The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXII

I’ll be asleep and in a dream, so it’s like I’m watching a movie, ya know?

It is sometimes difficult, but I can try to feel my real body, specifically my arms and hands. I will then move them. It was usually very hard. It felt like my hands weighed 100lbs.

I knew I was doing it because I’ll feel things around me. Like one time my brother fell asleep next to me, and I didn’t know he was there. I started feeling around and felt a human, so I decided to wake myself up and see who I was touching.

Hey all!

I did a lot of research on LD a while back and started taking a dream journal on Friday 4th November.

Last night (12 November), I had my first lucid dream! I was so happy!

My dream recall is improving all the time so I hope that in time I can master this. Look forward to talking to you all!

MagicMind and Jay-H :welcome:

:wave: hello MagicMind and Jay-H

odd :eh: … so since you decided to wake up out of curiosity, you could also have remained dreaming and been lucid :grin: you would just have to be careful about movement since it would be transferred into RL movements

Jay-H if you wish … you can post your first LD into our “my first LD collection” sticky topic in the dream diary forum and/or keep an online journal here too. I hope it was the first of many LDs :boogie:

Hello everyone my name is Will and I am from Cleveland Ohio. I am currently working as an electrician. My interest are games, music, and the persuit of knowledge. Actually used to visit this website under the username Sparky. I missed it and glad to be back. This website feels alot like home. :smile:

Welcome, starseednoetic!

Good to have you back :razz:

Well, anyhoo, I`m looking forward to reading you posts ^^


welcome back Will (starseednoetic aka Sparky)
I found your profile … ile&u=1473 :boogie:
I hope you stay longer this time :grin: … and now you know LD4all always pulls you back :tongue:

:ohno: Kenny (Vincent Valentine) beat me to the topic again :tongue:

Hello, I’m Bobby. I tend to post a lot on music forums (being in a band I’m naturally egotistical, opinionated etc), but I’m planning to keep quiet on this one I think. Came here trying to find out about incubation dreaming and I’ve been impressed with the amount of stuff I don’t know about dreams in general (hence why I’m planning to keep quiet for a while, basically till I have more idea what everyone’s talking about).

I’m really into Tarot, and studying dreaming was kind of a progression from that, but I know next to nothing about this subject so far.

Good, more people ^^

You should post some of your music in the Garden of Creation :wink:

And don`t keep quiet. Do like me, start talking about stuff you have no knowledge of :razz:

sticks his tongue out at moogle

I would post my music, but it tends to sound too much like Pink Floyd (basically, you’d be better off just listening to them instead). Once I get used to this site I’ll probably put some stuff up.

Think I will keep quiet for a while, don’t like annoying people with asking stupid questions which have probably already been answered in another topic as well.

:welcome: hello Knight of Swords
I think you will love it here, there are a few music threads in lounge (esp the great “lyrics thread” - my favourite), playground and garden of creation.
So while you are reading up on dreaming stuff, you can also get to know us in these “off topic” areas.

And if you do have any questions that you can’t find the answer to … don’t hesitate to post :grin:

/me puts a heavy ball and chain on kenny to slow him down :tongue:

Hello and welcome Knight of Swords

This is the place to bea and i hope u will like the dream forest in Playground :tongue:

And moogle be happy :happy: we beat Vincent this time :happy:

We didn’t beat kenny … Knight of Swords made two posts here :wink:


good evening… and hello at everyone!

I’m new here, and I’m really looking forward to write with all the nice people here, although my English isn’t the best because I’m from Austria, please don’t take any notice. :wink:
I’m really very interested in lucid dreaming. First I heard about that in an interview with Brandon Boyd, and now I’m glade that I read it… This site is very interesting…

:welcome: hello clean and welcome to LD4all :grin:

I can understand it and I alway’s feel shamed that others always have to type in english while I only type in my first language :shy:
I hope you experience a lucid dream soon :content:


I’ve been checking and looking in this forum since spring, and now I finally registered! I’ve never been a member to a forum, so this is my very first post! :happy: Um… What else? Well, I’ve never introduced myself and, I’m sort of timid. :shy: But don’t worry because I’ll be fine once I get setteled and such. :grin:

Oh, and I’ve had 3 or 4 lucid dreams in my life.
And I’m really excited to be here on this forum. :content:

thank you moogle, i hope so too! :wink:

:wave: hello Spacealbin
:cheer: I’m glad you were brave enough to finally register. IMO LD4all is the most friendly forum on the net :grin:
If you want to get to know us while improving your LDs post in the Gathering forum and playground :boogie:

I look forward to reading your posts :happy: