanted to post something (I’ll do that in a little bit).

I first found out about the concept of lucid dreams from my father, about a gazillion years ago. It sounded cool and was something I wanted to do. But I had never had one. I has nearly forgotten about them until a few years ago when someone mentioned them. Well, there now exists this thing called the Internet :wink: and I was able to do a little research. Sure enough it worked and I had a few lucid dreams. It was pretty cool, although my lucidity was largely minimal. Not long after that, I stopped obsessively looking at my watch and the LD stopped for several years. But I just had two last week, and I wanted to post an observation I had. I assume that belongs in Lucid Adventures. If not, I’m sure a mod will move it to a more appropriate place :smile:


Hello scriptwizard, It’s nice that your father had knowledge about LDing. Please check if his references have something that we have forgotten here and please tell us.


I have no clue what his references were; he was into all kinds of stuff. I don’t remember much about what he said. The main thing I got out of it was that if I could become lucid I could do anything in the dream that I wanted. At the time, he told me that if he became lucid, he could jump up and stick to the ceiling. That’s all I remember.

I’ve been lucid dream since I was very young. My first lucid dreams were of myself waking up at night and looking out the window to watch intergalactic wars, seeing stars and galaxies, and seeing myself in one of the spacecrafts. I would also be in other parallel dimensions, I can still picture it in my head very vividly. In my teens, I began to have OBE, where fear was overwhelming, the feeling of dark energy would rise over me. Around 19 going to 20, I decided to listen while within the dream, I said this is happening for a reason. I began listening, analyzing, and would begin speaking to myself within the dream, figuring out how it affects my “waking life” (this life here). Around 23 to now, I lucid dream every night. I had a situation where a dream cut off I woke, it played in my head all day and my midday I meditate and took myself back into the dream and finished the route within meditation. I had the opportunity to come across my spirit guides, one male and one woman, they have come to me 3 times. In this state of mind, as I lucid dream, we are standing, they are about 4-5 ft in front of me, shorter than average height and have an orange/yellowish glow to their eyes. We speak about obstacles that I am facing in my “waking life” and how I can better it. As I speak with them, I point to my right and see the shape of my eyes and in the middle its transparent gray, I could see people moving as if we were looking into this “waking life.” Last year, I met my spirit animal, the black jaguar, we stared into each others eyes as if we were one and went through a journey walking side by side. Last night I had my palms read and was told I was a star child. I always talk about Lucid Dreaming to almost everyone I meet, and to all honesty I believe this “waking life” is actually us sleeping while we are awake in other worlds/dimensions. We understand our true understanding while we dream and it can show us our true nature. I want to understand why this is happening to me and see how I can relate with other lucid dreamers.

Read about lucid dreaming via a link on the four hour workweek blog. I was interested in improving my Japanese language learning, and there was a bit about ‘reactivating’ / ‘practicing’ languages in your dreams. It sounded pretty awesome. Since I often remember my dreams I thought I’d give it a go and did some googling on the subject.

I started a dream journal back in mid October but it wasn’t until Feb that I had my first lucid dream that lasted more than ~2 seconds. Not very good at recognising dream signs, but had some success with WBTB + MILD so far.

Haven’t done any language learning in my dreams though, too much fun stuff to do like flying… :happy: Anyway… Hullo Everyone. Thanks for all your posts and ideas so far. Particularly like the section with all the dream inspired pictures, you folks are very talented!

Nice coincidence :smile:
I’m Andi, originally from Germany, currently living in Japan. Lucid dreaming interests me very much for a lot of reasons. Practicing language is not my goal, but the Kanji are a pretty tough thing to learn, due to their sheer number, so I thought, maybe if my SC assisted me a little… :wink:

I’m primarily interested in getting to know more about my psyche in whole. I never could remember my dreams, except for a very small number of them, most from childhood, when I had very vivid ones. Then I read about lucid dreaming, and now I can remember my dreams every night. I never become lucid however, and TBH, the whole topic freaks me out slightly (like that “distorted hands” thing - too many fingers! Uhh!).
Maybe I should start with some basic meditation and continue to remember my dreams before I actively intend to go further.
I decided to start a dream journal here, maybe that helps.

:wave: Hello youwillbecomelucid, hime, scriptwizard, SpacePigeon, obfusc8 and kazeandi, welcome to ld4all :grouphug:

Hi everyone!

My name is Cooper and i turn 21 in about a month. I live in the United States.

I’ve only been lurking for about three weeks and I decided to make an account. I’m semi-new to lucid dreaming and have been getting serious with it for the past week.

I’ve always had weird problems sleeping as a kid (and still continues to this day). I sleep walk frequently and i also find myself stuck in sleep paralysis with hallucinations more often then i would like :gni:. This got me instrested in the topic and I’m always willing to learn more and hear everyone’s personal experience! :colgate:

:wave: welcome to ld4all kaleidus

Being a member is much better than lurking :smile: all the forums are accessible and you can start new topics and reply in existing ones. Not to mention being able to make new friends. :content:

I hope you enjoy your time here.