The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXI

Hi ppl of LD4all

My name is Alvin. I from Singapore. Well I got of things to learn from you guys. Please teach me more okay.

I just recently found about lucid dreams. I went ard my country to ask if ppl know what is it. Seems like they have no idea. SOme even say it means “Clear Dream” heehee.

Lookie here, we have another Alvin! :content:

Not many people that I’ve asked have heard of it either. You’ll just have to introduce them to the concept of it then. Ask any questions you want, almost everyone here is very helpful when it comes to that kind of stuff. :grin:

See you around. :wave:

:wave: hello stealth_sg
it’s even amazing how many people think vivid dreams are lucid dreams! I felt like throwing something at the television two nights ago when it happened again :tongue:
just browse around all the topics about lucid dreaming and if you have any questions just ask :grin:

:thumbs: welcome aboard stealth_sg!!!

Nice to meet you. Can’t wait to see you around.

Thank you guys. See ya around.


i’ve been interested in LDing for a couple of years now and in the beginning I had a couple of LDs, but they were all pretty tame, ending immediately.

I then lost the inspiration and my motivation. I had to much other things to think of.

But now im going to make a serious try, so i registered here on the forum and everything :smile:

I am a student, 20 years old, live in stockholm in sweden. Im hoping that this forum will help keeping my motivation at a high level.

hello nilskorre :wave: welcome to LD4all
:yes: reading about lucid dreaming and about what is possible in LDs can inspire you to keep motivated :smile:
I hope you have a long lucid dream soon :boogie:

Hello everyone, I recently became interested in LD’s and am hoping to learn a lot from everyone. I originally was interested in OBE’s and that stuff when i found out about LD’s. I’ve been trying to LD for a while and have only suceeded 2 times and both were spontanious and not willed, ever since then ive been going a little overboard on learning about this. Oh, sorry bout that im rambling on. Just wanted to say hi really…(lol i am very bad at posting this kind of stuff)

:welcome: hello Kain, welcome to the LD4all forum :grin:
you may like to read the choosing your technique topic ( ) it will help you decide which method of inducing a LD is best for you.
I would love to read about your very first LD :boogie:
we have a sticky “my first LD collection” in the dream diary forum :smile: if you wish to tell us about it :happy:

I think that lucid dream seems to be like “Matrix” the movie. sound pretty same. hehe yesterday I dreamt of vampire. again i forget to be aware. nvm i just keep trying and trying.

Hey everyone whats up. I guess I’m the new guy on the site for like the next 10 mins so I figured minus well say whats up. Here’s alil about me so ya know I’m 18, I live pa, and am i guy. Is that enough yet just playin around. I learned about lucid dreams a couple weeks ago in another websit (yahooka) and have been tryin to become lucid since. I also like to try to medatate which i hope works out for me too. Well if ya wanna know more about me lv me a msg but for now I have tons to read about and learn so I’m off

strains to see font :content:

:wave: Welcome to the forum! Feel free to ask any questions, since everyone here is really nice and open. Hope you have a fun time and stay for a while. :grin:

/me gives a cookie to the kind mod who moves this to the welcoming topic. :cookiemon:

[size=9]/me expects that that will be either moogle or Siiw[/size]

Welcome here btw :happy:

:welcome: hello ultimate_lc
welcome to LD4all, you should be able to find all the information you need in order to lucid dream on the LD4all forum :thumbs:
I’ll be looking out for the post by you that tells us all about your first LD :happy: … I hope it will be soon :boogie:

:cry: who beat me to the cookie?
/me suspects Q :tongue:

Hello, fellow dreamers.

My name is Ian and I’m from Perth, Western Australia. I’ve been browsing this site for a while now and thought I’d register so I can put in my 2 cents.

I had my first lucid dream at the age of 4 when I was having a reoccuring nightmare and one day I decided to face the monster instead of running from it. That night, I realised I was dreaming and when I stood still to face the monster it disappeared. :smile:
Since then, I have found myself realising I’m dreaming more and more until eventually I found out what I was doing had a name! I then began keeping a dream journal, doing reality checks, using the techniques such as DILD, MILD and HILD to induce more lucid dreams. After a while I stopped doing this because I found myself having them spontaneously on nights when I hadn’t used any techniques.

I am now 21 years of age and have lucid dreams every night effortlessly. I have had well over a thousand lucid dreams and can do pretty much anything in them. Anywayz, sorry for the long post… I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all.

G’day mate! :smile:

hello eonnn :welcome:
since you are a natural lucid dreamer you should try and take an active part in our dream lab. you may be able to think up an interesting experiment to do in LDs or take part in a future experiment :smile:
we have a sticky “my first LD collection” in the dream journal forum, if you wish to post the very first LD that you remember there :grin:

I’ve had a look at the dream lab but it looks too complicated :confused: but nonetheless I will keep my eye on the lab discussions incase something really interesting pops up.

Eonnn it just went more strictly regulated because some experiments weren’t very well thought out.

A big Hello From I


hee hee