The BIG WILD Topic - Part X


Good luck. Let us know how U make out.

I hope I was helpful and did not confuse you more.

Hi Milod - I’ve got some good news and bad news to report on the LD front. The good news is that I had my second WILD on this past Saturday morning :ok: It was WBTB. (I have not been able to produce a WILD straight at the beginning of the sleep cycle. Basically, I have noticed a fewthings that have helped:

  1. Instead of lying flat on the bed, I lie on my right side - this is the position I am most comfortable in. (the only downside is that there is the potential for discomfort to arise if there is too much pressure on the arm, etc).
  2. I followed your advice about “letting go” - there is a certain point where I begin to feel a rush of adrenaline - this time there were slight vibrations…when I felt this adrenaline rush, I tried not to focus too intently on what my body was doing and just tried to let go - and, shortly thereafter I found myself (my dreamself) standing by the bed and I performed a RC on the clock and I was dreaming! Oddly, I didn’t feel that attained the same high level of Lucidity as in my first lucid dream and I’d say the dream lasted perhaps arund 10-15 minutes but it is hard to tell.

So that’s the good news. The bad news is that I feel I am regressing in my dream recall. But since there is another thread about this and I read your post there, I will respond in that thread. Thanks for your help!

I know what you mean. Far be it for me to give you advice (as I’ve only had 2 WILDs) but I have found that your intention and focus need to be realyl strong for you to have a shot at WILD. Focusing on HI doesn’t work for me…I focus on my body and on repeating a mantra faithfully…(then again I haven’t had much success yet…) Good luck!

If this has been asked before, I’m sorry. But, is it at all possible that if you try WILD, but fail, that you have a better chance at LDing? The two times that I have gotten close, I’ve failed, but I had near-lucid experiences. Thoughts?

EpiK, it is possible that you indeed almost succeeded using DILD. In my opinion, it’s a good backup in case if WILD failed. :smile: Maybe you could try practicing DILD (RC’s or something) and then attempt to WILD. Then you have twice the chance to become lucid.

Good luck! :happy:

I get like an anxiety in my cheast when I try WILD. It happens in between breathing out and in. Like there is a pause between where you have no air in your lungs, and then I get anxiety. Can someone help me?

I succeeded at WILDing again! It was very short, so I don’t think it classifies as a full LD. But for a second or two… yeah.

How this happened? I’m not sure. I usually fall asleep when trying WILD, but this time, a song (AND the associated music video) was stuck in my head. It kept playing over and over so when suddenly the SP set on I focused on the song, kept singing the words in my head, and visualized the music video and myself singing the song.

So… I don’t know, but maybe that’s a good tip? I’ve surely never been able to focus on the image of an apple or a white dot or an energy flower in my throat, but having a song stuck in my head works wonders. Maybe it’ll work for others too :happy:


Awesome. I knew you would do it!

Getting comfortable. Now that I think about it. I think That as messed up more of my WILD ‘S than anything. I might try on my side too. I always WILD on my back. Maybe some extra pillows so that I don’t put pressure on my arm.

Glad to hear about your success. Don’t worry the more LD ’s you have you will learn to make them last longer and make them more intense. You will eventually be able to “daisy chain” your LD together.

Happy dreaming.

Hi everyone :cool_laugh: (yes it’s me, that can bring objects from here dreams into the real world) I’m going to try WILD tonight i like this mothod very much, i think it’s amazing!


I started to feel numb now while trying WILD, and it happens pretty quick. But its like a really quick cold numbess that goes through my body. It comes and goes, am I getting closer?

Lots of people experience strange sensations in there body wile WILD ing. It is perfectly normal

Jasonnov118: it’s very normal to experience that. I get that sensation too… or sometimes hooooot type of numbness. Pfeeewww… always leave me sweating afterward. Lol. :biggrin:

Anyways, I wanted to say that I experienced an instant WILD last night. It was interesting. Lol. I remember going back to bed after going to bathroom. I was like, “Alright, let’s WILD.” I closed my eyes and instantly, I woke up in my very own dream world. I saw the stars in the sky through the window in my car. I smiled and thought, “What a freaky instant WILD.” I went out of my car. I knew I was dreaming. I was alert from beginning. Lol. This LD was a long one.

Thought I’d share that with you! :content:

wow dm7 if i could only be so lucky. i’m in the middle of doing wbtb method now then gonna try WILD maybe instant dream will come to me to lol

Im in the middle of my WBTB too, made a nice cup of tea too. :smile:

I got these MAJOR vibrations today! This crazy ping sound in my left ear also. But unfortunatly due to college atmosphere someone woke me up. :grrr: So what happens after the vibrations? WHat do I have to do to become lucid? Im so close someone please help! THanks

Seems like you’re already well on the way ^^ Don’t give up! Just use the relaxation techniques and/or WBTB (whatever works for you) and practice on staying conscious whilst your body falls asleep.

Also, you might want to try sleeping somewhere where you’re not disturbed… it’d be a shame if you were really close to a WILD and somebody would wake you from it, or worse, IN a succesfull WILD… :o

What happens after the vibrations… well, it’s different for everyone, but I generally get the feeling I’m being physically pulled into the dreamscape. Other people are fully conscious when their body enters sleep paralysis and step out of their body of their own accord. Of course they’re not really stepping out, their dream body is just moving around. ^^

Falling asleep and entering a dream lucid has to do with a number of different physical factors. First, your body needs to relax so much it will eventually go into sleep paralysis. Whilst this is happening you’re most likely to experience the vibrations, the noise, and sensations of your body being distorted (crushed, stretched, whichever), and hypnogogic imagery ( HI ). These are all signs you’re close to entering REM sleep. When everything falls together - SP, HI, and last but not least, your brains blocking sensory input from the outside, you’ll start dreaming. This happens every night when you sleep and dream. The trick with WILDing is to stay conscious during the entire process.

You can do this with visualisation techniques, counting from 100 to 1 and back, doing math, repeating a phrase like ‘I am dreaming’ or reciting mantras. There are various techniques to keep focused. Last week I managed to have a short WILD because a particular song was stuck in my head and I kept focusing on the music and the songlyrics until I found myself in my bedroom, and realised I was dreaming. ^^

In a WILD, you don’t really become lucid - you’re conscious throughout the whole process, and you enter the dream consciously. That’s the hard part, IMO - not falling asleep. This is why WBTB works for me. I go back into REM sleep faster and don’t have to keep my focus for really long. With WBTB I can go from awake to dreaming in 10 minutes. When I try to WILD at bedtime, it can take up to an hour.

It’s all about finding out what works for you, so I encourage you to keep practicing and trying out more techniques. Don’t give up! :smile:

This is so true…besides not being able to practice WILD during the week because I can’t linger …outside disturbances, people can make it hard to WILD.

Difficult for me…with WBTB still takes me a good 45 min before the beginnings of SP set in…

Earplugs can help with out side disturbances. Works for me anyway.

Strangest thing happened…

    well.., not '' strange'',  but it IS a good coincidence

you know the brainwave generator thing? that program for the computer that makes the noise that is supposed to make you very tired…

well, just a few days ago, i was unintentionally WILDing – something that i never really am able to do…, anyways… i heard this sound kind of like the sounds that waves from the ocean make when the come to the sea shore ( if thats how to spell it )

anyways,. so i kept listening to that noise,… and the more i listened to it, the louder it got,… then i felt the vibrations,… and then i heard a high pitched vibration in my hear,…

now…, the way i was sleeping,. i was kind if lying on the side of my arm…, and i felt my arm physically vibrating…

and i was able to controll how strong the vibrations were,. so i kept making them stronger,. untill they felt very very strong., and i stupidly purposly snapped myself out of it., because it was so intense at the time…,

and i regret it so much…,

anyways,… all the noise i was hearing from that WILD attempt., sounds EXACTLY how the noise from the brainwave generator sounds…, i only realized that after i had snapped out of that WILD attempt.,

– just thought i’d let you know,

Thanks ashvura! I think thatll be a huge help when I do WBTB tomorrow morning. Earplugs are a great suggestion, and I try to make my way to wal mart today and pick em up. Either that or a gun so I can shoot someone who makes a noise while im WILDING. :cool_laugh:

Well off to class, thanks for the suggestions guys.