Hi everyone, My name is ALix, I’m 21 and i’m from Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
I’ve already had a LD in my life… when I ws younger, I didn’t know it was posible until I had a dream that I was walking on a sidewalk… I don’t recall any events that could’ve proven to myself that I was dreaming or anything, but I just thought “Hey, I’m dreaming!” and I started flying everywhere.
I loved the experience and wish to have it again so that’s why i’m going to try some techniques tonight to become Lucid, I know I don’t expect to succed the first night but who knows… I’m thinking of Using a mix of WBTB, MILD and WILD… we’ll see the result!
When I was younger I built a whole novel-length story in my head and i’d like to experience certain bits of it Lucid…
Hey there, my name’s Carl, I’m 16 and from England.
I’m totally and completely new to to the subject of Lucid Dreaming. I’ve only read a bit about it and already I can’t wait to try it. I know I’ll have to be patient though.
Voldrek, don’t worry about being shy, this is a forum for everyone, and we won’t demand that you tell us anything (although I for one tend to prompt new members to start dreamjournals). And good luck on your quest for lucidity!
Alix, good luck on your quest for lucidity! It indeed it a great thing to do in LDs, experience bits from things you wrote, I just typed a dream from a few days ago in my dreamjournal in which I do so. Flying is also great!
Carl, yes, it takes a bit of patience, but definately pays off! I’d recommend, since you’re new, that you started a dreamjournal (paper or virtual, for the recall). It’s also a nice idea to report any doubts and trouble you have in the First Steps to Lucidity (that’s the name of the topmost board of the forum, other than announces and news).
Thought I’d come and introduce myself! My name’s Marie, I’m 17 and from the South of England. I’ve just recently become interested in lucid dreaming, and found this site when searching online for it. I’ve spent the last few days reading through the posts when I’ve had a spare bit of time, and I’ve learnt loads already!
I’ve been typing up a dream journal these last few days on my computer, so I’ll post that up soon. It’s incredible how much goes on - and how much you can remember - in a dream when you try!
Anyway, hope to speak to you all in other parts of the forum soon!
Hey, I was surprised to find a forum on such an unusal topic as lucid dreaming, but I love my dreams and am happy to join!
I usually have complete control of my dreams- I can always, always tell when I’m dreaming but sometimes I just never even think to take control! I have extraordinary dream self-control; my mind renders a beautiful dream world - once when I was being chased by an angry mob, just for fun I multiplied the mob to the size of millions. Being the nerd I am I gawked for a few seconds as I recognized the incredible reflections and lighting from their torches, and completely realistic, asynchronous motion from each angry villager… complete with a several-dozen-mile field of view swarming with people! I’m also sometimes able to hear and smell the “real world” from my dreams, and have some limited motor control while dreaming. I’ve practiced creating all sorts of fantastic objects -including impossible shapes-, teleportation, flying, the works, and I have complete control. I can manipulate flame, mirrors and lightswitches always work right (to quote the wikipedia article), and often I have a dream middleman whom I can explain in english what I want in a dream and he creates it! Sometimes this is necessary for exceedingly complex scenarios and I eagerly use him whenever he appears!
My latest favorite thing to do is to simply release control and “watch” the dream - I’ve “experienced it all” and it’s nice to see your subconcious come up with something new!
hello everyone, i’ve become more interested in lucid dreaming throughout the last week when i began remembering more and more of my dreams. I have lucid dreamed before, and i’m interested in learning how to control this and lucid dream more frequently, and this seemed to be a helpful and useful site.
Hi! I’m Ryan, and basicly, for a few weeks i’ve known about LDing and looking to know more about it, and the other night I found this site! I think it’s great, and have even started this diary;
there is no need to ask since LD4all must be the friendliest forum on the net
btw don’t forget to post that first kin dream into the lucid adventure topic for this month
Anyways, my question is has anyone here ever dreamed that you are falling in a bottomless pit, and then all of a sudden you wake up and your body jerks?
I’ve been browsing this site among others for a few weeks now and I decided it was time I start posting. I’m extremely interested in Lucid Dreaming and would like to hone my skills to be able to do it on command.
I’ve had 2 lucid dreams so far. In both, I subconsciously realized a reality check had failed. It’s been awhile since I’ve had them and I’ve been trying pretty hard to have more with no luck. I’ve been reading alot about the WILD method but have had no success with it, yet. Each time I’ve tried I get to the point where my arms and legs have gotten pretty numb and my breathing has become very rythmic and slow, but I haven’t been able to produce the hypnagogic imagery. The only thing that has happened is I’ve had a few flashes of color and have felt like I was being pulled out of my body, but then I become super conscious.
I usually try for a good hour at least and then get fed up and just go to sleep. Any advice would be appreciated. Oh, and Hi!