The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part III

I’ve been keeping a dream journal lately, and I’ve been remembering my dreams a lot better (I’ve always been good at remembering dreams anyway). Anyway…

I didn’t write this one down, so it’s a bit cloudy.

Last night, I had dreamt that I was at an old high school of mine, and I was trying to get people to do something (I think I was trying to sell stuff). At one point, a black guy grabbed me, wrapped me up in white cloth, threw me over his shoulder, and carried me off. When he let me out, I was at my current high school around my fifth period class. I started talking to him, and after a while, I remember saying to myself, “No, this doesn’t make sense-- I’m dreaming,” and I became aware that I was dreaming. I then started talking to him more, but I can’t remember what I was asking him. >=/

Later on, I was in the bus loop, and I started wondering if I could fly. So I hopped off the ground and hovered very slowly back to the ground. At this point I was very excited, and I don’t remember much after this.

I awoke. I was then having dreams that I was telling people I had a lucid dream, which I find odd.

This may be a stupid question, but is it normal to remember lucid dreams, but not remember their content too well?

Congratulations on your first LD! Essentially, if you know you’re dreaming, you’re lucid. You also managed to float, which is a plus. Good job! :smile:

Anyway, to answer your question, I believe it is. Unless you have a reminder to suddenly rush to your dream journal and write everything down you can remember /just/ as you wake up, or you have an excellent memory, many dreamers will finds themselves losing most of the content of their dreams - NDs or LDs.

It’s good that you’re already writing your dreams down and have a good memory. Plus, you’ve already written your dream down in the first place. So just mark it as your first and keep dreaming. You’re doing fine.

Quick question again… I just had what I think is another lucid dream last night… In the dream, I felt as if this was surely a lucid dream. During the dream, I thought that this was probably how lucid dreams were supposed to be and not like how my previous questionable lucid dreams were.

Anyway, when I did woke up… it felt as if the dream was just another ND. I just know that I thought this things during the dream. Still, I feel the LD was too questionable.

I got this still questionable lucid dream after attempting WILD… (I counted of from my head and with each number I told myself that I will know I’m dreaming.) But the matter stands that I have never WILDED before so I don’t know how its supposed to be. I felt during the end of the WILD that I was leaving my body but there was no HI or anything like that so I thought that maybe I just dreamed I WILD or something.

Also, for additional information… I tried B6 recently and before I went to sleep last night, I thought I take a major dose and see what happens… So I took 10 tablets of B6 each being 100 mg. I wonder if it has anything to do with what I got.

Hey everyone, I just joined here!

I just wanted to spill a few things out right now that I find confusing. I don’t know if they are lucid/ OBE’s or what.

As a young kid I would often get these strange “hallucinations” sometimes when I was sick, but sometimes just when I thought about it while drifting to sleep. These episodes are best described as me floating through big soft masses of matter. I had recently written these off as hallucinations but am now starting to question that, as I am learning more about lucid dreams and out of body experiences. Another note about these episode are that they used to be very pleasant for me and actually when I got sick I would get excited because I knew that I would be having one of these wild dreams (although I was not always sick when I had them, but I almost always got them when I got sick). I have in the past few years though had similar occurances, but they were in no way pleasant, they were actually very disconcerning and somewhat scary. So my question is, is it possible for a lucid dream to be triggored by a fever or illness? Also is it possible to be able to have these experiences as a child but then slowly lose the ability to have them?

One other thing I wanted to ask, I read on this site that sometimes when you wake from a dream it feels like you’re jolted down into your bed, as a result of your spiritual body re-entering your physical body. This happens to me fairly often, is it possible that I am frequently having OBE’s but not remembering them? Or do you always remember OBE’s?

Thanks for anyone who read through my whole post. :wink: I look forward to any responses I get.

I wonder wheter I had a lucid dream or just a vivid dream… I laid in bed and tried to fall asleep and I had this strange feeling as if I was being “scanned” by a machine, I felt lights going up and down over me, literary scanning me/ Then I got involved in a conversation with a person I know. He has problems with drugs and I told him that he should’nt take drugs and hurt himself because I love him. Then he smiled at me and dissapeared. But it was so real, very vivid. I wonder wheter it was a lucid dream… I couldn’t control my words but I still remember them and I think it’s possible that I have talked in my dream, I don’t know. But I actually dreamt about laying in bed and trying to fall asleep…

As long as you don’t know you are dreaming WHILE you’re dreaming, it is not a LD.

Alvin, the problem is you try to compare two different states of consciousness. Is it really possible to mesure dream consciousness with waking consciousness ? Moreover you need to use your memory to do that. But if you use your memory to estimate the vividity of what happened IRL during the previous five minutes, what will be the result ?
LD’s are to be lived inside the dream. If you feel you’re conscious and aware it’s a dream, then you are experiencing a lucid dream. Anyway your questioning about what lucidity is made of is interesting, but you should try to plan IRL actions to do in your LD’s in order to enhance lucidity or vividity, so that you could compare dream experiences with themselves, and not with IRL experiences.

About B6, it’s said to enhance ND’s vividity, not to induce LD’s. I don’t think you have to take tons of B6 to have results.

Hi soccersloy! :smile:
Yes indeed, I think LD’s may be triggered by fever. And it seems that many people had these experiences as a child but they lost progressively this ability.

What you describe looks like what is called a myoclonic jerk. It often happens when you’re falling asleep, then you feel like you suddenly fall and wake up. I just discovered that the explanation I gave many times on this forum is recognized by some scientists: :happy:

As for me, I don’t believe in OBE’s, I think they are LD’s. But OBE’ers say that your “spiritual body” leaves your physical body every night, but you don’t know it. So, according to them, you regularly have OBE’s and are not aware of it.

Why is it that everytime someone thinks that they had a LD, they most likely did? :bored:

interesting… thanks for your input. :smile:

Thanks for the reply Basilus.

You do have a point there. If I did try to recall the vividity of the last 5 minutes, then I would end up with almost the same result of recalling the vividity of a dream.

Interesting suggestion too. I should compare LD’s with dream experiences and not WL ones. Maybe I’ll get a more positive result…

I don’t know though. Its so frustrating not to know what being lucid really feels like. I’m not sure if its true or not. The way some people describe their LDs as amazing and incredible make me feel that my 'LD’s aren’t real. And I hate how our memories can feel so questionable sometimes. I often even doubt the things Iremember too since somtimes I think my mind just made them up.

And I do know that about the B6. I didn’t really expect to get an ‘LD’. I just did that to have a vivid recallable dream.

And btw Basilus. I really just wanted to say how helpful you are is really great. Its just that sometimes this sub-forum is filled with more questions than people trying to answer them. I have noticed long ago that you have always tried to keep up with all of it though. (A case in point would be this topic. You practically replied to most of the questions put forward here. And that’s just a start…) You actively try to really participate here. When you left actually… the first thought I had was that this sub-forum would be a whole lot more empty. I know all this is off-topic but I don’t want to have to wait for you to post in the Something Good topic or something before I say this. Anyway, thanks again.

Last night I dreamed of having a lucid dream…I mean, I wanted to have a LD in my drem, is that possible? Is that a step towards real LD?

that one’s definite, u are a step closer to having LD, but that shouldn’t happen unless u r trying LD for the first time or smthing similiar…

Yep, called pre-lucid dream. I guess you’re getting close. :content:

Twister, i’m not sure about that, i had a lot of LDs, and still get pre-lucid dreams quiet often…

Thank you Alvin. This goes straight to my heart. :smile:
I hope that you’ll have soon high lucid and vivid LD’s so that your questions will be answered. :wink:

LOL! I merged two topics and they are mixed up now! :happy:

valkiria, I agree with Zizou. Dreams about dreams or about LD’s are called prelucid dreams and it means you’re closer to a LD.

Well moreso techincally this morning but w/e. I had a dream last night then got up at 7am for some ungodly reason, I decided to go back to bed but i wanted to remember my dream and i focused so hard on it i ended up in a dream, but not lucid. I sort of went with the flow, some friends of mine, a girl from school, and 2 random people were in my house, We were all hanging out in my basement. Nothing really happened but then they all decided to go to the office in the basement, For some weird reason i suddenly felt something was wrong and was then in control of myself(lucid?) I didn’t know if i was still dreaming so i ran to the door to the office to see if those people were still here(thus proving i was in a dream) and sure enough, they were all in there, so i just thought like “OMG IM LUCID DREAMING”. I then turned around and leaped through the air, only to start flying :happy::D:D, Now next, i wanted out of this basement badly so i decided to try to literally fly through the house, like through the layers. I got through 1 layer then for some reason i decided to close my eyes, when i tried to open them it was like i had 2 levels of eyelids, my dream ones and my awake body’s ones, they got heavier and sort of merged, then when i opened them, i woke up:P

Now, When i first got up i instantly thought "YAy, i had my first lucid experiance, but the more i think about it the more i wonder if it WAS a lucid experiance or if IN my dream ME as a dream thought he became lucid and flew, i.e. I was dreaming about a lucid dream. The other thing was that i wasn’t in TOTAL CONTROL, but i’m thinking that might have been because i was so excited and didn’t really think at all before leaping into my flying. Also, it wasn’t exactly the greatest detail either, it was still sort of “foggy” sometimes and i remember the view changing a bunch from 1st to 3rd person view.

ANyways, thanks, and no matter which answer i get, i Know that im now a huge milestone closer to Lucid Dreaming.


Definitely goes under what is defined as a lucid dream. Only you will know if you were conscious enough for it to be called a high level lucid dream.

oh it definately wasn’t high leveled, i guess im just skeptical because i’ve only being trying to LD for around a month, and it feels too soon almost for an LD, i can almost remember a dream a night, but if i tried for a week straight i probably couldn’t so i don’t know, it just feels like its too soon to be real:P

I just had my first lucid experience last night! I was dreaming about the superbowl (lol) and I had a dream that everyone already knew who won because the game had already been played. Then I realized that they always show the game live on t.v. and I thought to myself. “wait a minute… I must be dreaming because they show the game live on t.v…” that’s when I woke up. But I was lucid!!! be it only for a second, this is the first step! yay! I wasn’t really even trying, I just started to get interested in doing this like a week ago and I didn’t have the intention of trying it yet.

but yea… before i get too excited, that was a low level LD right? lol

Congrats on your first LD, soccersloy! :clap:
It quite impossible to say what lucidity level your LD was of. In such short dreams, we have absolutely no clue. :sad:

This was a low level lucidity dream. You didnt fully do a real lucid dream because you didnt stop thinking about lucid dream and it bringed to awake you. And surely shutting your eye too. If your shut your eyes , you awake or you are in an AP vibration state , mind awake/body asleep.