The Big Shared Dreaming Topic-Part 2

If your friend knew nothing about this dream, then it was certainly not a SD. :sad:

I’ll move your post from the “Account of SD’s” into this thread.

oh i didn’t see where it said that, sorry, but anyway it still could have been a shared dream which he didn’t remember…

I think I had a SD. I was in a clif with my brother I became Lucid and I said to him that he was dreaming and I think I made him lucid. He is like big deal none of this is real whats the point. And I told him you could do anythin.
Do you think this was a Shared Dream??? :confused:

What did your brother dream this night?

You told your brother it was a lucid dream, but you don’t tell anything about his dream. If he dreamed the same then it could be a shared dream. If he dreamed about something else it’s certainly not shared dream.

He says he thinks he dreamed but cant remember.I guess i will never know. :cry:

I’m really sorry if this is offtopic. I dont think it is, but if it is sorry!

But is it possible to share dreams or not? I’ve had some people tell me “Dreams are you own thoughts, so no you can not share dreams with friends because dreams are just your mind” and I’ve had other people tell me “Yes. It is posssible to share dreams with people”. So I just thought I would ask here…is sharing dreams posssible?

Who knows? Conventional science would lead you to believe that it is impossible. Certainly no experiments have proved or disproved teh idea.

On the other hand, many people have had what they beleive trhey are shared dreams of high enough accuracy to convince them that shared dreaming is possible using science that we havent yet been able to understand.

Its a really good question and i think that it all has to do on what you beleive. I really beleive that shared dreams can happen and they are possible and thats because i beleive that when you are dreaming you are in the Astral Plane …(The one after physical earth). We dont acually create everything…it all has to be there first but then we can change it or it can change on us because of its unsability. So, if its all there to begin with and your sure about everything around you then i dont see why dream characters arent just other people sleeping and in the same dream as you…even if you said hey were you in this dream with me when “whatever” happened they’re most likley say no…thats only because the average person only remembers about 3/10 dreams per night. But if people think its all our imagination and thats all then obviously no shared dreams cant and dont exist to them.

Hmm…what your saying makes sense to me. I guess sharing dreams could be possible. For now I’m gonna choose to believe in it because what your saying really seems to make sense to me. I could be wrong about them being possible though, but for now I’ll believe in them. :colgate:

I’ve never had one before, has anyone else? And another thing, how is it possible to have a shared dream?

Some believe it’s possible. Personally, I doubt it is, but there you go.

There are different ideas as to how shared dreams are possible - such as the dream world being a seperate world to our own, where we can meet up. Or some suggest psychic powers. And I’m sure there are lots of other ideas out there as to how shared dreaming could be possible.

I have been experimenting with DC’s and “other intelligences” in my LD’s for the past few years. The only shared dream experience I have had was not proven as an SD, but I certainly thought it was interesting…

I became lucid. I demanded to see the “wizard” (the man or woman behind the curtain) I was taken to some DC by other DC’s that understood I was lucid and the “wizard” asked me what I wanted. I said, “I want to meet another dreamer.” The wizard told me I could be in someone’s dream, but I could not tell them that I was lucid and I could not change their dream. He said “you can only observe her.” This is the first time I felt as though I was a DC in someone else’s dream. I tried to alter her dream to protect her from something that was endangering her and I lost lucidity and woke up.

To this day that was the single most exciting LD I have ever had. I really thought I had a connection with the other dreamer. She felt like an independent being. It was an amazing experience. If I met her in the RW and somehow knew it was her, I would be totally convinced of the existence of the SD. As it stands now, I just tell my girlfriend each night to meet me in my lucid dream and I will tell her my secret word. If she tells me the secret word one morning I will know for sure and I will post the achievement here for all to disbelieve.

Viva ld4all!

Ok, personally, I’ve never had a shared dream, and I don’t quite understand how the “lucid crossroads” could work, because if I think it looks a certain way, and the other person thinks it looks different, essentially, we won’t wind up in the same place, my only idea would be for someone to make a concept art of the lucid crossroads, so both dreamers know what their destination looks like, I don’t doubt the possibility of shared dreams, I just think that you would need the same idea of the place.

Then again, people say they run into their friends in dreams in a place they’ve never dreamt of before, so I guess you can be inside the other person’s mind, I don’t know, nobody I know is the least bit interested in LD’s so theres nobody who I can test a Shared Dream with.

I would really like to try a shared dream, there would be no issues with lucidity, as I have a fool proof method of attaining LD’s, but my only problem is finding somebody to try with :sad:.

Maybe the DC’s in our dreams ARE other people just… dream stalking o_o;; but maybe others are works of our imagination… my suggestion is to get lucid, create a “portal” (could be a door or whatever. a portal because it just makes life so much easier :razz:) to another person’s dream (preferably a SD partner) and convince them they’re in a dream. Tell them a word to remember and wake up. Wake up yourself and then call your SD buddy and ask them if they got a special word to repeat. Rinse and repeat… let’s see what the results are! :happy:

Im just bored so im posting this
To prove shared :grouphug: dreaming wouldnt it be the most obvious test to exchange phone numbers\ messenger ads???
After all a DC CANT have a number in timbuktu :rofl: :rofl:

the first lucid dream i had was a shared dream at a sleep over when i was little my freind and i noticed each other and both remembered it was a dream and we were flying and stuff and then we crashed into each other and woke up at the same time

That must have been fun. I would really like to have a SD, but if it s possible do you have to enter OOBE? If so, how long did it take you to have a SD?

I did once have a Shared Dream. It was some 40 years ago when I was in college. A hungry student, I dreamt I was raiding the cafeteria for food early in the wee small hours of the morning. It may have been something of an Out of Body Experience also, but we can set that aside for now. I met a young lady I knew who was also hungry, and had come from the other direction… I had come in the back door and she from the front. We discussed what we each had seen from our separate directions, as well as making some little bit of chit chat. Then we went on our own ways.

The next day we met in the hallway between classes and instantly both of us recalled our Dream. Simultaneously we each began to describe the Dream was we experienced it, where we met, quoting our dialogue, and we apparently had the good sense to both remain speaking, so it could never be said that one of us had been leading the conversation… merely agreeing.

What does this mean, in terms of the Big Picture. Well, we really need to give up the idea that Dreams are a product of some personal Subconscious Mind. You see, the Scientific Community has largely been captured and contained by thorough-going and very doctrinaire materialists. To them it is a matter of principle that dreams be considered as nervous products of the brain. But when two people share exactly the same Dream Scene, then this throws out the idea of the personal subconscious entirely and we are left with how we must now fit in the Collective which really needs to claim its place in there somewhere.

What might this mean in regards to Lucid Dreaming? Well, there it might have us think that we are messing with more than our own heads, that we may be doing more than trying to control our own minds, when we are all about controlling our dreams. We may be trying to impose our own personal wills on the Collective Will, and in stifling Dreams that are presented to us by the Dream Mind we may be stifling the closest thing we may have to the Voice of God.

There have been many reports of shared dreaming. From what I’ve read, they have mostly been unintentional cases. Shared dreaming has always fascinated me, and I think there may be ways to induce shared dreaming. The biggest problem is finding ones with a high success rate, and I must admit, those will be difficult to find.
One idea is autosuggestion. I think that one will work very well. In fact, a family friend, E told me that one of his friends actually visited him in his dream by use of autosuggestion.

I would have to say the most commonly used method is to search for that person in a lucid dream. That could work too, but the problem with that is the possibility that you are simply meeting a DC that looks like them. That problem, in fact, would actually prevail in just about every method, so I may be being a bit unfair, attributing it to simply to that method. Anyway, this technique is probably the most diverse, and can be split up to possibly an infinite amount of sub-methods. Here are a few of the sub methods which I have come up with that I think can yield some results.

The call method: A very commonly used method. Call out the persons name who you want to meet and wait for them to come.

The phone call method: Find a phone and dial the number of the person. Hopefully you will call a phone in that person’s dream and they will answer, resulting in a partial shared dream where you don’t actually meet face-to-face, but speak to each other.

The key method: Reach into your pocket expecting to find a key there. Pull out the key and expect the person’s name to be on it. If it is, insert into a keyhole on a door hoping for it to open into that person’s dream. If it is not, either try to pull another key out of your pocket, or attempt to write the name of the person on the key.

The door writing method: An easier version of the key method. Write the name of the person you want to meet on a door, then open it.

The DC method: Ask a DC to lead you to them.

The list goes on…

Me and a friend shared a dream briefly… Our minds sort of have a bridge, already-- we roleplay day and night, and have learned each other’s mind workings intimately. It is rather fun.
Y’see, she is a natural lucid dreamer. Though she does not pride in the fact-- she doesn’t really do much in the dreams claiming " Dreams are not real-- it doesn’t matter"…Which really saddens me–

But because she is such a nice person, and good friend, she has said she will go lucid, find me, and get me lucid too!
And ever though I had not seen her in my dreams (lucid) since this morning-- it was very interesting!
In my dream, she asked if I needed any help with lucidity, my dream. I told her “no, it’s ok-- I don’t need help!” Because I was already lucid…

I asked her later over the phone if she recalled this as well-- Infact she did! Hah! What a gifted natural dreamer eh? If only we all could…only the few and rare and lucky… AH WELL :smiley:

Sweet dreams and goodnight~!