The Big Shared Dreaming Topic-Part 2

/me envies Talon

Dang natural dreamers!

Good job on the SD, though! I’ve been trying for one for a while with The Chroniclers, but have failed to be victorious. Ah well, tonight’s another night. :tongue:

I never really believed in SD untill last night…
I was chatting to one of my best mate who also LDs. We were chatting about weird dreams when she started explaining to me that a couple of months ago she had a dream I had my ristricted lisence and I was driving her round to school in a pink car. She said how she thought it was really weird coz im only 14…
i was like “hang on did you say a pink car” :eh: I remembered exactly what she did and the convo we had in the dream. And after some disscussion we came to the conclusion it was either a SD or a huge coincidence. We have vowed to tell eachother all our dreams we remember from now on. I really have no idea how its possible…

yeah, that was creepy when we figured out we had a shared dream…
and i remembered i wrote that dream in my dj and i went to get lunch afterwards… some kind of chicken… :eh:

YES! We went to get satay chicken and I think emily was there…so weird

yeah, it was creepy…

Had a dream last night with a search in the google for a name “sujata” and I have more info and keywords.

How can I deal with these cases?

looks at moogle

so why is it that people where actually want to SD?

in response to the above post, can you please rephrasse that?

Does anybody here know anything about dreamwalkers and NightStalkers, I have had lucid dreams my entire life, When I sleep to 9:00 Pm I will get between 3-6 Lucid dreams. My question is that does anyone here know of dreamwalkers and nightstalkers. I asked people on Dream views small edit … no flaming please :wink: If anyone knows anything about them please tell me I would love to know. :help:

I believe that shared dreaming, or dreamwalking as some call it, is within the boundaries of human potential. However, I think that the concept of someone stalking you in your dreams is mere conjecture and should not be taken seriously.

What kind of incentive would a person have to stalk you in your dreams? You might have nightmares about someone stalking you, but it doesn’t mean that the stalker is actually a real person. Besides, in LDs you can simply make things disappear and or explode. That’s how I solve my LD fears. :happy:

Welcome to the forums, by the way. :welcome:
You’ll love the community here, it’s a lot better than Dreamviews.

Haha, yes, I tried Dreamviews but this is better. xD

And about shared dreaming…well, me and a friend are still trying to get lucid for the first time, but we know that when we manage, we want to (out of loads of other things) try shared dreaming. I’ve read some amazing stuff, but I’d like to experience it firsthand.

merged into the big sticky shared dreaming topic :moogle:

Some background:
I am best friends with a guy (whom we’ll call U) I met in 9th grade and his little sister. I’m 22 now (he’s about to be 21) so we’ve known each other for about 7-8 years. I loosely knew years ago his younger sister (whom we’ll call A, 17 at this point) in my first few years visiting his house, but have grown to have a very close relationship with her in the past 2-3 years. Essentially they are both my best friends. I am also pretty close with their mom and the 4 of us are all pretty strongly connected. Their mom is essentially my third mom (I’m adopted) and in some ways she’s been a better mom than my adopted mother. (Of course I appreciate, respect, and love both of them for who they are). All of us are essentially pantheists with me and my friends having a firm supporting position on moral relativism. We all have some pretty esoteric ideas but they are logically based on a rational desire to understand everything about life that we possibly can. As such, we are big on dreams. I’m blessed with a rediculous ability to sleep and dream. They unfortunately are lighter sleepers and I don’t think they dream nearly as much or as vividly as I do. I have been having lucid dreams for several years now and I would say I have an expert level of control. As a bonus, my lucid dreams occur frequently. My best time for lucid dreaming is in between the snooze button alarm. I can kick back in to the dream state in less than 2 minutes after hearing the alarm and hitting the button. Almost every dream I have in this period is totally lucid. Not only that, but the awakening doesn’t severely hurt the continuity of the dreams. If I wake up, I can jump back in right where I left off in the previous section. It’s awesome haha.

A couple months ago (Aprilish I think) I had been dating this girl (first girl that I ever really “dated”) for a month and a half or so. My best friend A had been “dating” her guy for a couple of months.

----[More contextual information that can be skipped (though I’m big on context :wink: ]----
It should be noted that I have strictly avoided any sort of intimate relationship with anyone around my age because, ultimately, I find most people to be extremely lacking in self-awareness and responsibility (among other things). As far as “A” goes, she is an attractive individual in all senses of the word. She uses her “dating” periods to help whoever she’s spending time with develop/grow as a person. We both have strong desires to help other people grow and find the paths they are looking for. Part of the strength in our bond is that we both have this deep rooted desire to see people grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All I can say is that we’re very close.
--------[End contextual information]---------

I was over at A/U’s house one evening making some mac and cheese for A and myself (a guilty pleasure as you can imagine). As we’re sitting there eating she starts to tell me about this dream she had. There weren’t many details outside of the fact that she was spending time with this guy who’s face she couldn’t recognize because it was severely blurred. When she said she was sort of messing around with the guy she couldn’t recognize I stopped her mid sentence and said “Hold on! Let me tell you my dream!” Essentially, the main jist of my dream was the same. I was messing around with a girl whom I didn’t recognize as well. Her face wasn’t blurred but I was aware that my brain totally fabricated her appearance (which had it’s similarities to A) in such a way that I can safely say I had never seen anyone like her. Totally unfamiliar. Both A and I, while in the dream, were aware of the fact that we were “cheating” on our respective other person but neither of those people ever appeared in our dreams. I know there were differences in the details (mine was a lot more lengthy and story-like with similarities to my real life situation as far as my best friends are concerned) but the main point of both of our dreams was the same. Of course, it goes without saying since this I mentioned this being a shared dream, that we both that the dream on the same night. This is the first time I ever had a dream that can begin being classified as a shared dream.

I can’t really say much at the moment from here as I’m posting this as fast as I can before I go to sleep soon. But if anyone has any questions (and I hope someone does) I’ll be more than happy to answer them. Sorry for being so abrupt haha. I’m just wired at the moment. Sleep and dream well everyone.

is it possible to just walk into someone else’s dream without their knowledge that it was gonna happen?

Shared Dreaming don’t Exist…?

Funny, I’ve actually experienced a Shared dream with a friend of mine at school. We both told the exact same thing but from each other’s perspective, We also couldn’t see each other, but knew of each others Presence. We were playing an online game, I killed him :grin: with a rifle and he was a evil sith :happy:. We also both woke up at the same time.

according to a quite alot of my friends its real they just want me to carry out an experiment on this new idea

I just have one question, when you see a friend in a dream (lucid or not), is his or her dream body actually there? If so, does that mean that if I ask him, that he’ll know (if he remembered his dream too) :confused:

Merged with Big Shared Dreaming Topic

No, such a thing [, another person being in the same dream,] would be called ‘Shared Dreaming’. The existence of SDs is rather unlikely: because it’s not falsifiable, nor have there been any good (&succesful) experiments on sharing dreams. You might want to look into the Big Shared Dreaming Topic-Part II

Actually, a long time ago, I had a non-lucid dream where my friend was. Just a couple days ago, he refered to a lucid dream that he had. While he described the setting, I remembered it from my dream! I told him, and he was perplexed. But, that’s how I know shared dreaming is real. How else were we able to have the same dream setting?

Don’t call it a coincedence!!! :neutral:

stranger in the night

LSD (lucid shared dream ha ha) - weird

i’m walking down a street in my neighborhood, and i see this other person coming my way, same side of the street. i feel that electric tension of seeing someone faraway and knowing you’re going to eventually pass each other. i thought it was really strange that there was another human being around.

we get close and then stop about 10 feet away from each other. It’s hard to tell whether the person was a guy or gal. for some reason i wanted to ask them the time, but i just continued to stare at them, and suddenly this white light surrounds their outline, and whites out everything else.

suddenly, i realize that i’m dreaming and then the stranger’s eyes get really huge with fear, and i see that they realize that they’re dreaming too. we both freak out at the same time. i woke up
and felt kinda weird. but later i thought it was really funny.


-how about grizzlymonium?

Well, In my shared dream, the game we were playing was in a third person camera. I can’t entirly remember, but I know what his character looked like, and I knew where he was. But I didn’t know it was him until we told each other in the morning. So Any Dreamcharacter you see, even if it’s an ant, COULD be a real person. Was a Great shock to exchange dreams in the morning I’ll quote

We then discussed what actually happend before we fought each other, but it all was consistant to what the actual level looked like in the game.

My sis and I have each have a codeword. I don’t know hers and she doen’t know mine. Its written in my dream journal.

If I see her in a dream (and I’m lucid) I will try to tell her she is dreaming, when she is lucid too, I will tell her my codeword. If in the morning she can tell me correct codeword then I will know that shared dreaming is real.
I think it would be so cool if it was! But I’m not sure either way.