The big WILD topic part VIII

A lot of people are making comments about the way their physical body feels as they attempt WILD. In my experience, this is the first mistake. You have to do whatever you can to completely disassociate yourself from your real-life body, and instead focus on generating your dream body. As long as you observe your breath, or monitor your heart-beat, you’re going to remain awake. Anything you concentrate on in the real world isn’t going to help you remain conscious while the dream takes over.

I like to visualize an object or scene, and concentrate as hard as I can on simulating my dream-senses. In other words, I imagine hearing sounds associated with the object I’m seeing, and I usually try to ‘feel’ the object with my hands. The point is, I’m entirely inwards-focused, so no part of the real world is distracting me. Eventually you’ll fall asleep and hopefully remain conscious in the dream as it emerges from your existing image. The closer you get to falling asleep, the more random and vivid the image will be. You might notice your mind branching off without your control, so you really have to focus on bringing it back.

I’ll give you an example. This morning I woke up at 5am, and thought I might as well try out some of the ideas presented to me by Ed Case in a different (related) thread. While lying there, I pictured an open book before me. I couldn’t read any of the print yet, because I was concentrating on the image of the book itself. I then decided to involve a few other senses, so I imagined the sound of a nearby fireplace. To keep the elements of the scene correlated, I tried to ‘feel’ the heat of the fireplace, and imagined the orange glow flickering on the pages of the book.

Soon enough I found that it was becoming easier to maintain this image. As most of you probably know, hypnagogics tend to give you a much more powerful imagination. Provided you can stay awake long enough, the sounds and visions becoming amazingly real. I was able to feel the book in my grip (though I couldn’t see my hands), and I knew I was getting close to entering a dream. Long story short, I fell unconscious somewhere after that point and so wasn’t actually successful. Still, I’m just trying new things to find techniques that work for me.

I’ll give it another go tonight.

I have read on this thread often that the vibrations come, then leave, then come back again. I was wondering how long it takes for them to come back again for most of you attempting WILD before you first go to sleep.

Last night was on of the first times I’ve tried WILD…

I went to bed at around 10:00pm. I started to talk to myself about lucid dreams and I was telling myself what I was doing, and what I would do when I became lucid. After about 5 I started getting HI. Every time I started seeing the scenes, I would pull myself out and continuing thinking about lucid dreaming.

After a bit I stopped getting HI so much and then got this kind of overwhelming feeling. Little lights started to flash before my eyes. Then on the back of my leg I kind of felt my skin crawl (only for a second or two though). This happened one more time, and then I didn’t feel it again.

My body felt very numb altogether. I thought I was doing pretty well, until…

I had this HUGE itch on my face. I tried to not think about it, which is what I usually do. Unfortunately it was such torture that I finally opened my eyes, did a brief RC, and scratched that itch :tongue:

I looked at the clock. It was 10:40pm! Does it usually take that long just to get through HI? Was I doing anything wrong?? Thanks for any input!!


Thanks for the tip Atheist. ^^ Yes, my main problem is I stay too focused on my body, especially my breathing. The other night I kept thinking to myself to dream, imaging what it should feel like to dream instead of just lying in bed. I’m not sure but I guess at some point I lost too much awareness, turned over into a foetal position and fell asleep.

One of the other small annoyances is sounds - sometimes my desk or my window creaks and it pulls me back.

However, the suggestion of combining senses - imagining a situation with an object, a sound, a smell, and focusing on that instead of the real world - sounds very sensible. I’ll give it a try tonight. :slight_smile:

My experience is that yes, it usually does take that long. It differs per person how fast you fall asleep, but it takes about 40 minutes to an hour for me to only relax enough and get mild vibrations. It also depends on how tired I am. Most people report that it takes about an hour.

In the past I have had a number of uncontrollable natural WILDs (meaning I don’t know how to induce them and I can’t control my body), which consisted of being in a complete waking state, to being pulled right into REM sleep, within seconds. It’s rather scary, especially the very quick sleep paralysis. I expect that with induced WILDs your body doesn’t snap into sleep mode so fast by itself so you have to deeply relax - which takes some time. ^^

Also, was the “skin-crawling” feeling I had the beginning of vibrations? I’ve never had the vibrations before, so I’m not quite sure what they feel like…



You’ll DEFINITELY know it when you feel the actual vibrations. Trust me. :wink:

“Skin-crawling” feeling is probably a sign that you’re falling into a deeper trance, but not a type of vibration. Itch is other sign that you’re falling into a deeper trance. It can be a toture sometimes, I understand. With practice, you can fall into a deeper trance without an itch to annoy you with.

Yes, I agree that for average… it takes about 40 min to 1 hour to get mild vibration. It depends how talented you are, etc. It’d be from one min to more than three hours to get vibration and enter a dream world. It entirely depends on your base: your experiences, your talents, and your gifts.

Hope it was helpful for you. :wiske:

You know… I don’t think that I’ve ever seen any hypnogogic imagery. At least… not to my knowledge, and not when trying to WILD. When I close my eyes to sleep, it’s the same as when I normally close my eyes.
Would lack of HI prohibit someone from WILDing? :eh:
I’ve tried WILDing several times, though only once or twice when staying awake 30 min or so after waking. I usually set my alarm to wake me after 5 or 6 hours (6 seems better… leaves me less tired in the end) and then I re-set my alarm, and try to WILD.
I’ve been trying to get myself to wake up to my watch alarm, so I don’t have to remember to reset my alarm. (If I don’t set it, then I would be late for school.) Any suggestions on trying to train yourself to wake up to a sound? It works sometimes… but not often enough.

Can someone please answer my question. How long are the time intervals between the vibration periods? No one has given an approximate time yet.

Some1Special – I think you have to be pretty relaxed before you get HI. It won’t come right away; you need to kind of let go of your real body, and try to concentrate more on your thoughts than whatever you’re feeling in your body. You’ll probably end up seeing random scenes in your mind eventually.

Park of Koryo – I’m not sure :bored: I’m pretty new to WILD… Some WILD-expert will probably come around soon :content:


can someone help plz… :neutral:

sometimes as i’m falling asleep while tryin to do WILD, i notice an image or a scene when i close my eyes, but i realize that i see the image and that i’m about to WILD , and as soon as i realized that,… the image sinks and fades away… :neutral:

what should i keep in mind for next time?
any suggestions will help,
thnkx :cool:

Once again, this topic has reached 50 posts and will be continued in a new thread.

You can reach part 9 here: “Part 9”