The BIG WILD Topic - Part XI

In stead of doing the first part of the exercise just take a few relaxing breaths like I mention in the exercise 2 x then forget about your breathing an allow your breath to find it’s own pace. Then just let go of all the tension in your body. From there you can follow just the 2 nd part of the exercise.

Yes, you do have to keep your attention on something. But, you only want to pay slight attention to something otherwise I find that I will stay awake. If you go back a few pages you will find a post from Dm7. She explains this a little better than I do. You don’t maintain a level of consciousness like you have right now as you are reading this. Mmm how to explain. Have you ever gone into a daydream state where you are thinking about something and you are so absorbed in it that you are oblivious to what is going on around you. Well, you want to have even less consciousness then that. You keep letting yourself go until you have just a thread of awareness to hold on to as you drift into the hynogia. I find that if I have too much consciousness I get stuck in the hypnogia and will eventually get jolted back to full waking consciousness. So just pick one small thing to concentrate on as you let go of all other thought’s.

Also, I am curious. Are you doing WILD at bed time or do you use WBTB. You can do it at bed time but, you might want to use WBTB as well at first. I say this because you can drift through the hypnoia much faster with WBTB. It’s just a thought not a requirement. If you keep practicing you will succeed either way.

It’s a bit late here and I had a long day so my brain is sort of in shut down mode at the moment. I hope this is helpful to you and not confusing you more.


Usually I just lay on bed for a short while and I get the myclonic jerk. After that I try to immediatly enter deeper into sleep by using things such as 61-point relaxation becuase I find that once you pass a certain stage of sleep the myclonics stop. The trick really seems to be preventing the myclonic jerk from waking you back up fully.

Hope this helps

I, under normal circumstances cannot do it at the very beginning of the night due to the delta sleep barrier in which all consiousness is lost. But after a REM period or two I can WILD away. This took me about 4 1/2 months to develop.

i’ve found sometimes i have HI and general noises in the night but I"m not tired, like last night I was tired but didn’t go to sleep, rather fantasized for far too long about stupid things, by the time I decided to try to fall asleep I could see brief scenes flash in my head and hear what sounded like someone changing radio channels frequently, but I wans’t at all tired or groggy.

I tried to listen a bit and fell asleep with no myoclonics…

so… can you, in an awake state, use these mild HH s to project, or enter SP, or something? I really don’t understand how, because they aren’t VIVID and they are HARD to get to intesnify but focusing on them, because you aren’t tired at all, so your mind is prone to wandering and then the images don’t deepen…

yet, the images are there and you’re awake, is there something to be done in that situation, awake with mild flashing dream scenes and noises to enter a dream or at least SP without falling asleep?

Lately when I try to WILD in the morning I fall asleep and eventually end up lucid after a LONG and STUPID NREM dream about watching tv or something, I"d love to be lucid in NREM dreams, it’s quite fun, but other than when my mind helped me out by making me say “sleep parlaysis” the other day, I haven’t had that happen… well it also tried to help me out by having me read the definition of a " DILD " but… that didnt’ clue me in.

So… hmm. I can’t WILD like that at night though, I get myoclonics too much and then get insomnia.

holy reality

Just a thought:

I am wondering if you are spending too much time worrying about how make things happen i.e. getting into SP, creating a dream scene or dealing with myoclonics that you keep your self too awake. When I WILD I do not try to make anything happen. I gust keep relaxing my body and let go of my thoughts and just let things happen. For me that has been key to successful WILDS.

I dont think Ive ever had “hypnogogic imagery” or whatever its called, but I have a question- does it always have to be weird colours/patterns, because sometimes I see dream scenes, like people doing stuff.
Now this isnt me imagining stuff myself, because the scenes seem to control themselves, and I just watch, I can control it if I concentrate hard, but generally, its just like watching a really obscure film or something.
Is this hypnogia or just my imagination doing stuff on its own because Im tired?

It also happens with music, I hear songs playing in my mind as Im tired and in bed, sometimes theyre real songs, or sometimes its just music my mind makes up on its own. I find that I have less control over sounds though.

Also, the more tired I am, the more intense these sounds/images are.

So can anyone tell me what this is?

milod I’ve tried letting go and one time it made me fall asleep and awake into vibrations, but what I really want is to just switch myself into SP…

lately I’ve been trying to stay alert and on top of the drowsy feelings, this works, and it keeps me from falling asleep, but the thing is nothing ever happens.

I’ll waver in and out of consciousness and feel weird, and, I will have a few dream scenes go by, but there is no paralysis, I can’t (as of yet) hold onto one of the dreams…

and eventually, I’m not tired anymore, but I feel sort of disocnnected, and my muscles start twitching like crazy, I get vibrations all over my body, and spasms all over my body, and I can make them intensify some, but the thing is,I’m not paralyzed

Is this just a result of staying still for too long or am I getting close to paralysis?

Once, when I first started energy work, I got my hands to vibrate like the small vibrations I am talking about now, and eventually they got deep enough to make my heart chakra vibrate heavily and I knew it was taking me to a trance, and I got too excited and it stopped.

I haven’t succeeded in doing that though… I always feel myself going really really deep and I think “this is it, I’m making it this time” but it turns out in fact I am not making it, I just, stop going deep, and feel normal eventually… or I feel like I’m paralyzed, but I’m not paralyzed at all and can easily move.

It’s so confusing.

That is the part that takes some balancing. If you stay too alert you will get stuck and stay awake. If you let go too much then you fall into unconscious sleep.

I am not sure how to do that. Like I said I just sort of let things happen. That does not mean it can’t be done, it just does not work for me. The best advice I can give you is keep practicing and try different techniques until you find one that works.

With your LD count this month I would say your problem is not becoming lucid. I mean you obviously become lucid every night. Perhaps you should put your effort into making those experiences more stable first. Once you have mastered the type of LD’s you have now it might make moving on to the next step easier. Just a thought.

ViperX, that’s definately hypnagogic imagery. So are the sounds - the name “hypnagogic imagery” is decieving. I just get illogical thoughts.

Try to control it and control your own body in the dream, or to pull yourself/fall into the dream. You may be an easy-WILD sort of person. :smile:

I’ve got a question about wild.

I’ve become quite interested in it, because of some people saying that their wild-induced dreams were short but vivid and my two mild-induced ones were quite long but hazy (i tend to go for quality over quantity :smile: ). I’ve been trying to achieve a wild-induced dream for a couple of days now using it in conjunction with wbtb. my question is this: do you have to keep your eyes open or closed when focusing on something, or does it matter? I’ve been trying to do it with my eyes closed and I’ve achieved the general heavy, numbing feeling, but nothing else.

eyes open is fine, they’ll close on their own or you’ll sleep with your eyes open if you manage to WILD, whatever helps you relax best.

If I find that I can’t get myself drowsy it helps to open my eyes and stare at something.

milod, the goal is not getting lucid, but rather, the goal is a sort of meditative trance state to be entered at a whim, not just for lucidity or AP, just, for like, passage of time, relaxation, contemplation, mental exploration, etc.

I should probably find a meditation class or something, but I mean, I want to be able to instantly drift off to a normal sleep at night, or alternatively, spend a night constantly WILDing, I know these take much work without going the routes of hypnosis or binaural audio… so I should just be patient.

The problem is some people say you have to focus, totally focus, constantly, and achieve as quiet of a mind as posisble, and you will NOTICEABLY enter paralysis.

Whereas, some people advocate letting go and not focusing at all, and just barely holding on.

Which is sort of the idea of “not focusing” to me.

There are millions of different meditation methods but most of the well reuptated traditional ones involve intense focus rather than a detached almost asleep unaware state.

It confuses me, and I’m not sure if I’m doing things “right” or not.

I don’t think it is really possible to do it with your eyes open. The only way I think it would be possible is on drugs when your eyes dialate so that it seems like you are in pitch black. Just keep trying different things like relaxing more. If you keep coming out of the vibrations awake, it is cause you are trying to control what your mind is doing. It seems like the right thing to do for a lucid dream, but it will be a lot more difficult to fall into a WILD if you are thinking too much.

I think that is something that all of us who WILD strive for. I think it is possible to do it just takes practice. I also believe that it is not as hard to do as we all think. I know when I finally had my first LD I was kicking myself over how complicated I was making it. I think the same thing will be true when I learn to LD or go into trance completely at will, no mater where I am.

Keep practicing but also think simple.

I am not sure they are too different things. It is just something that is hard to explain. (As I am sure you know) You can do it but, trying to really explain how you do it is the hard part.

Yes I think you have to stay focused on something. But for me that something has to be small. Something that I can just stay aware of as I let all other thoughts and feelings and even perceptions of the real world go.

so far I have had another success with falling asleep and waking up while looking at mini dreams.

But it was a short experience, just like the other morning one.

Now, I really wish I had stayed in my night WILD OBE longer and not been afraid, because I wonder if it would have given me a very long period of lucidity, or if I would have had waking up problems like I did this morning.

WILDing doesn’t seem to produce long experiences for me as of yet.

what the hell, now i seem to get into SP every night several of times…or i dream about the SP all the time, dunno… what do you think, were all of these SP experiences dreamt or could maybe 1 or 2 of them have been real??

have you often dreamt about SP ( = strong vibrations over my whole body for me!!) and if yes, do you think that some SP were real and not a dream??

because i can’t seem to differentiate between dreamed SP and real SP. fact is, i have never achieved SP because i tried and never achieve it when i first go to bed…

all this gets me soo freaked out because every SP i have experienced, whether dreamt or real, felt so damn real. and i mean SO damn real!

well if it’s in a dream, in a way it is real

YOU are somewhere else, but your real body is still PARALYZED and so that sensory information, you are still experience it, it’s just that like, you are not “in” your body, but you are still feeling your body.

like if someone poked you in real life you might feel it while dreaming, and it might be like “hey that clown poked me with a stick!” but maybe it was just your friend poking you in real life.

you were still “really” poked though, much as how you ARE paralyzed while you are dreaming.

So it’s real, but it isn’t real, because you are not “in” yourself.

So then you have to ask, are OBEs different than dreams? Can you be in the physical plane? Can you exit the paralyzed body into the physical plane? How do you know whether you are in your body or a dream body?

I have no clue.

The best way is to feel yourself drift into paralysis while you think you are awake, or to know you are awake and to be able to see your real room, but not be able to move.

But I mean even when you are awake and snap into paralysis, all it takes is like 1 milliointh of a second to switch into a false dream body that is not your physical body, and be in a replica of your room that isn’t real…

the mind is very tricky… if you think about your real body while dreaming and experiencing dream SP you should eventually go back to it though.

and i dream about SP and sleeping all the time, usually i’m not paralyzed just as much as I’m “tired” and don’t want to move at all, it’s more a psychological thing where if I really really desire to I can get up and start moving in the dream, eventually.


It can get confusing. I would say you were in the border state between waking and dreaming which means you were very close to a full WILD. Keep practicing and do not give up now !!!

Yesterday, in the afternoon, i was lying in my bed and i just closed my eyes and started contemplating what was happening behing my eyelids, and at the same time concentrating on my breathing. Soon i saw a purple color that seemed to come from the borders of my vision and vanish in the center. Then a brighter purple color appeared, it seemed to be traveling from one eye to the other, as though only one eye could see it at a time. meanwhile i was imagining my body becoming heavy and more relaxed. After about 20 minutes, i sensed something tickling the tip of my nose, and that feeling soon spread to the rest of my body. I felt my body getting heavier, and then my skin started burning. I had one hand on top of the other, and i could no longer feel them touching each other. The colors i was seeing disappeared and all i saw was darkness that seemed to be growing. Then my heart started beating hard and and my breathing became irregular and i was telling myself not to freak out because this is what is supposed to happen. I could also feel some muscles vibrating in my face and legs. But suddenly it all faded away :cry: , and my eyes opened automatically, and i was fully awake.
:happy: It was a very wonderful experience, i tried it again when i woke up at 3:30 am and the same thing happened. I’m wondering, when the numbness kicks in, what should i focus on? and why did my eyes open automatically? and what should i do if my eyes open?

wow… WILD ing is insane…

I wake up at 5 a.m. and waste hours in beds not sleeping… so eventually I decide to try and WILD… well, what I did was I counted from 50 to 1 then 40 to 1 then 30 to 1 and so on… after that I was close enough to be able to pick up on sounds, conversations, etc, so I used them to my advantage to get in/out of light sleep a few times, then I told myself to “let go”

well, I dont’ know how I did, but I did… so I have this dream that I’m at wal-mart, I’m looking at toys, my friend Sam picks one up and says “yeah, this is the one with the metallica ring, you need to buy it, there are only 700 left…” and then I was confused and didn’t understand… I “woke up” partially and that’s when I got “conscious” and saw myself in front of dream scenes.

So what would happen is when a dream scene appeared, I’d feel myself involuntarily walk into it, then I’d try and stabilize it… what happened was I was at this store with these checkered floors and I felt really weird and drugged… I flipped my feet out from under me and hit the ground lying on my back (which was a forceful fall and “hurt”) and then I tried to stabilize things, BUT I “felt” myself in my BED lying on my back, so I was like oh no I’d better roll over so I don’t wake up, so I rolled over to my stomach and stared at the floor… then I started floating, sliding, etc, I kept shifting so that I was NOT staring at the floor, my vision went out, I knew I was waking up… I thought there was nothing to do but I startd moving my hands, hoping they were in the dream, they were…

The dream came partially back, then I faded out into awakeness… but I could still see the floor… so… it was like, hidden under the normal eyelid look but it was still there somehow, semi transparent, yet permanent, I made it slide back and forth but couldn’t get to it and eventually it was gone.

I induced sleep again, and again came to to find myself in front of dream scenes, I was out by a traffic light I think… then… I noticed I could see my room up in the very top of my left eye, and I focused upon that and pushed it to center and entered… I was in my brothers upstairs room, and it LOOKED REAL… I was very confused and unsure if it WAS real or not, but my body (i think) it was like, screwed up, it was wavery and “ghosty” and it felt like it was sort of fallen apart and disorganized, I couldn’t really move…

I woke up…

I did this stuff again, and was in the hallway, I felt my nose suddenly clog up and I could not breathe, I partially woke up enough to open my mouth to breathe and then was back, and I went down the stairs, crawling, using the rails to drag me forward, walking was hard, I felt drugged, I opened the door, went out, closed it (thinking I might be in the physical) and…

I was outside… I woke up… I decided maybe these are NREM dreams and are meant to be remote viewing like, not interactive, so I saw my house in my left eye again and focused upon it, at first everything was 2D, but then it turned 3D, and I was in it, while simultaneously NOT in it… I floatd around, and I saw the neighbors house, I wanted to float inside but could not go through the door, then someone opened it up… I went in and this little girl grabebd my arm, and the dad was like “oh, they were wrong about this place, it’s not haunted by that grandpa” and I was like “how can they see me?” and she was like “you are a ghost” (somehow I doubt this REALLY happened)

I left… and I was having hard times re-entering things, I found myself flying way way way up, then falling down, and I used this to enduce stability and get back to the dream…

One of the times while outside I could see this really trippy alex grey like thing transposed upon my normal vision, like, these really small colrful eyes on the left and right side (symmetrical) and then on the tops and bottoms these golden and I think blue colored swirl things…

I knew that I needed to fall to go deeper to stabilize a lucid dream… and I remember once somewhere along the course of the way I did deep breathing which brought me into paralysis, I could feel myself paralyzing more while dreaming…

at any rate, somehow I was on a log ride, and I was directing how it worked, I made myself go down drops to go deeper into a trance, but let me tell you this was horribly scary this log ride… it felt… bad… it was out of control, I like rides, but I was afraid to make it drop, but i knew that I needed to to make myself go deeper… so I dropped a small drop, went around a circle, dropped a bigger drop, went around a circle and came upon a tunnel (i was thinking of the cool tunnel drop in splash mountain) at this point the rapids got insanely violent and fast, and I was about to go into absolute blackness… I tried to make myself drop but I couldn’t really will myself to do it…

at any rate, I found myself in limbo between dream and waking worlds again, and I felt myself “flying” very fast… I started to voluntarily direct this motion, backwards I think, and I ended up rushing through this tunnel

it was a dark tunnel, the walls had dark grey splotches on them, as I picked up speed I saw Bush’s Golden State album randomly placed along the walls, and I wanted to enter it but couldn’t really control myself anymore (i may have been thinking about album walpapers in the Sims before I fell asleep, or that may have been after I woke up) at any rate… I remembered the purple tunnel I was in and thought of green, the tunnel turned green, then I thought of blue, the tunnel turned blue… then I thought of purple, etc…

but the tunnel WANTED to be white or dark grey… I started drawing energy into my chakras, which somewhat influenced how the tunnel looked… I drew energy into the crown chakra and I entered this circular whiteish room (made of the tunnel walls) and in the middle was what I could only imagine to represent my brain… it was in this tube and there was this atom looking thing in it, and energy was running up and down it… I involuntarily slammed into it and ZAP I felt this huge electric painful surge in my head and my thigh started twitching really strongly…

I didn’t want to pursue that and I focused on my third eye… I began to see this tear drop thing appear in front of me, and it looked like it was starting to open, there were these little “tear” looking swirly things around it, and I was getting a bit nervous, as I wasn’t sure what it was like to open my third eye… I wasn’t sure if I was ready.

Then I woke up.

As amazing as this all might sound I felt rather indifferent and whatnot while experiencing it… when I woke up my head felt funny, like it sometimes does if I stay in a lucid dream too long… not a particularly good feeling… not a bad one either… I tried to WILD again but wasn’t motivated enough, so when I finally got up, it just happened to be 11:11

I look forward to experimenting with this stuff more, even though it’s absolutely insane, mainly the split body sensations of druggings and paralysis while trying to move and stay inside dream…

I guess maybe I wasn’t in REM but rather NREM or something… if I had played with hypnagogics while staying detached from them but letting them do their thing, I probably would have eventually had a stable LD.

this was more interesting than any LD though.

Has anyone done anything like this? This tunnel seems somehow significant and not a fabrication of the mind, it’s present in so many cultures and stories, and whatnot…

I think that’s what happened to me this morning. I was having a lucid dream which ended and then I could feel my body (which I assume was my real body?) shaking/vibrating. Then, within a few moments, I was back in a dream while still lucid (although this dream wasn’t as real - The buildings were more cartoony or like you’d get in a computer game - but I think it was a dream rather than just HI). Did I accidentally WILD? I would like to learn this technique as I don’t practise any techniques at the moment but I don’t really know what I’m doing so it would help if I knew for sure how it feels.

I woke myself up once during the night. I was on my back and began to conciously fall asleep. I made three attempts, each time my limbs felt very light and I heard a whiring sound in my head getting louder. But I got too scared to go any further incase it developed into SP :sad:
Do you have to go through SP to enter a WILD?