The BIG OBE topic [part IV]

OBE is not an astral projection, you will be in your etheric body in the physical reality, as I previously said, not exactly, but a very close copy of it. Not believing will hold you back, nonetheless success in achieving an OBE will probably lead you to believe. No attempts are useless and when you will experience it, your whole point of view will change.
Here’s some reading material

How do you control that? Say i want to astral project but end of haveing and OBE? or the other way around? They seem too similar

If you know the techniques you will probably not get an Astral Projection while trying to OBE although while trying to astral project you may have opportunities to have an OBE instead. in an OBE you leave your physical body to the etheric one, then traveling in the real time zone, in the etheric plane, not in the astral, also in an OBE, you will probably have spherical vision (360 degrees). With experience you will be able to control it but anyway, going to the astral is similar to WILD ing only you go to the public astrals, there are several methods to accomplish this, like for example focusing on your third eye, until you will see glimpses of the astrals and then you will project yourself to it or wait until you become a part of the environment. In an OBE, you will probably find yourself at the beginning floating just above your body while you will be able to watch your physical body lying in bed. When trying to project a lot of people feel the vibrations and floating feeling associated with OBE s, in that point you can give up the projection and have an OBE instead by simply continue floating upwards and then by getting away from your physical body exploring the real time zone.
Hope this helps

Just gotta say this is what i believe too. if you read this then plz send me a private message. havent even had a true ld yet and have them really irregularly so it’ll be a while before i can obe. I am interested in this cuz i wanna see if the girl i like likes me so maybe if i can extend the Silver Cord you guys (or girls) are talking about, then i can. :help: is appreciatted

I have only had 2 OBE’s that I can completly recal. The first one, I only walked out of my room and walked down the street until I woke up. On the second, I walked around reading things laying in my house. When I woke up, I checked the papers I remembered reading, and they almost matched up completely. Just thought I would share. :content:

I have only had 2 OBE’s that I can completly recal. The first one, I only walked out of my room and walked down the street until I woke up. On the second, I walked around reading things laying in my house. When I woke up, I checked the papers I remembered reading, and they almost matched up completely. Just thought I would share. :content:

I have only had 2 OBE’s that I can completly recal. The first one, I only walked out of my room and walked down the street until I woke up. On the second, I walked around reading things laying in my house. When I woke up, I checked the papers I remembered reading, and they almost matched up completely. Just thought I would share. :content:

Saturday morning, WBTB and the new “flying to dreamland” method… When i realised i had fallen to sleep, i automatically tried to move out of my body. With my astral body tearing away from reality, I got a little more than half way and was ripped back. It was pretty crazy because i didnt conciously try and leave my body, my SC just tried for me. It wasnt too bad that i didnt make it, cause i was thrown into a dream where i became lucid very quickly and spend alot of the time riding a motorbike around town and doing massive air jumps off little rises in the road, a very nice feeling indeed.


Hey everyone, i notice this topic isn’t very active but i’m hoping for some answers nonetheless…

About 4 days ago i went to bed and started some meditation, just relaxing my entire body and getting rid of thoughts crossing my mind… i kept doing this untill i didn’t really feel my body anymore like i usually do… i’m still aware of my body but it’s just my head where the activity takes place.

Then i thought of a relaxation technique (or whatever it was) where you visualize yourself ‘being’ your breath… i started breathing from my belly and pointed my consience to that point, and visualized my ‘being’ expanding on inhale, decreasing on exhale (hard to explain, english isn’t my primary language… hope you get the point)

Then suddenly my mind went blank, no thoughts, not the slightest, and just a big space with nothing, then a cold feeling went over my face (like when they make you sleep in the hospital before an operation) and the feeling of breathing started to go away… untill i didn’t feel anything anymore except for just being somewhere. I couldn’t feel my body, nor could i feel myself breathing, and everything was very clear, except for a very ‘light’ adrenaline-like feeling. I then got very scared because i couldn’t feel myself breathing anymore and thought i was going to die… then slowly i felt myself breathing again, but as if there was an elefant standing on my chest, i couln’t control my breathing either, and then slowly i started regaining control over my body again.

After that my hartbeat went up like crazy and some muscles started to get all shocky on me, especially my shoulders.

Next day i got curious and tried it again, but instead of relaxing for 2 hours my mind went all ‘clear’ in just about 20 minutes, it was very easy to get at that point again… but this time my whole body started vibrating like crazy, and i heard my bed shaking… i got up and my hearbeat went sky-high again… i then noticed my cat jumped off my bed and was looking at me so my body was probably really shaking, instead of just having the feeling or inmagining it.

I’m trying to find some information now before going there again because i’m affraid i might hurt myself in some way… not feeling my own breathing rythm is a bit scary too.

I never intended to really experiment with this stuff but i’ve gotten curious now…


I had a similar experience… my problem is that i have a terrible dream memory so i have trouble remembering dreams and obe’s, but have little flash memories of my experiences. Anyway, I had a similar experience to that, i felt myself sort of sinking on each exhale, then felt tingling vibrations all over my body and then i couldn’t remember what happened, fell asleep i think… then i was woken up by my girlfriend a couple minutes after that, and i was sucked back into my body really quickly… like Blam! but when i was being woken and was what felt like sucked back into my body… there was a sort of fizzy disolving into wakefulness sensation.

by the way kaizu… those are just hallucinations that you’re not breathing… same reason tonight when i was practicing projection/obe exits, i had my fingers laced, but right before the exit i didn’t feel them laced, just near each other. There is no way you can be harmed during these types of experiences, you will never just stop breathing.

I’m having trouble getting out of my body, and remembering my exits… i usually get just about to the point of floating out, but i try to realize what is happening, to stay conscious, but i just snap out of my trance. Also, if i continue in my trance instead of attempting to realize what is going on, i go deeper, then, click… im out (i think), but i can’t see, nor do i know where i am… and i have serious trouble remembering details once i get deep enough to project. I have this intuitive feeling that when im out of my body im only a very short distance from my body, and i remember seeing my bed from a different angle. … How do i get farther away from my body, i have no motor skills, and i seem to just appear there? and how do i remember my exits?

I searched the topics but still I have a question.
WHEN do you know if you have a LD or a (other kind off) OOBE?
You only know you have a OOBE if you see your body? :confused:
Cuz, the RC’s work as much in OOBE’s and LD’s it seems (ex. the nose thingie), then I guess it’s hard to figure out which one you had.

When you dream you have entered the Astral Plane which, is a different dimension from real life. OOBE is real life dimension except only in your mind’s eye. That’s the difference. On many experiences people have seen or heard things in OOBE which had really been there IRL.

I’ve had OBEs before…
But last night was really weird. I was laying there kind of wavering between bodily consciousness and out of body… I would try to move my arms and it would be my astral arms. I opened my eyes and saw strange, creepy shadows on my wall.
Then I felt my real eyes open and they were gone. I was going back and forth for a little bit.
I got a slight feeling that I wanted to try to sit up and leave my body, and I heard a clear, authoritative voice that said, “Where are you going?” in a sort of scolding tone… I decided I didn’t want to make the voice angry and went back to sleep.

I usually don’t hear clear voices… it’s usually distorted and creepy… so I’m guessing it was different than the hallucinations I get…
Are there like… people on the astral plane who get angry when you try to leave…?
Or was that some sort of hallucination? Or maybe it came from inside…?
I dunno, just wondering if OBEing can be dangerous if someone on that plane is mad at you. O.o
Because that voice worried me a bit.

It was from inside, remember that consciousness is not the only one there, in your head. Yes, it is dangerous, but not because of that voice. OOBE’s are dangerous because when you leave you leave your body you are exposed to energy fluxes. Some people can feel these even when they are in their own bodies, so outside it is pretty dangerous for the integrity of the spirit, or they can give it a boost, it depends who created that energy.
I would have a little question. Why when I have very powerful OOBE’s (in terms of stability outside the body, and the way I react to the world) I can feel my both bodies, the physical and the spiritual one (feel them in every way, breathing, moving, seeing, smelling etc.? Is it because I have to make sure I will find my way to my physical body? This also usually happens when I “manually” get out of my body, it has a feeling like I would “come unstuck” from the real body.

Mhm, I know, thanks. :smile: Maybe you can tell me when you know the difference between both worlds? I mean, when you are ‘‘traveling’’ already - how do you know if it’s a dream world or a IRL/astral world?

ok so this dream kinda goes in 4 diff categories. Sky island, OBE, Testing the realness of DC, and LD inside a dream ( and if anybody could find that topic for me. that would be great)

ok so im in walmart with some friends. there are alot of celebs. hot ones. so i try to make out with them. then we see a skeleton (fake one) and we move this bone. its pretty fun. i then see a ant on the ground. i follow it to a door. (its like a doggy door) and i duck under to get inside a kitchen. i go upstairs to see a bathroom. and someone is drying off from a shower. she is hot. and is bending over lol. i watch and try not to be noticed. i then go downstairs and precede to take a nap cause im tired.
im half asleep when i notice im in a dream (a dream in a dream) its very vivid. it looks like im in italy and its sunny day. noon.
the first guy i see. i ask if he is a DC in waking life. he says " in your dreams" ( maybe in the dream i was in. or real life. or the one im in right now)
i see another one and he says. use images and a dictonary as sources in your book. (i look at him like he is an idiot)
then i start to wake up. so i close my eyes and try to remember what they said.
(i keep walking)
i then open my eyes and try to make my left become my right and vice versa. (like a mirror)
doesnt work.
try to teleport to sky island doesnt work. i end up on a highway.
i then see a car driving toward me (from behind me) and try to fly to sky island. i get 20 feet up and just come back down.
i decide to become a rocket and everytime i flap my arms it boosts. so i do that really fast. im way high now. and getting tired. all a sudden i shoot out from my head and am sitting up in my room i realize its an OBE. i see my desk. then my vision gets all weird. (like crossing your eyes with 9 eyes!)
i go back in my head after awhile and fade into a dream only remembering looking at my phone reading about OBE and LD.

question. was this a real OBE?
shouldnt i be able to see? i couldnt see at all. i spent like 5 min trying to see something and it didnt work.

Hi, I’ve been trying to achieve an OOBE for a few times but there is a problem.

I had my first LD when I was like 9 years old, my second when I was 18 and since then I frequently have them (In my first LD’s I realised I was dreaming but I didnt know that I could also control my LD’s so I just submitted and could laugh at nightmares cause I knew they werent real). I had my first WILD a year ago, I often wake up early in the morning (cause of the cat making noise or someone at home who is leaving for work or for no reason at all) and I’m so tired then so that I can fall asleep within few seconds while I can actually feel myself falling asleep. If I dont do anything, I mostly enter a LD.

But I noticed at the moment I fall asleep, I can actually start floating out of my body. But when I first tried it, I heard strange noises and when I continued I heard some evil laugh which freaked me out resulting in waking up in a SP. I was so freaked out I tried to call for someone but I barely couldnt speak and I could only move my eyes and breathing was very heavy. Now I’m trying to do it again but when I do I start to feel that evil presence again, it’s like it’s waiting for me to come out each time resulting in freaking out and waking up in SP.

Would it be wise to continue and is the presence only in my own mind or would it be dangerous?

PS: I’m sorry if I posted this in the wrong topic…

Well, it’s said you can hear different things while you are trying to project, to try and snap your…soul (for a lack of a better word) back to your body. I think it’s your own fear and it keeps coming back since you had such a strong reaction to it. Eh, I don’t know if that makes any sense…One of the biggest OBE killers is fear. THAT I can say for 100%, :razz: Here’s a ressourceful link I go to often for some insight, I’m not sure if it has the info your looking for, but it does have some helpful stuff…well I found it did.
I hope I helped you in some way lol, I’ve been trying to project for months and almost did until I heard a voice and shock brought me back awake -.-" Well, good luck!

Thx for the reply and the link, m8.

I always say to myself “next time I wont freak out” but when the moment is near I just keep doing it :eh:

Next time, I’ll try to do it when the cat is sleeping on my bed, for some reason I feel safer when someone/somebody is near lol