The Big "Hi, I'm new here!" Topic - Part XXII

im new here points at Kenny his fault ^^;
Im from Norway and im studying drawing ^^
I like movies and music…oooh MUSIC… Current obsessions are: The phantom of the opera and singing.

the rest you’ll pick up :tongue:

Just for the protocol: Welcome.
inches away

you…hate me :sad: why you go away? sniff

:welcome: hello WickedIcewitch
don’t tell me that kenny is recruiting for the next wolfgame again :tongue:
I’m sure you know already how brilliant LD4all is (from kenny)… so I’ll just say I hope you enjoy yourself here :smile:

Welcome to us Spacealbin :happy:

Come join the fun part of being boored at the PlayGroun when you think its enough dreaming for today :wink:

Thanks for all the support from all present members and welcome all the newbies. :happy:

Thanks! I will! :smile:
By the way I’m trying to convince my best friend Painocus to register here. Please visit his site! It’s not quite finished though.

There… i made a contact to him about joining :tongue:

Hope u will have fun exploring the world of Concious dreaming

:smile: i dont know what to 27 and i been in lds for about 3to4 yrs.and i love it wiht all my heart.i think it’s the best thing ever.i mean being able to realy undestant you self and others.the reason we here and evrything elest.and it’s web site give soo much that i dont know where to looking foward to exchange with all of you.and thank you :smile: :smile:

:welcome: hello aware
I hope you have fun reading and posting in all the topics here and ofcourse enjoy many more lucid dreams :happy:

Welcome aware!! :happy:

Good to have more members to SPAM the PG :tongue:
hope u have fun being here

Spacealbin (Hi is ill :sad: ) and Kenai (wisided my site :smile: ) made me register here ( I were going too enyway :grin: ).

I am just going too sit here and sey HI!!! :happy:

Welcome… so he did make u visit :happy:

Let me guess u are norwegian?
Another one from norway right :tongue:

Thats rigth kenai :happy:
Like Albin ( He likes ( hi liked) too be called space soo I call him Albin (the name of his dog) I am going too telle you my nomber of lucid dreams:
1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…MANY (had one last nigth)

Wow, hey Painocus! :cool_laugh:
Registered already? Cool! :content:

ALBIN :unk:
Why are you not loged on to AIM
This is maby not the place for this so i :welcome: all new members.
:angry: = herry person =me , Hands = Spacealbin

Lol! :rofl: Its actually true! :lol:
But, sorry. I can’t explain that, Painocus. Maybe later.

:boogie: the norwegian invasion continues :smile:
:wave: hello Paniocus welcome to LD4all
don’t forget to post in the Norwegians Unite topic in the gathering forum :grin:

Wait a minute…
It says “Paniocus”… :eek: It’s supposed to be “Painocus”!

I am going too change it now. :tongue: