The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXI

Welcome Woken spirit :wave:

Congratulations on your LD :cool:
I hope you will get a lot more of them :content:

You might want to tell your birthday in this topic, so we can wish you a Happy Birthday when you become 17 :content:

:wave: hello Woken spirit
we seem to be getting a lot of new members from norway :smile:
:thumbs: congrats on your LD successes
you may like to post them in your very own DJ in our dream diary forum. there is also a sticky “My first LD collection” in the same forum, for members who wish to post their very first LD in it
I’m glad that the information at LD4all has enabled you to lucid dream :happy:

The more who joins from Norway, the better! :biggrin:

Perhaps we should make groups/clans of people from their countries? :happy:

why would we want to do that? when we are one big happy global family?

Just to divide them into distinctive groups.

Hi, I’m Korittke from Germany, I’m 18. I hate esoterics and I love science. Also I’m not a nazi.

Science nazi at the most.

Just kidding. Yeah, that’s german humour as we like it.

So, I’ve had some LDs when I was a kid. Since I’ve come across this topic, I haven’t had any real lucid dream. But I think I’m on my way, I had a couple of dreams in which I knew that I was in a simulation of life, and some in which I was tempted to RC but then something happened.
Last time was a dream character asking me “So what are you dreaming?”. I’m kinda skeptical but then I go completely deaf for 5 seconds and forget it.

Still, big love for my subconsciousness.

Peace on earth. BTW I’m a tree-kisser.

Hello everyone, my name is Mateus, I’m from Brasil (we write it with ‘s’!) and I’m 20.
I’ve never had any LD, but that’s something I’ve always thought about. There were many dreams I could remember when I woke up, and I thought how wonderful it would be if I could’ve chosen what to do in them, but that always seemed impossible to me.

Then, one day, a friend of mine sent me a link to LD4All, without any explanation about it. At first I didn’t really pay attention to it, just tossed it in my favorites section, as I do with every “little interesting” pages I find, and there it was for a really good time. Today I think I may have lost some precious time that I could’ve been practicing LDing, as I started to read it seriously yesterday, and found it to be really interesting and stimulating!

My dreams are something I’ve always thought really serious about, and dreaming is one of my greatest pleasures, as anything can happen in them and it’s always something at least interesting. Luckily, I’ve never had difficulties to remember most of my dreams, as today I recall a bunch of them, even from distant past, without writing any dream journal. Just last night, I had 2 different dreams (dreamed, woke up, slept, dreamed again), and could remember both when I finally woke up for the day.

I hope I have no problems in reaching LDing, as I said, it’s something I’ve always “dreamed” about. I plan on starting a dream journal soon, just to keep track of all my dreams and don’t let any of them fade away with time.

Well, sorry if I wrote too much, but this is something I really like. Hope someone has patience and interest to read it!

Welcome to the lucid forum, Mateus. :wave:

Is your name taken from christianity? Looks awfully familiar…

welcome Mateus, glad you checked out the link :content: Hope to read your first LD soon :smile:

Yes Cid, it’s the name of one of the twelve apostles of Christ.
It also means something like “God’s gift”, I think…

I knew your name was taken from the twelve apostles of Christ! No wonder why the name sounded so familiar…

hi Mateus and :welcome: you know Mateus is greek for Matthew (or is it hebrew?) which is my name, and yes,
We are God’s gift :wink: :tongue:

:wave: hello Mateus, it’s a shame you lost all that time when you could have been getting closer to LDing. :sad: But at least you are here now :boogie:

You could start a dream journal topic in our dream diary forum. :grin:

Yeah, but I prefer to do it in hand writing, on a notebook, so I can draw too, and it will be at hand when I wake up. And besides that, I think a big journal in hand writing looks more charming, you know… hehehe.

Hey guys, looks like everybody forgot to say hello to Korittke! I’m new here, but i think I can also say welcome, right?
Welcome, Korittke, hope we get to our LDs soon!

I believe that Korittke decided to leave the forum

The Great White Bat.



* the Blue Magnetic Eagle waves to Shakaka, the Great White Bat

oops… heheheh :grin:

If you are trying to steal the name of the white bat from the Ace Ventura movie, it’s “Shikaka”, not “Shakaka”.