well my problems with WILD are…tingling…when i sleep normly it hapens not to much.but when i try WILD its looks like that:
starts tingling “Nothings tingling me…” it stops…
starts tingling “Nothings tingling me…” it stops…
starts tingling “Nothings tingling me…” it stops…
and now A HUGE TINGLE and aahhhhh!! i must scratch!!! and i scratch and whole WILD for nothing…
I’m not sure but I think you might be putting too much emphasis on waiting for the vibrations. How can I explain? You should try to put your body into a state of state of deep relaxation while your mind is awake. The exercise I listed above may help you with this. And then just let your body continue to relax and just let things happen. I have a feeling that you are laying in bed while waiting for the vibrations. If this is true then you may be placing to much attention to your real body thus keeping yourself awake. (I hope that makes sense to you) You may not get any vibrations at all. Not everyone does. As your body goes to sleep you could experience any number of symptoms from HI, strange sounds, vibrations, feeling like your body is being pushed or pulled, or even SP. You could experience any all or none of the symptoms listed above. These are just signs that say your close. U can find people on this very forum who say they don’t experience any of these symptoms. They just pop into a dream fully lucid. As you are relaxing try to shift your focus away from the real world keep relaxing deeper and things will start to happen all by themselves. Next time you try pay attention to every thing U see, hear, feel, think and experience. Then post it here and I’ll see if I can give better advice.
And dont give up. you will get there.
Wow man thanks a lot. That answers a lot of my questions…even some questions I couldn’t put in words. By reading that I realized that I was also “waiting” for the vibrations. I get it now I think…still gonna research it further though. I just have to let my astral body do the work I guess.
Holy shit! I got the vibration thing!!! Whoa…I took a nap and tried the mental blue energy at my feet going to my head (third eye). In the past I could always feel this weird vibrating sensation in my legs but couldn’t do it on any other part of my body. I relaxed like you decribed, felt the energy move up, felt virbrations going everywhere making way up to my third eye. It reached my third eye and I turned into one of my cats and I was playing with my other cat with a string. Then I snaped out of it in excitment. Well, at least now I can enter a dream lucid rather than finding a signal and becoming lucid
Metal Head
God luck. let me know how you make out.
I did it again when I went to sleep last night. I got into a dream but it wasn’t good. I dreamed that a police officer pulled me over and beat me up then I woke up. I’ve been having really short 2 second dreams lately…
I had no problem in remembering my dreams but I cannot remmeber them now. And I have a dream journal.
Well, at least that WILD method gets me to sleep, I’ve been having insomnia.
I got another question though. When you “tense” up your arms then legs, do you just flex your muscles while breathing in then relax while breathing out? I don’t see the point in this…
Also how long does it take approximatly from the time you lay down to the time you start getting vibrations?
Hi All,
I am looking for a advice on the WILD method. Let me give you a bit of background:
I have always been interested in lucid dreams. I have onyl seriosuly been trying to induce them for the past month. For the past month I have kept a dream journal, done consistent state testing during the day. So far, no DILDs. However, two weeks in, I successfully induced an LD via WILD. The problem is that since my first success I have been unable to induce an LD with WILD.
I am having a similar problem as other people - I have no fear of SP or vibrations. I welcome it and want to cultivate it. When I try to initiate a WILD, it takes a while, usually heavy vibrations start occurring about 45 minutes into the process. However, once the vibrations come they either keep coming in waves or dissipate and nothing else happens. I try to envision myself creating a dream body, falling through or rolling out of bed but this does not work. I have tried to simply imagine that I am in my dream body and just get out of bed but I find that I am not dreaming when this happens. Basically, when the vibrations come, what should I do? If I keep waiting they just dissipate and I wake up again…
This is frustrating because the one and only time I successfully induced an LD through WILD I felt NO vibrations! I can’t even explain it, I retained consciousness and just got out of bed, did a reality check with the alarm clock, the numbers changed and I knew I was dreaming, then I flew away… now for the life of me, I can’t do it again…
(incidentally for my successful WILD and those attempts thereafter, I have been using a hybrid combo technique of the “one body technique” from Laberge’s EWLD and a mantra of “Next time I’m dreaming I’ll remember I’m dreaming” as a sort of mind exercise MILD fail-safe…btw I have tried many other methods including white dot, counting, hypnogogic, etc…)
anyone have any ideas, suggestions? Thanks
Metal Head
You tense your muscles first then inhale then exhale as you let your muscles relax. This is just one of many basic relaxation techniques. I personally don’t use it anymore. I Use self hypnosis now.
Great to hear about your success. Good luck.
You said, “I have no fear of SP or vibrations. I welcome it and want to cultivate it.”
That could be part of your problem. You may be focusing too much on trying to create the vibrations and paying too much attention to them when they do come.
When you get to that point again try to let yourself go a little more. Try not to pay attention to anything in the real world and just sort of let things happen.
Congratulations on achieving your first WILD. Just don’t give up and you will get there. In fact you are there. You had one WILD. Now all you need to do is practice and refine your technique.
milod -I appreciate your response. I have enjoyed reading your replies in this thread.
I will definitely try to not put too much emphasis on the vibrations. I just can’t figure out what I did right the first time. (Interestingly, there were no vibrations the first time)
Do you recommend just lying back and accepting the vibrations without trying to get out of bed…just be passive?
In EWLD, Laberge is somewhat iffy on this aspect of WILD - in the Two and one body techniques he states that when you are in a profound state of sleep paralysis you are ready to “go” - that is so sketchy…
Thank You.
Yes I would try to just go deeper and see what happens.
I know I lot of the books don’t clearly explain this process. Have you noticed any other symptoms of your body falling a sleep. (Strange sounds. HI, feeling like your body is being pulled or pushed)
Like I said above you may not experience any of these things. You may just suddenly find yourself in the middle of a dream(like your first wild).
I never used the technique you mentioned, (I use HI) so I can only advise you from what I have heard from others. If you get to a point where you feel like you are paralyzed in stead of actually moving just imagine that your dream body is moving out of your “real”body or just imagine that you are suddenly standing next to your bed.
Really try and think about your first WILD try to remember everything you did, felt, heard and thought and maybe we can figure out the right technique fo you.
Don’t worry like everything else LD just takes practice.
Last night I tried WBTB/MILD, but it ended up becoming WBTB/WILD. I had my first successful WILD!
Now, I ‘suffer’ from a sort of random, involuntary WILDing, when I go to bed too late or lay awake a long time… however these are pretty powerful and most of the time the SP scares me, it hurts, and I can never get through the pressure because I wake up gasping for air. This time, however, since I was using WBTB, I was physically already relaxed… and when I felt the pressure of SP and the noise and then the HI, even though it hurt, I was tired enough to let it go.
I think that was the key. Usually, I try to fight it, or stay with it. But you’re just supposed to let go. And then I remember that one moment I still felt the pressure and the noise, and next thing I knew I was standing in my bedroom, and I realisef I was in the middle of a dream. The room was dark, but not so dark I couldn’t see my surroundings, and everything looked exactly like it normally did. The whole time, counting from the moment I went back to bed, fell asleep, got a WILD and a short LD, lasted about 30 minutes. So I’d guess that with WBTB, a WILD can be attained in 20 to an hour, depending on how fast you fall asleep…
So, I don’t know if what works for me works for others, but trying WILD in combination with WBTB might be a very good call. I’ve never been succesfull at WILDing from the moment I first go to sleep, because I can’t relax enough. Or I relax too much, it takes too long, can’t focus, and I fall asleep. Then again maybe it was discovered a long time ago WILD works better with WBTB, but I never heard of it…
I think the key is to be already physically tired/relaxed enough that you fall asleep very fast, so that you’re able to stay focused and conscious whilst it doesn’t take to long to get SP, HI, and such.
I don’t know what these vibrations are. I’ve never had them. And I’ve been having involuntary WILDs for a long time (just never knew what they were, or how to control them.)
Question- has anyone tried meditaion in a sitting pisition before WILDing to promote calmness and clarity of mind?
I think i’ll try this tonight in addition to the self hypnosis I recently learned
Yes i succeed at sitting Wild but ehm trust me its harder then laying at bed. You really must be able to make yourself clear of all thoughts and be empty. Laying down is way more easy!
But yes it can be done, I did it myself.
And sometimes still do.
But the succes rate is way lower then when i lay down.
Ok good luck!
I am not really prone to other symptoms…no strange sounds or HI. What I notice mostly is body distortion. The only HI i recall is swirling green patterns but focusing on the HI doesn’t seem to help.
Ok…In the first WILD - I basically focused attention on my body as I have been doing since. After a good long while I began to feel body distortions…i.e. wasn’t sure where my hands were…felt swelling. As I focused my attention on my body I also kept my mind active with the mantra “Next time I’m dreaming I’ll remember I’m dreaming” (as I explained before it keeps my mind active and I think it can’t hurt to do a little MILD as well). I did not feel any vibrations or any other harbinger’s of SP. After a while, there was a definite change in my state of perception. Very hard to explain - like I was hyper-alert. At this point I simply decided to get out of bed and see if I was in a dream because my state felt so utterly bizarre (almost like being under water). As I got out of bed I knew something was strange because me legs sort of floated down to the floor. The bedroom was bathed in darkness like my real bedroom but small features like the buttons on the stereo alarm were a bit different. I checked the clock …the light was dim and did a reality check…sure enough the numbers changed when I looked back!
So basically, in the first WILD I didn’t really “feel” any harbinger’s of sp…nor did I imagine creating a dream body. I just got out of bed…
ever since the first wild attempt…whenever I try wild, now I get the vibrations that I never got before…and I’ve been getting out of bed…but I’m awake…
also, I’m not in sp when the vibrations hit because I can still comprehend and move my physical body if I try…
THanks for your WILD post…I found it insightful. When I try WILD it is always combined with WBTB.
You’re welcome, then
I had a very strange experience last night though. After WBTB I got the WILD and ended up being in my darkened bedroom in the dream, lucid and aware it was a dream. But something was very frightening about it, which is something I’ve rarely experienced. Nightmares usually only come to me in ND’s, and then, still rarely. For some reason, even though I was fully aware it was a dream, I had to struggle by force of will to get control over my body. My legs walked a direction I didn’t want them to. When I tried to turn on the light and weird things happened (electricity always does weird scary things in my dreams), I got really spooked and actually woke up. I’ve never been frightened in an LD before, I’m not sure what to think of it.
Maybe it’s related to the fact that I went through WILD, ended up in a very realistic setting, lucid, and still had some sort of sleep paralysis carrying through into my dream. Whichever it was… I don’t like it. :\
The LD I had after that was fun and had lots of flying, although at one point a dream character refused to obey my command to stop into a time-freeze. I guess I have to practice dream control more. @_@
When I do WILD I do it mostly at my regular bed time. WBTB never worked as well for me. I try naps whenever I have time to because I want to train myself to WILD at anytime I choose.
How long does it usually take for WILD to work for you if you do it right when you go to bed. I know some ahve said they can do WILD without WBTB but since the REM cycle takes 90 mins the first time through at night I’d think you’d be waiting a long time for it to kick in…
It varies each time I try it. Some times it can take 10-15 min and other times it can take up to an hour. It seems to depend on how good my concentration is at that time and how quickly I can take myself deep enough. You will find many people on this forum and others who will tell you that they to can WILD at their regular bedtime. There is nothing special about any of us. If we can do it so can U. Is it harder? I don’t know. I find WBTB and afternoon napping it be harder for me. We all have to find the way that works best for us. What I find to be easer others may find to be almost impossible. Like wise techniques like napping and WBTB I find to be very difficult while others find it easy. Even though I find WBTB and napping to be harder I still try these techniques because my goal is to teach myself to LD completely at will. Like wise I hope that people who practice WILD will also try it at their regular bed time as well as WBTB and napping. I think that we put to much emphasis on REM periods. The dream yogis did not require 4-6 hours of sleep, and I don’t think you have to be a yogi to LD without prior sleep. After all I do it and believe me I am no dream master. At least not yet.