The BIG "Was this a LD?" topic - Part V

I have had two more confusing experiences…

The first was about four nights ago. I had a dream that I was trying to WILD (and I succeeded, in my dream) Then I was in this room with these pipes. Just to check if I was dreaming, I checked my hands to see how many fingers I had (about 20something). Then I recalled reading somewhere about how if you told yourself that there was a mint in your pocket, there would be. So I felt in my back pocket, and sure enough there was an Andes mint. Next, I remembered that if you spun around, you would change environments. So I spun around and around, and then I felt myself lifting up. Everything became blurry…
Suddenly, I woke up (in my dream) and continued with it.

The second was about two nights ago. I also had a dream that I was trying to WILD, and I got this sinking feeling, and I tried so hard to make my body come apart from myself, but I couldn’t do it…

I am very confused.

I suppose the moral of this is ALWAYS do an RC when you first awaken…

I had what I think was a LD tonight.

I was at work (working in a hamburger restaurant). For some reason the area behind the counter was larger than usual and the counter was wider. Anyway, one of my bosses placed me att the cash register(correct english word for it?) on the end of the counterline in a corner. I stood there for a while and served some customers. Suddenly, I realised there was about 10 people behind the counter that I didn’t recognize and I was pretty much “wtf?”. I walked to the kitchen but it was empty, so I went back to my register. When I arrived, one of these unknown people stood at my register serving customers, with my boss beside him/her(couldn’t see if the person was a male or a female). I remember thinking “What the hell is that sucker doing there?” and I went to my boss and shouted that now it’s not my responsibility if there would be any diff (too much or little cash in the register). Then I cant’t remember more for a while, but then suddenly I’m standing at my register again.

A customer walks up to me telling me he didn’t get the food he ordered and payed for. I asked him if he had saved his receipt and he said no. I told him I couldn’t give him any food if he didn’t showed me the receipt and then suddenly he gives me one. I look at the receipt and which says he ordered a glass of water (which wasn’t what he said he’d ordered). I told him that the receipt just said that he had ordered a glass of water (which doesn’t cost anything anyway) and he gives me another receipt. I look at it but it’s empty. That’s when I started to think that this may be a dream. I looked at the receipt again, it wasn’t empty anymore but filled with text that was all blurry and moving around. That’s when I knew it was a dream.

I thought “let’s take advantage of this” and jumped over the counter and punched the customer in the face. Then I went downstairs at the restaurant and met another one of my bosses (and this one is extremely hot) and asked her how she was doing. She said that she was fine but turned around and started running. I looked behind my back and saw a copy of my boss (the one I just talked to), only this one looked like a Kandarian demon (all of you who’ve seen the movie Evil Dead know I’m talking about) with no pupils in the eyes and the head was wobbling from side to side. I remember thinking “now that was uncalled for, I just wanted to have some fun” and then I started running. The demonboss chased me but I ran like an antelope (long jumps) and got away. The demonboss disappeared but I kept running to catch up with my boss (the hot one, not the demon one). After a while I found her and asked her what that thing was. She answered but I can’t remember what she said. I told her that we had to get out of there when suddenly the demonboss appeared again. We started to run again but suddenly we were in a basement corridor that I didn’t know. I looked behind my back and the demon came towards us floating in the air. At this point I had forgotten that I was in a dream but realised it again so I told my boss (the hot one) just to keep running, and that the exit is around the corner. She asked me how I knew that and I told her “This is a dream”. We ran down the corridor and around the corner and there was a door, I ran through the door and came out on a cliff overlooking Stockholm. It struck me that I was alone. Someone called out my name behind me and when I turned around my boss was there, but not alone. There were two of her, one was, ofcourse, the demon (now looking normal). I looked down on the ground and found to scissors and picked them up. I stood there and tried to figure out which of the two hotties was the real hottie :happy: The one that stood on the left started two cry and said “please help me”. I walked towards the one on the right but then turned left and pushed the two scissors into the stomach of the crying boss and pushed her out of the cliff. I turned to the other one. She said “Good evening”. I thought “crap, I killed the wrong one… but then again, this is my dream”. My boss turned around and walked away. I shouted “aren’t you forgetting something?”. She walked up to me and kissed me, when we stopped kissing I looked at her. She had turned into a girl that goes to my school (Who isn’t even hot :meh: Crap), I was disappointed but thought “Hey, less is better than nothing” and started to look forward to what was to come, but I woke up :meh:

I’m sure it was a lucid dream, since I knew I was dreaming, but I couldn’t control it that much. If it was up to me, the demon part could’ve been skipped :razz:

Yes, I know, my english sucks, but I hope you understood at least half of it :razz:

I had a dream that i remember pretty well, but i’m not exactly sure if it was an LD.

In my dream i walked into the bathroom at my house, which was exactly like it is, but i had this very intense head trip feeling. I seemed to be high, but i don’t know on what. The feeling was so vivid though, i could feel my head spinning, it was very intense. After not long though, i realized “Wait, i stopped doing drugs, i can’t be stoned…” and then i woke up.

@ Simba
That kind of dream is often very confusing :razz: But first one was a lucid dream. You did knew that you were dreaming, altrough you was sure that you falled asleep in reality. In second one you did not knew that you were dreaming, you was just trying to get one.

@ Stockholm
A cool full of action LD :cool_laugh: I really enjoyed reading it, mostly “crap, I killed wrong one” part. And your english is pretty good, I had no troubles with understanding any part of it.

It seems that it was not a lucid dream… you noticed a DS, concidered it’s oddness, but you did not throught “If so, it must be a dream”.

moved to Was it a LD sticky topic from the pathways forum (together with the following three replies :moogle:

ok well i’m 13 and all through my younger life even though i didn’t know wat it was at the time i was very nearly lucid. and i THINK i had my first lucid dream… my only doubt is that it happened differntly frm other peoples happen. i didn’t do the reality checks, it didn’t happen slowley…
i just suddenly had this burst of light and i went really happy and there was this voice in my head saying i was in a lucid dream,. then i nearly slipped into waking as i was so happy so i gripped the plant pot i was holding tighter and came back.
but also i heard u can do cool things like turn invisible and stuff but i think i was so excited it didn’t happened and i woke up. but am i lucid???

since you are reading this no you are not Lucid. But if you mean those other times then it would depend on if you realized that you were dreaming. If you knew you were dreaming then you were Lucid :ok: .

Also, just cuz you didn’t become Lucid like everybody else doesn’t mean that you didn’t become Lucid. Out of the whopping 3 times that I became Lucid, I didn’t use a reality in two of them. It just came to me that I was dreaming. I think I actually still thought the dream scene was normal but I knew I was dreaming. Sometime it just hits you “Wait a sec,… I’m dreaming!”

If you want just a simple answer, no it doesn’t sound like you were lucid, more like you were falling asleep consciously and maybe you had a little bit of dream content come in. But yes, if you can do this, you can also be in the dream world lucid too. But.

If you want to stay lucid, whether you are in White Light or in a dream, or anything of the sort, you have to stay calm and not think too much, because there isn’t a need to think really, you already KNOW you are dreaming, so you don’t need to add more thoughts to it like “oh my i’m dreaming!!! wait what if this happens, what if i wake up!” you just relax and take in your surroundings and explore them how you want.

enjoy as much as you want. think, analyze, but don’t over-think or worry, because thoughts create dreams really quickly, so if you think about waking up too much you might.

If it was a dream, and if you knew you were dreaming in the dream, then yes, you can consider it a lucid. And besides, that’s how I became lucid in my first lucid dream. It just came to me, I knew I was dreaming. But right after that, it became an FLD. So yeah, I think you had a lucid.

Congratulations! :cool_laugh:

Another confusing thing…

I had a lucid… Daydream?

I was lying awake in my bed at 6:00am. I could hear my ceiling fan click. I sort of dozed off until I entered a lucid dream, but I could still hear my ceiling fan! It was not just an imagination thing, this was exactly like a dream. I couldn’t wake up, but I could hear what was going on around me. Was this a dream?

Something very strange happened last night. I laid down at about 10:00pm and watched TV until about 10:30 and then shut it off and tried to fall asleep. I decided I was going to try to MILD and then do WBTB 5 hours later and WILD. I was having a lot of trouble getting comfortable and relaxing, and I just couldn’t fall asleep. At about 11:15 I went into the bed in the room next to mine and tried to fall asleep there (the room is darker). I kept MILDing a bit, but now I was just mostly concerned with falling asleep in time to get enough sleep. (I have to wake up at 6:15) So I finally fell asleep around 11:50, and then I had the dream. I was lucid in the dream, but I didn’t really “feel” lucid. I consciously made decisions in the dream, but I’m not sure if I myself was actually conscious. In the dream, I woke up in the first bed i tried to fall asleep in and went downstairs to go outside and check out the sky, but everything was really dark and blurry. I remember trying to spin in the dream or shout clarity to improve things, but it didn’t work. The dream only lasted about 2 minutes, then I woke up. It seemed like I had slept a lot longer. When I woke up, it was only 12:01 ! I’m confused at whether this was a lucid dream, because it was so early into sleep and it didn’t really feel like I was all there. I’m not even sure if it’s possible to have a dream so early into sleep, so maybe it was a daydream or something like that? If it WAS an LD, it must’ve been a really weak one.

P.S. I’ve never had an LD before besides once when I was a small child, so maybe that was one and I’m just not familiar with the feeling.

It is possible to dream as soon as you fall asleep. The only way to tell if you were really lucid or not is to decide if you knew you were dreaming while in the dream … or were you just going through the motions as if it was a LD?

I suppose I was lucid then, because I knew I was dreaming in the dream. It must’ve just been really weak, which is very likely since I was having a bad night and was sort of stressed about having to get up so early. I wish it had lasted longer. =(

Oh well, at least it’s a step forward! =D

Last night, I had a VERY strange dream. Maybe it was a LD… but I’m not sure.

I had a dream that if I jumped and tried to fly, I would turn into a dragon. So I tried and I flew and turned into a dragon. Then some strange setting shift happened and I was at my old social studies room. I Somewhere along the way I knew that I was dreaming. I asked my mom (whath the heck was she doing here? but I wasn’t lucid enough to be like wth?) where my wings were (I couldn’t feel them that well) and then I felt them and noticed they were made of material you would find on a sports bag. I didn’t notice that was weird and tried to make them more effective by creating a piece of fabric on it. It. I knew I could make the fabric cause I was lucid enough to know. The setting shifted again and I waas at a pool party. (I didn’t think these shifts were strange either) I kept trying to jump off the side of the pool railings and fly, but I couldn’t flap my wings fast enough and my wings were doing barely anything. So then I shifted again and I was in a hallway and said to myself. “This is an awesome dream. I hope I don’t wake up.” Then I tried out my Lucid-ish powers and said, “I have a tail now.” I grew a tail and THE END.

Any thoughts?

you answered your own question …
“I sort of dozed off until I entered a lucid dream … I couldn’t wake up, but I could hear what was going on around me.”
It was a LD. External sounds can make their way into dreams :yes:

if you consciously knew you were dreaming while in the dream it was a LD. Lucid dreams vary from low level to high level LDs. Infact a LD can go up and down in lucidity during the dream.

About a couple of months ago I had a ND that I was doing every trick in the book to stay lucid (even though I wasn’t really lucid), I looked in mirrors to see a ‘scratched’ blurry, black and bache reflection. I flew.

That must have been pretty close to lucidity, I remember kissing a woman randomly (she didn’t punch me! She merely looked suprised) and I remember it feeling real, I could feel her face as I kissed her. This must have been a sign or something. I was doing everything I had been reading about (lucid dreaming wise).

But I didn’t have any LD s after that.

That exact same thing happened to me a few nights ago! I tried WILD , when I got to the numbness and HI i just lost focus and woke up. Then I went to bed at 11:50 and had this insainly long dream. Then I woke up at 12:05! I wasn’t sure if I was lucid or in RL . I had to do a few RC 's. I like DILD way better anyways now

and this quote by moogle:

So when you here a song that is on your alarm in your dream that is really happeing in RL do you sortof become lucid and then wake up? (this happened to me a few times before I knew what LD 's were.

I’ve been trying WILD for a long time but with no results.


Hi all!

This happend last night. I set the alarm on the third rem period, ready to wake up and practise MILD. I woke up and I did MILD. This was my dream basically:

I was in my bed and I fell asleep. I have this dream (I mean, I had a dream inside my own dream): I wake up and go to the kitchen. I note very strange the environment. I suspect that I’m inside a dream. I read my card for reality-test and I realize that I’m dreaming, because the letters are moving. I say “I did it!, I’m dreaming. Wow shit! This is like real life!!”. I tried to fly with a jump. I start to go up slowly, and when I’m close to the roof, I wake up. I mean, I wake up in real life.

What was this? It’s possible that was a lucid dream because I remeber the moment when I said that the dream is like real life: I was conscious, I was there. But, maybe it was a normal dream, because:

1- In three weeks, I never did a relality test in my dreams.

2- The last week I had a lucid dream inside a dream: but I don’t remeber very well that time.

3- It’s very strange that I woke up and instantly I suspected that I was in a dream.

What do you think? It’s possible to have a mechanic lucid dream inside a normal dream?

Thanks in advance!!

PD: I hope you guys understand this post, I’m still learning english :smile:.

EDIT: Sorry people, I didn’t see the “The BIG “Was this a LD?” topic - Part V”

no problem … I moved it into the sticky topic :smile: :moogle:

well, the definition of a lucid dream is that you know that you are dreaming while in the dream.
it is also possible to go through the motions of being in a LD with LD powers but you aren’t really aware that it is a dream :meh:

this makes me think it was a LD