The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part III

I’m saying lock this because this topic is a month old, he hasn’t been on since over a month. No one posted back to him, probally because no one understood him.

I just asked this last night

Anyway that sounds like what happened. Thank You.

Not for the Competition Rankings, but yeah, just for my own records so I can keep track of my number of LD’s. :smile:

You’re welcome :wink:

Maybe you want to have your own Dream Journal? You can just start a new thread, call it whatever you’d like and start posting your dreams :smile:

Oh, and welcome to the forums!! :mrgreen_hat:

ah! late reply! for some reason i thought that my post got deleted because i had done something wrong, i was so confused :confused: and thought id check it one more time :smile:

thank you basilus!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

If you can no more find your posts, you can use the “View your posts” link on the forum index page. :smile:

that is very handy to know, thank you :content: ive much forum knowledge to gain!

I’m not exactly sure if this was an LD or not… I was sure of it while I was dreaming but everything about it was so foggy when I awoke:

I thought I entered lucidity near the end of the dream. It started out with a war, which pretty much consisted of me, my family, and a few others (one I remember was Lash from Advance Wars XD) against everyone else. So, this mysterious person thing later kills off about three quarters of my allies, one of which included my 7-year-old sister.

I go back home and start eating dinner (strangely, with no trace of the war around), then see my sister who had previously died in the war was sitting at the table. Now, because I wasn’t lucid and still recalled the previous events, something in my mind clicked. I thought, “Whoa… is this a dream?” I looked at my fingers, and, sure enough, I had a sixth between my pinky and ring fingers. And the three were webbed, too. I plug my nose and try to breathe through it; no problem. I was sort of excited and confused at the same time… I ran up the stairs and turned into a room I haven’t seen before, all painted blue with some unidentified guy sitting in a rocking chair. I tried flipping the light switch; it worked, but with a 5-second delay. From there, I walked around the house. My aunt was there too, trying to get a Game Boy Color/CD player hybrid to work, and I could hear the CD I was listening to before I fell asleep playing. Now, the dream was starting to fade, and so I wanted to try something different. I suddenly changed the dream so that me and three others were playing a competitive video game The game was StarFox Assault, for whatever reason. I simply willed my opponents HP drop to 0 and it happened. From there, it faded completely.

For some reason, I didn’t try anything too extrodinary (like flying), but it was rather interesting. When I woke up, the whole thing was sorta foggy, and felt like it was just a regular dream. For that reason, I’m not exactly sure if it was an LD, or if It was just an RD of an LD. Could someone please clarify for me?

i am no expert by far, but from what ive read on this thread there is no such thing as an RD of an LD? is that correct? if youre dreaming youre lucid, youre lucid, thats what i gathered.

i dunno, hearing from the 5-star people/moderators is much more encouraging :tongue:

I’m pretty sure I heard somewhere about it, I believe the term was “False Lucid Dream”. I’m not 100% sure either, though.

EDIT: Looking back, I think I may be referring to the “Pre-Lucid Dream”, but it might be two different things.

Some LD’s aren’t clear but if you had all your concious thoughts and realized you were dreaming, it was a LD. You can probably try to increase the clarity in you next LD.

(btw, I’m Demonic Wyvern from Variety Villa :cool: )

Hi LAVOS5! Welcome to the forum! :wave:

Since you realized you were dreaming, it was a LD. The problem you faced happens rather often. When you don’t wake up immediatly after a LD, because your LD fades and it transforms into a normal dream, it may happen that your dream recall is not so good, so the dream looks like foggy. It’s just the same thing, in my opinion, when you try to remember a (real) event which took place during the previous seconds or to remember which took place an hour ago.

Theorically right, but sometimes pratically wrong. It took me many months to understand why some people said they had dreams in which they dreamt they “were lucid”, but they felt it was a normal dream. I suppose now it was because they just thought “I’m lucid” but being lucid was a fuzzy goal, they didn’t know exactly what it meant and it was not truly associated with the realizing they were dreaming. So it’s better to say: “If you realize you’re dreaming, you’re lucid”. :wink:

:look: my, that is a difficult distinction. :content:

Yes indeed, it took me months to understand it. :smile:

I just joined, and naturally, I’m full of questions :smile:

I was initally interested because when I was about 15, I kept a dream journal and drew little pictures of what I saw - just for fun. Well, one night I was dreaming of my living room, and I thought to myself, ‘hey, I can’t be in my living room, because I am in my bed sleeping.’ I walked out on to the porch and put my foot on a step outside. Everything was so real, I just couldn’t be sure. My foot did not feel the cold cement of the steps, and I knew I was dreaming. This only lasted mere seconds, however, as I walked up the street barefoot, in awe and wonder of how cool it was. Then I lost control of the dream. I wasn’t trying of course, nor did I know any methods about actual lucid dreaming, and that this was actually happening to me.

I started by making another dream journal, about a week ago. After coming to this site, I went to bed, and repeated to myself, ‘when I wake up, I’m gonna remember what I dreamed’ over and over until I fell asleep. I could rarely remember more than one dream a week, so I didn’t know what kind of progress, if any, I would make. I was amazed. In the past week, I have been able to write down something I remembered every night. I am totally surprised at what a little concentration and motivation could produce. I didn’t know you could train yourself to remember dreams.

So lastnight, I had taken some notes in my journal and I was going over them. Yesterday I had spent all day walking around looking at things, at my dog, my boyfriend, the celing fan, saying ‘am I dreaming?’ Trying to get into the habit of doing RT in my waking life. As I went to bed, I was repeating my usual so I would remember my dream, but I was also thinking ‘am I dreaming?’ without trying because I had said it so much yesterday, I couldn’t help it. And then I thought that if I were to have a lucid dream, I wanted my setting to be a forest, nice and safe and private, where I could get the hang of it. Well sure enough, I went to bed and dreamt that I was in a forest. I was wandering around and I came upon my dog, and then something weird happened. All these calculations started to appear out of thin air, showing me the proportions of his nose to his face. As I looked at the dog little letters and numbers appeared all around his head and then a voice told me ‘therefore, you must be dreaming.’ It was strange, but I could not control it. It felt more like a movie of me reaching lucidity, rather than me actually doing it. It was a dream that I had no control over, yet I was still aware it was a dream. The big question is…was this a LD? Was this just a dream about me getting close to having one? It was not the experience I had when I was 15, which I thought was the coolest thing that’s ever happened in my life, but what then, was it?

that is the key … you were aware it was a dream while dreaming, so it was a LD.
The level of control in LDs does vary from dream to dream.

you are making very much progress in short time and yes, i think you can call that an LD… as long as you are aware that it is a dream its an LD… learning to controll them is another thing i guess… ive been on LD4ALL for quite a while now and i still practise my dream recall :sad: dont have much time to put my thoughts on LD’ing either though… well anyway, welcome to LD4ALL :content:

well thanks you guys I really appreciate the input. I’m new and so it helps to get the opinions of the veterans :smile:

I had a dream this morning that lasted about 5 minutes. I was in a University dorm that I had visited a couple of weeks ago. A couple other guys I know were there. I did a nose reality check, and found I was lucid. I also kept looking at my hands, and they kept changing postition and shape. However, the reason that I am doubting my lucidity is because I just realised I was dreaming out of the blue. I was walking up the stairs to the fifth floor when I suddenly realised that I was dreaming, and the reality check confirmed it. I think a possible reason for this is because I was awake for about 5 minutes before going back to bed for this dream, and I did this at my usual time for waking up. I continued doing reality checks the whole time I was dreaming, and was always positive for lucidity. I was also aware the entire time that my physical body would wake up if I moved it, which I had the power to. I think this means I was lucid. However, I’m not sure if I was simply dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly, because when I tried to fly (well, hover, because I would have hit a wall), it didn’t work.

So, the grand question is, was I lucid?

I think you were lucid Irrelevant,
You did realise you were dreaming, so it’s a lucid dream.

You’re not the only one who failed to fly the first time you did it. You could check this topic, to see some tips to fly :content:

Good luck :fly:

Topic reached 10 pages and is locked. Part IV of the topic can be found here.