the BIG Spirit Guide topic III

Ok I really want to meet my SG. I will do anything at all to reach/contact him/her. It would be the absolute best. But wouldn’t your SG be just your SC tricking you in some deformed way?

it is a possibility, but i don’t think so, because you can change anything in a lucid dream, except your SG(correct me if i’m wrong XD)

2 nights ago i had somethign really strange happen to me. It was that point right before you fall asleep and you get that strange feeling a few times and then you fall asleep. but one of the times i distictly heard a femail voice from my left ear say Oh! Kevin as if she was surprised by my presence or something. I dont think ive ever had contact with my SG if thats what it was.i just remember the voice was compleetly random. i dunno it very well could have been a dc talking before i even had a dream visual but it was so strange i thaught id post it and see what you guys think

sigh I’ve been trying to contact my SG through dreams, but no real luck. Each time yields a different result. Not so much as the “character’s” looks change… it’s an entirely different creature. (I’m convinced I have atleast one totem animal) I think I’m going to switch gears tonight.

I still have to find my SG. Any thoughts?

You should be able to contact your SG in an LD, if you manage.

You can also reach your spirit guide/guides through meditation.

Hey, i have an interesting question…
Is it possible to fall in love with your spirit guide? That would be pretty weird but still, i wonder if it can happen :hmmm:

When I am in a dream I can recognise my spirit guide because I feel a great sense of love for and of them.

I suppose it would be possible to fall in love with them, but IMO it would be more a case of misrecognising love for being in love.

I think I’ve met my spirit guide, but I’m not 100% sure that it was really him. If I think back a little I can remember seeing him in a few of my dreams, he hardly ever speaks to me. There was this one dream I had where I was in water holding onto something…then he pops into my dream and stands a few feet away. I ask him to know what the options are, other then having to go through this. I spoke to him as if I’d known who he was for some time. But he simply turned and walked away, then I was lifted into the air and went zooming into this temple type thing, and my dream carried on. I think I called out his name…I 'll have to find it in one of my journals…Anyway, could he be my spirit guide, or just some random DC?

can your SG’s hear you even if you cant hear them?
i am trying to ask him/her/them to try and contact me because i am having trouble contacting them.

Are SG against my religion? I’m catholic and i heard that some religion beleives that trying to find them brings about demons?

First LD i had this week I asked for my SG and it turned out to be this girl Jen i know. sounded and looked like her but ofc not everything was exactly correct.

I just had another LD and was having some trouble and called out for my SG and no one showed up :meh:.

It seems quite natural to me that your SG would be of the opposite sex, mine is.
Dreaming is a complement to waking and female is a complement to male. If you are trying to find guidance, it seems reasonable to look for it in what completes you.


Could your SG be an animal instead of a human?

i am pretty sure i heard my SG… now i just have to see him/her/them in an LD

I could believe that. If you think animals have spirits in the first place then i think its possible.

Spirit’s are energy, they have no real physical form. As such they can choose to take what ever form that they wish.

I suppose I have a sort of spirit guide. She’s a sort of SG/subconscious/reason thing that I’ve talked with all my life. I call her my daemon. Her name’s Maridea and she’s a raccoon. :smile:

Though perhaps she’s not actually my SG but something else, because I also have this entity that I just call “the Bear” that shows up occasionally, in my dreams and outside of them, when I need help and extra guidance. So maybe it’s just a party in my head. :content:

Kind of like in the “his dark materials” triology lol