The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXI

Hey Garibaldi, welcome here too :happy:

:wave: hello natxavier, Talhonjik and Garibaldi
welcome to the LD4all community :happy:

Welcome to all our new members, I’ve seen a couple of you around the forum already but nonetheless it’s always nice have someone say “Welcome”

Hi everyone.
I didn’t know there was a hi i’m new here topic so this isn’t exactly my first post. Anyway this place is huge for a subject I only heard about a year or so ago. If you ever see my pseudo on another site it’s probably me because it’s so rare. Hope you like my sig.

First of all, sorry for my english, I’m still learning it!

Since 18 years old, now I’m 29, I’ve experimented spontaneous SP. Three years ago I realized that LD are gates to SP and studied LaBerge’s “Exploring the world of LD”. From 2002 to now, I’ve had 38 LD and 4 “induced” SP. In order to increase this statistics and have SP at will, I think that first is necessary to have LD at will. So that is the reason for I’m here: to learn how to have LD at will, and found what is the best technique considering my own physic and psychic features.

Well, greetings to all and see you soon!


:wave: hello Harkell and Ulises, welcome to LD4all
sig …

:lol: Harkell I have heard that sig before :tongue:
And it is fun browsing the forums here Harkell, you never know what you will find :smile:
Ulises, have you seen “How to Choose Your Technique” it will help you to decide which tech may work the best for you :content:
I wish you both lots of lucid dreaming :grin:

Hello everyone :colgate:

I’m new to this forum, so I decided to introduce myself properly…anyways, I’m a 2nd-year college student, found this forum after looking for lucid dreaming sites. I’ve had some control over my dreams for quite some time now (probably from when I learned to wake up during nightmares), and I’m trying to get as many lucid dreams as possible…mostly for fun.

So yeah…I probably won’t post that much due to my busy schedule, but I’ll definitely try to read the posts, and hopefully it’ll be fun here.

:welcome: hello rahidz2003
thanks for dropping by to say hello to everyone :grin:

Hi everybody,
Im new here to this forum and have only just found this part of it so im introducing myself. I am: 14 in 2 days, in year 8 at Barker College, a part time theatre actor, and a first time LD a few nights ago (see here for more details
Just dropping in to say hello and brighten your day,

Welcome to LD4all everybody!

Mitchboy78, Congrats already to you birthday :smile:
And congrats to you LD too :content:
I hope there will many follow.

:welcome: hello Mitchboy78

and it happened, just like this →

:hurray: Congratulations on your first lucid dream :dream:
btw just the experience of knowing that you are in a dream is mind-blowing the first time you experience it and from then it just gets better as you learn to contol and stabilise the dreams more :boogie:

Hello everyone.
I have been here before as Prairiedog. It has been a long chill out time, I am back now for awhile. It is good to be back to a group with so much to learn from.
Peace :smile:

:wave: hello Kindreaming (I couldn’t resist looking up your old Prairiedog profile)
welcome back :smile:

thank you Moogle for the welcome. :twirl:

thanks for the welcomes moogle and BlackAngel.
This seems like a very friendly place :happy:.

ahem:hide:stands up…hi everyone…waves… My name is Mary and…deep breath…i want to be a lucid dreamer…looks around…well that wasn’t so bad. But anyway…i’ve been hanging around quitely in the corner seeing how everyone interacts and everyone seems so nice…i figured i’d finally join in. Well, i’m a college student trying to get through as a psychology major…the first time i lucid dreamed was when i was really young and i made my gym class appear so that we could play dodge ball over and over again…i haven’t been able to LD since then and i was hoping maybe i could fine tune it here…or at least get it started up again… but yeah…anyway…ahem…hi :smile:

/me waves back :wave:
Nice to meet you maria0485
Everyone is friendly here indeed :yes:
You might wanna post your first lucid dream in this tread
I hope you will have another lucid dream soon.
Good luck with it :content:

Welcome back Kindreaming :content:
I couldn’t resist to look at your profile either (espacially not when moogle gave a link to it :smile: )
I didn’t know you then (I wasn’t member yet) but I hope I get to know you now :smile:

:welcome: hello maria0485
/me claps :clap: maria0485 for her intro speech
and I hope you get your next LD soon :thumbs:

Peace be with You BlackAngel, I hope to get to know you too :smile:

Welcome Maria. This is a good group to join, I think you will like it here. :cool:


Hi everybody!,
Just a quick introduction to me: I live in Ireland for 6 years but I’m actually french. I just like that country…but it is also true that having an irish girlfriend also help me staying here! :grin:
I had few lucid dreams in the past , but never actually manage to generate them volontarily. I also have a strong memory of a Hold Hag I had when I was seven…I never mange to exlain it untill I red something about it recently that discribed excacltly the phenomen…I was 7 and still remenber it…
I remember my dreams very well, I can describe usually very long dreams…
My last LD was 2 months ago.
Anyway, I m here to learn, hopefully I will manage to have a lot of LDs!!

(sorry, I think I create also a new topic instead of replying…) :bored: