The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXII

Moogle - thanks for the welcome! As for the high number of females: I assume the men are busy pondering important stuff, like beer and football. (Clichees? Me?) As soon as they cotton onto the fact that lucid dreaming might enable them to coach their team to championship, there’'ll be a wave of newbies.

Sureal - sorry for the sig, it was the first thing that came to mind. I promise that as soon as I remember a more inspiring quote, I’ll change it. Till then, if giant zeros and ones chase you through your dreams, you know whom to blame.

Hey, I’m new here too. :smile: New and scared lol, new places always scare me. :slight_smile:

At first I started looking into OBE’s, about 4 months ago, mostly because I wondered what it would feel like to have one, but when trying to induce one I got too scared of the way too realistic hypnagogic sounds. I also read people’s experiences on the “Old Hag” and since then I just stopped trying lol. However, in the process of reading about OBE’s, I picked up on Lucid Dreaming and thought it would be interesting to explore and see where it takes me.

I’ve only had a couple LD’s before, when I was a kid, and they were very short and not interesting at all. Yesterday night, before going to sleep, I told myself I would have one and I would remember to do a reality check in my dream. Well, strangely enough it worked lol I thought to myself “ok time to do a reality check” and suddenly I realized I was dreaming, but the moment that happened I woke up!! Oh well…

Dream on. // Olesia

:astral: Heya :happy: new here been here for counts 2 days cheer just now got the “courage” to say hi :tongue:

Welcome Olesia :wave:
New things are often scared yeah.
But you’ll soon realise the people here are really nice.
I hope you soon feel home :smile:
You got a lucid dream real soon :happy:
Too bad you immediately woke up :sad:
Many people who just start have that too. Try to rub your hands or spin around.
Good luck :content:

Welcome Slagy :wave:
Nice to meet you :content:

And off course also welcome to all the other people who are new here :content:

What a very captivating and friendly forum! I have been interested in LD for many years, and I look forward to learning from the experts and contributing in whatever way I can. The inner world is one of the most enchanting places to explore - I anticipate many happy years of frustration, grappling with my evaporating dreams. I look forward to meeting you all soon.

:welcome: welcome to LD4all Olesia_the_daydreamer, Slagy and Dreamsurfer :grin:

/me shows Olesia that there is nothing to be :scared: about :smile:

:boogie: congrats on getting a LD so fast :smile:

Looks like bravery is catching :tongue: I hope you enjoy being a LD4all member :boogie:

/me waves :wave: to Dreamsurfer

well you won’t want to talk to me then :tongue: :rofl:
don’t forget to read the testing the realness of DCs topic
Part I
Part II
Part III
it has been good talking to you in chat Dreamsurfer :smile:

Hi Again!
umm my dad has a gift for astral projection and he thinks he may have passed it on to me! is that a gd thing for lucid dreaming and stuff?
and is there a way i can get to do it easyer maybe?
thanx ppl

:welcome: Yenia ! And yes there is a lot off females here , but look ! Im male ! And aint that interested in football ! :truit:

:welcome:OlesiaTheDreamer :boogie:

:welcome: Slagy :wave: Nice avatar !

:welcome: Dreamsurfer
And youre completely right !
This is the best and most friendly forum ever ! :boogie:

Hi there, Olesia & Dreamsurfer! Enjoy your dreams.

Snazihazi - welcome aboard! :smile: I have a vague idea what astral projection is. I’m generally wary of the idea of passing on abilities, but then I’m the first to admit that I know next to nothing of it.

Do you mean a way to make LD easier or astral projection?

Any way, good luck with it and have fun!


Yes, I know, football is a cliche. Real men are interested in… squints at those smileys …hitting each other with fish? Okay. Far more manly than running after a strangely formed ball. :tongue:

~ Yenia

Why would he think that? Have you actually experienced AP?

There should be some AP topics in the beyond dreaming forum. Or you could start a new one.
As for would AP make LDing easier, it would depend on how similar you find the experiences. If you think of a good poll to ask members: you could request one of the moderators in beyond dreaming to create the poll at the top of your topic :smile:

I am new to this forum. But I am not new to LDing.

Currently I am a member at Dreamviews. It resulted first in the google for my search. But I read in many webpages that ld4all is the best. So I thought I must try it.

I am sure that I will continue in one forum only. I just want to know the support available here.

Hi and welcome, korothism :cool:

I guess the best advice would be to read around in the forum, and don’t be afraid to ask :cool: Good luck, and sweet dreams!

:welcome: welcome to LD4all korothism :grin:
The information and support at LD4all and Dreamviews are more or less the same. So you just have to decide which community you prefer…

Hi there & :welcome: , korothism.

While googling for LD, I stumbled over Dreamviews, too. From what I’ve seen so far there are very good resources. Right now I’m in love with the different forums and the Dream Journals of ld4all. Do you know whether there are any resources over at Dreamviews that could be useful in addition to the ld4all stuff?

Apart from that, have a good time and sweet dreams,

Yenia :smile:

Hi all,

this being my first post, I thought I would say hello to everyone and mention my reason for joining the forum. I’ve been checking these boards for a while, however, never got around to singing up. as far as LDing goes, i’ve been trying for 2 years with no luck. I’ve come close a total of 3 times. :cry:
That is my main reason for posting on the boards here, i’ve read most of the posts, and a lot of the available literature available on LDing, I really do not know what my problem is, so I figured maybe by simply posting on these boards, and opening up a dialogue with other LD pursuers, maybe that will put me over the top and get me my first LD!

Look forward to exchanging ideas with you all…


:welcome: Heya Enki.

Just talking about LDing can boost motivation and help you overall. Everyone here is very nice and will answer any questions you might have. Hopefully you’ll stick around a while.

/me offers a free truit to the mods. :truit:

EDIT- thank you :grin:

/me uses the truit right away …

hello Enki’s Circus :wave: welcome to LD4all
another good thing about registering at LD4all is that more of the forums can be read now … including the dream diary forum. This can be a great source of inspiration. And I look forward to reading all about your first LD in our sticky “My First LD Collection” :grin:

Hi Enki,

welcome aboard! I’ve been here for a short time myself.

Wow, 2 years of trying? I certainly hope that it pays of soon. What sort of techniques have you used?

Hope you’ll have lots and lots of LDs,



Hi everyone,

My name is Jonathan. I stumbled onto lucid dreaming on my own when I was around 12 or 13, and have studied it since then. I noticed I was consciously able to move my real body while still asleep having a dream. It is one of the most fancinating things to me.

I plan to be fairly active here, so I look forward to getting to know you all. If you want to learn more about me, please visit my web site or just ask. :wink:

:welcome: Heya Jonathon. I’m interested in how you move your real body while asleep… how do you do it without being awake or sleep walking? How would you even know you were doing it? (unless someone was watching) Anyhoosey, welcome. :grin: