The BIG Suneye Topic - part II

When i did get those vibrations after them i was so paralyzed that it was almost frightening. But it works. I have propably a Lucid dream but i arent very sure.

I have not read the whole tread, so I don`t know if this have been asked before. However, is it really nesseary to stare and tense your eyes? Isnt this just one of many ways to open your third eye? If so, is leading energy to the different charchas considered as the same method?

Hey everyone,
I understand you must follow the technique “by the book” in order for it to work. In the manual, It specifies going to bed between 11:00 Am to 1:00Am and sleeping for 6 hours. Would it be fine to sleep at 10:00Am, because I need to get up early for school and need more sleep. :grin:
What do you think?

VisionDreamz: I’ll assume you mean 10pm?

I don’t think it matters what time you go to bed. After all, depending on where you are in the world, and what time of year it is, the light level at a particular time will vary anyway. The important part is just that you get the same number of hours as the documents recommend.

Ya I mean PM, thanks for responding :grin: . Im going to try this tonight, Ill post my results (God willing) tommarrow.
Excellent, let the dreams begin…

Ok, I just woke up from a lucid dream. This is what happened. Went to bed at 11:30PM, set my alarm for 6 hours later, 5:30AM did the third eye thing, got up, did stuff for half an hour until 6:00Am, went back to sleep doing the third eye thing. Suddenly I woke up into the strong vibrations, i was paralyzed. I knew what to do… Just wait, and open dream eyes, which I did. The dream was about 2 minutes long, but thats ok, I havn’t LDed in a while! The reason I only stayed up for half an hour was because I didn’t have much time, I had to get up in 1.5 hours anyway, so if i stayed up for a whole hour, I would only have .5 hours to sleep, which wouldn’t really work.

A light on when you sleep can screw up your circadian rhythms a bit, not an good idea.

I’m going to try this tonight. The problem that I’m worried about is the wake for an hour, then go back to sleep thing. If I stay up for that long, won’t I be too awake to be able to go back to sleep?

Many people have reported that when taking melatonin supplements, their dreams gradually become more colourful, more vivid, and hence easier to remember. This effect might tie in with the Yoga teaching that the pineal gland is the seat of the brow chakra(third eye) and can be activated by applying yoga:


[The pineal gland or epiphysis, synthesizes and secretes melatonin, a structurally simple hormone that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body. Synthesis and release of melatonin is stimulated by darkness and inhibited by light. The pineal gland, which in modern times has ceased functioning as a light sensing organ, is now controlled by light and darkness through the eyes which affect the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn activates or deactivates the pineal gland. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland has led some to call the pineal the “third eye”. Research on fossils from previous eras have revealed that it acted as a 3rd photoreceptive element which was sensitive to light and dark. This is evident in extinct species such as the mosasaurs and other ancient amphibiat vertebrates, which have a extra hole in the skull called the foramen. Even in the lower animals of today such as the pacific treefrog the pineal gland senses light. In humans the pineal gland contains pigment cells similar to those found in our eyes. Reasearch indicated that after 6 hours of darkness the size of the pineal gland increases and it is activated into the production of melatonin. When light returns, the melatonin production falls off. This is similar to the function of the pituitary gland which produces ACTH (adrenocortico-trophic hormone), a supra-renal gland activator, between the hours of 3 and 6 a.m… In various species including humans, administration of melatonin has been shown to decrease motor activity, induce fatigue and lower body temperature, particularly at high doses.]

I tried this method last night, and I sadly confess that I am very disappointed with it. I followed it very closely, except that eventually, my head started to hurt after the chakra exercise, so I had to stop that.
I woke up at 7:00 a.m., after six hours of sleep; I washed my face three times; I kept affirming that I could have a lucid dream; I went online and searched various websites until 8:00…
And then I went back to “sleep.” Upon following the instructions, I did feel my body become paralyzed, as it should during REM sleep. Yes, there were strange vibrations that came over me, and my muscles seemed to tense randomly, though I couldn’t move them. But my brain would not enter REM.
The farthest I came was hearing strange noises, seeing slight flases of white, feeling movement, and thinking strange thoughts. But I stayed in this state for a long, long time, and I just wouldn’t slip into a dream. I lay there for an hour, until, eventually, I just felt too uncomfortable to continue. My body felt like it was burning up, so I couldn’t just ignore it, and my neck was very uncomfortable, though I was in a very comfortable position when I started. I had to swallow, but every time I did, it seemed to threaten to shatter my paralysis.
Eventually, an hour later, my eyes shot open and I just gave up. Feeling shot back into me.
I think I’m disappointed because this technique was almost exactly like the WILD technique, I suppose, with the paralysis, and I never had success with WILD - it’s just to hard for me to fall asleep, I’m too excited, or something. I have much more success with the MILD technique after staying up for only ten minutes or so, and not bothering to really wake myself up.
Thanks for reading…sorry that was so long! Anyone have the same thoughts on this topic? Please respond. Thanks!

ive done the same thing, my reason was that i had slept to much the day before, wich i ofcourse didnt even think about. so i couldnt go to asleep just lying, feeling the vibration (i didnt even go to sleep paralyzes) and then after about 2 hours i gave up. maybe you should try it the day after you have bin parting late, thats what i did and it went better…but i think you should be grateful that you experienced anything, next time it might work…

another success with Suneye! :cool_laugh:

I tried the Suneye Method 1 last night for the second time. Got to bed at 3 am. Set my alarm at 9.20. Went up stayed up for one hour and wached my face 3 times during that hour. I did have some short dreams during the first period of sleep but no lucids. Got back to bed about 10.20 and lying on my back i concentrated on my third eye and said to myself that i will become aware that i’m dreaming.

I begun to feel paralyzed almoust right away but did not get any vibrations. My mind wandered a few times and after a while i wasn’t sure if i’ve been awake or if i had some sleep. It felt like i had been lying there for up to 2 hours and my paralyzation was gone. I was so tired so I turned and was ready to give up. But then I wanted to try one more time so I rolled over to my back again and started to focus. The paralization came as fast as the last time but this time i also got the vibration right away.

This was the first time i felt thouse vibrations, it was cool :content:

Then my head begun to sunk through the bed. When I stopped I tried to stand up but my legs was stuck in my bed. I begun to spin and felt that i was lying in my bed again. I stod up (with sucess this time), tried to look at my hands but i could not see any fingers. It felt like the blind spot was so big that all my fingers was hidden into it. It was a little scary coz at this point i wasn’t really sure yet if I was dreaming or if I was awake. Then I looked at my digital alarm clock and the numbers were all freaked out. Now i knew i was dreaming. The second later when i tried to go out of my room i woke up.

I’m very happy that this technique worked for me and I am looking forward to try it again next weekend.

A big THANK YOU to Tride15 for posting the unzipped files for these methods. And Tride: the only time I had trouble moving in a Lucid Dream was the time I had a Lucid OBE.

I read methods 1, 3, & 4. They are slightly different. Everyone seems to understand and use #1.

In method #4, after being up for an hour, instead of going back to bed you are supposed to try sleeping in a chair or sitting up on a sofa with the body at an angle of 120 – 130 degrees. There is even a little diagram, and the author stresses the importance of the angle as well as body position and comfort.

Method #3 is the same as #4 with the addition of sleep deprivation. It takes two nights. The first night you don’t go to sleep! (have a nice day) On the second night you do method #4. (It is method #3 that is reported to work almost 100% of the time.)

The confusing part about reading all the methods is; that except for one or two paragraphs, they are pretty much the same. #3 and #4 are exactly the same for the first 20 pages!

Well, I’ve been up for almost an hour now. :user:

Time for a little cold water and some eye strain… :panic:

I sort of tried suneye this morning and 2 days ago. I only did the look at third eye and nothing else when going to sleep and I seemed to stay much more awake than usual and I didn’t really get any distracting thoughts either. I didn’t actually fall asleep when doing this but I did get SP but I was too awake so I was just laying there for 20 minutes while being in some sort of trance where I could barely feel my arms or legs.

I also remembered to try it again this morning and I acutally managed to WILD :grin: And I got close to WILDing a second time later, but I had been sleeping for so long that I wasn’t really tired anymore. Guess I’m going to have to try this again tomorrow :cool:

a mirror of the suneye files from the yahoo group can also be found here

More success with the looking at my third eye and I also did a WBTB this morning, so that probably helped alot too :cool: I had 3 LDs this morning and I think I also WILDed without getting lucid because my mind sort of got lost in the HI :sad: Well actually I think it happened several times :eek:

I’ll definately try this every morning from now on :grin:

Hi, I don’t know if this has been posted already, but I notice the link to Suneye Method Part I is broken. I have found it on the site here:

Hope this helps.

I’ve been using this tech now for 7 days and I’ve had 7 LDs :cool: But the LDs have been spread out over 4 nights. So 3 nights with no lucidity at all. And for some reason alot of the has happened very early during the night too :eek:

I just look at the third eye when falling asleep and when I start getting HI I just fall asleep as usual. Then I try to do the same if I wake up during the night.

dddddddddddamn. this REALLY works! i had a super long ld last night after doing everything this suneye says to do.

I tried the Suneye method 1 last night with no success, but it was my own fault. I went to bed at 12:00, took me about 30 minutes to get to sleep, then I woke up at 6:30, washed my face with cold water, checked out the forums for an hour, then went back to bed. I layed in bed for almost 2 hours not being able to go to sleep, I know it says it’s normal to stay up for up to an hour and I half, but I wasn’t even feeling drowsy. Also, the third eye focusing is hard for me, I think I might be straining my eyes too hard. I can do it for maybe 10 minutes, but then I have to rest a little, and it makes my head hurt. I think I almost had a OOBE on accident though. I wasn’t paralyzed, but I felt a bit numb, and if those I vibrations then damn. I really only felt it in my upper chest, but it was more like convulsions then vibrations, then I felt this feeling of ‘displacement’ I moved my hand, but it moved physicaly. I just got annoyed and turned on my stomach, still doing the self hypnosis, but without the third eye focus. I just ended up having some normal dreams and sleeping really late.