The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part V

moved to Was it a LD sticky topic from the pathways forum (together with the following three replies :moogle:

ok well i’m 13 and all through my younger life even though i didn’t know wat it was at the time i was very nearly lucid. and i THINK i had my first lucid dream… my only doubt is that it happened differntly frm other peoples happen. i didn’t do the reality checks, it didn’t happen slowley…
i just suddenly had this burst of light and i went really happy and there was this voice in my head saying i was in a lucid dream,. then i nearly slipped into waking as i was so happy so i gripped the plant pot i was holding tighter and came back.
but also i heard u can do cool things like turn invisible and stuff but i think i was so excited it didn’t happened and i woke up. but am i lucid???