Okay, I read now the WHOLE topic, 5 topics long that is
I’m going to write down here what I know, so it’s useful for me, and perhaps for you, to see it altogether.
WILD is a wake iniated Lucid Dream. You walk “directly” into a dream by balancing your consciousness and subconsious: Let your body fall asleep, and let a dream begin, but stay conscious enought to, yeah, stay conscious .
The best time to do it is, is said, after you’re out of your delta-sleep, after 5-7 hours of sleep. In the morning or after a nap seems to work also for some people. You can also try to go like 24 hours without sleep to raise your serotine levels. I personally think this method sux.
Relax your body.
You just relax your body, and lie down in a comfortable position. It van be on your back, but also on your side, if that’s more comfortable for you. Make sure you don’t have any pressure on your hands, feets, legs or arms. If you have, they may fall asleep in the progress because the blood flow is stopped. This feels like annoying pins and needles.
Relax your mind.
This can be done how you wish, but the basic method is focussing on ONE thing. You can put on some music (maybe hemisync works for you). Or you van count breaths, or listen to your heartbeat. Just clear your mind of thought by focussing on one thing.
Feel the numbness.
After a while, you’re body goes into Sleep Paralysis, you will feel a tingle. At your hands and feet first, then the rest of your body. It isn’t hard to reach this stage.
Take off!
Then you may see a circles floating for your eyes, and later even pictures.
Or you may hear sounds. You can even feel or smell things that aren’t there. You don’t have to see or hear this. Some people have this, some people skip this phase.
If you DO have this, try pulling yourself into a scene you see before your eyes. You may end up in a dream exactly like the scene.
After a whole lot of relaxing, you’ll feel “buzzing” or “electrical energy” trough your body. They mostly come in waves. If you doubt whether you have vibrations or not, you proberbly have not. Once you have then, you’ll know it without any doubt. In this stage, you’re almost done performing a WILD. You only have to “pull yourself out”. You can try to (imagine) sink away, or to float, or to roll, whatever you like. Maybe you have to try some before you’re “out”. Once your “out”. You’re in a dream!
If you’re drifting to far away, probebly only your abstract mind is awake and you logical asleep. You’ll get illogical things to think. What helps is to count from 1 to 100.
Don’t get to exicited when you have the vibrations, otherwise you’ll ruin it.
If you have problems swallowing or itches, just focus even harder on the thing your focusing.
more tips appreciated
It may sound like I’m a pro WILDer, but I’m not. I had only one WILD, and that was not on purpose. You all probably think now: “How is that possible?”
I woke up at 3.30AM, it’s hot in bed here, and I could get to sleep. I probably doze off or something, or I didn’t doze off just yet. Suddenly, my mind is awake again, because of the feeling of electricity going through my body. I can’t feel my legs and arms, they’re paralysed. After three breaths, and three waves, I was free! I felt myself floating! Because I saw my room, I thought I was having an OBE, so I flew trough the wall and a little. Then I realised to make my first OBE not too long, because then you don’t remember it. So I concentrated on my body, and felt my nose that was itching. Then I was lieing in my bed again, completly awake and completly stunned. It was 4.20AM or something.
Later that night I had the feeling I could go again, but I was a little confused and wanted to sleep. (Why the heck did I want that?!?!?!)
(I didn’t grab my journal, but it went something like that)
Tell me if my “article” on WILD is missing something. I have typed it out in notepad and I like to complete it more. Thanks for reading and giving your critic on this LONG post!