The BIG "Hi I'm new here!" Topic XIII

Ellow Jay! :happy: Welcome(back) To the ld4all forum :happy:

Hi Jay! :wave:
Good to have you join us :smile:

Have you had lucid dreams before?

:peek: Hello.

I have always been interested in the idea of lucid dreaming, but for some reason didn’t look into it until I saw Waking Life again about 2 weeks ago. Since then I’ve been having great dream recall and had a short MILD and a very short WILD. Things can only get better. Great forum!

First time here, I heard about Lucid dreaming this tuesday so I’m realy new in it. Dont know if I should post my question here but I’ll give it a try and see if anyone can answer it. :smile:
When I go to bed, I realy try hard with the MILD and other tecniques before I go to bed and when I’m falling asleep, but when I get in to my dream, I can never remember anything from real life. But I often wake up in the middle of the night, I focus realy hard on the dream and saying to myself, “Im falling asleep and I will remember it’s a dream” But nothing seems to help…Any suggestions? thanks.

:wave: Hello dreamusic and Eldoras, I hope you both enjoy being ld4all members.

Congratulations on your MILD and WILD, the LDs will get longer with experience. :grin:

Eldoras, it has only been 3 days since you heard about lucid dreaming. :dream: Some people are lucky and experience a LD on the first time they attempt to get one. But often it needs a little time to make doing RCs an ingrained habit, so you will automatically do them in dreams. Just read some of the topics in the intro and quest sections and you will find a lot of really helpful advice. :wiske:

Yes, don’t force it (!) but keep practicing every day and give it time to penetrate your subconsciousness. Practice and have patience! Those are the key terms if you want to LD :smile:

PS. Welcome to LD4all, dreamusic and Eldoras! :grin:

Welcome compatriot :wink: Glad you decided to join in!

Good luck with your dreams :happy:

Hi, just signed up thought I would say hi, so I did… :smile:

:wave: Hello aeroue :grin: … and I just thought that I would rush over and welcome you to ld4all :wiske:
I hope you enjoy yourself here, it is a very friendly forum :cool:


:wave: Welcome to ld4all.

not really, I just read and when I think I have enough info on the subject I might try it. for now I’m just reading and watching :wink:

Found this site, and thought it was extremely interesting. I’m gonna start keeping a JD right away :content:

Welcome aboard PaulH :smile:
hope u have much fun reading all the topics of your interest at the LD4all forum!
Hope u soon have interesting Lds!

If you want to introduce yourself to the other LD4all dreamers then follow this link

:wave: hello PaulH I hope you enjoy being a part of ld4all. I hope you get your first lucid dream soon. :content:

Thanks, me too. I was just downstairs trying to sleep… to early as of yet… Does the posotion of your body whenyou fall asleep affect anyhing? I like to curl up as opposed to layingon my back… Will that affect anything? :eh:

it’s best for me just to lie however feels the most comfortable. that why i fall asleep fast… welcome to the forums btw! good luck, and congratulations on starting off on your exploration of dreams here at the forums!

I don’t think the position of the body upon falling asleep affects anything, except perhaps an increase/decrease of the possibility to experience SP or OBE :smile:

Welcome to LD4all PaulH! Good luck with your LD quest :wink:

Oh okay thanks, I had a SP once when I was little… it was so scary :eek:

welcome :smile: and good luck with the LD’s

I’m pretty sure the fetal position is supposed to be the most comfortable, but that’s in general. The most comfortable for you is best.