The BIG WILD Topic - Part XI

Uhhh… another thing I don’t know about. What is WILD? Is there a definition page around some where?

You can usually see definitions of words by hovering the mouse over them. However, I’m having to view this site using the aol browser atm and it isn’t working so I guess you can only see the definitions using some browsers?

Anyway, WILD is Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming - I think the idea is that you keep your mind conscious/aware as you fall asleep so that you can enter a dream already lucid. I don’t really know that much about it and there seem to be lots of different ideas about how best to achieve this so hopefully someone a bit more knowledgable can fill you in!

Yes. There is a hole thread on the topic !!! quest for lucidity >>> Big WILD sticky topic

This IS the big sticky WILD topic! :cool:

Man I am out of it today. This has been one long, hot, bad day. :sad: I hope tomorrow is better.

Any way:
Short definition of WILD:

WILD is where you keep your mind consciously awake as you fall asleep. The goal in doing this is that you start the dream from the beginning fully lucid.

One way I do this is by putting myself into a state of alert relaxation and then observe something in my mind. Usually hypnotic imagery and let everything else go. Just focus on the imagery without attaching any thoughts to it.

Some other things you can focus on:
=> breathing
=> create a falling or spinning sensation
=> counting
=> visualize a simple object in your head and just focus on that. Let go of all other thoughts.


Hio I haw a problem I thing… I do not see anny HI :sad: I do se picktures and “movie clipp” but no colors flowing around :sad: do anny one have a tips to haw to have HI?

HI can come in many different forms. I get the movie clips too. That’s as much HI as the colors are. I see and hear words, too, and sometimes I will see objects or hear music.

Hio after a wile when I try WILD I get a really strong feeling that I want to go up I always get that feeling… I don’t really want to do that but it is like the body tells me to do it :sad: it is some one except me that feel like this?

I am not sure what you mean. Do yo mean you feel like you want to get up or move?

i subconsciously interpreted that as “give up” instead of “go up” so assuming that is what he means…

I get that, I’m always like “no, i’m too tired, i don’t want to do this anymore, but if i persist a little longer it might work” then I eventually fall asleep.

So I think it’s normal to want to give up, since normally you need to be doing “nothing” to fall asleep in the first place.

I did some really insanely strange stuff today, I’m not sure if it was WILD ing or WILDing within a dream, but I like, I envisioned these lego people, and I made them do things, and it would bring me sort of into paralysis but then I’d jolt back, it’d eventually take me to an LD though I think… but it was a bit tricky… and then I remember I coud make the purple in my head “dive” like it’d be a huge circle and get tiny then another huge one would come and get tiny…

and this one time I could make myself spin… I don’t know, it’s really weird, I must have been right centered on the awake/asleep border… I got a lot of pseudo OBEs (i cannot enter the physical no matter what I do it seems… maybe it’s not possible) and well… weird stuff in general.

You really have to hear or look at HI for a long time to get deep enough to WILD or OBE though it seems like, it’s a huge test of focus… sure you can fail multiple times and gradually go deeper, but to go all the way in one session by holding one image or holding one feeling, that’s tough, even in the morning.

How long does SP last before entering a WILD?
How do you keep yourself calm during SP?

whispa - For me it usually takes 10-60 seconds from the first vibrations to being in the dream. And sometimes it’s really hard to keep calm. Just try to relax and stay calm because it can’t harm you :smile:

Hio what do u guys thing about lisen to music when u WILD ? It takes realy long time for me to get in SP (I haw never got in SP :sad: last time i tryd for almost 3 houers ) so it gets a bit boring after a waile :sad:

Tried taking a nap at 3 PM today…Concentrated on “100, I am dreaming, 99…” etc. I had -real- HI for about the first time ever (it looks neat…), but I never really had any SP and I never got any further after about 40 minutes, until the dogs started barking insanely which startled me and I gave up. :help:

Music: I think that might end up distracting you from concentrating on staying awake, but I’m not exactly a WILD expert, as you can see, so feel free to wait for other replies.

Some people say it is helpful but, it does not really work for me. Although, I do remember some time ago I used to set the timer on my tv to help with WILD. I would listen to the TV for a little while as I initiated a state of deep relaxation. It did seem to help. It at least helped to generate some cool HI. So music might work for you. Now days I do not like to have any background noise while WILD ‘ing

I have only had one slightly successful WILD before and it ended only a few moments after it started. Recently I have been really trying to focus on becoming lucid through WILD. I don’t have any problem getting to the sleep paralysis, but after I start to experience it, I have no HI what-so-ever. I have sat there for five to ten minutes at a time trying to either roll out of my body or imagine another set of arms and legs are there. That usually has a very slight tingly feeling and a very weird sensation to it. But it only lasts as long as I concentrate on having these other parts. I’m not able to really do anything with this, it is just a slight tingle. I have tried to concentrated on doing something, like riding a bike, sitting on a couch, stuff like that. No luck. Any ideas on what I can do? I do hear voices a lot while I’m laying there.

My thought is: do not try to do anything instead, just let things happen. I find that when I try to actively do things to enter a LD I stay too awake. Just get yourself into a state of alert relaxation and then just focus on just one small detail (e.g. HI, breathing, counting). From there let go of all your other thoughts and just let it happen.

Good luck. Happy dreaming

Thanks JaRoD, I’ll try again tonight.

I haven’t had any HI yet, just a light feeling all over my body. I could tell something was going to happen, if only I’d let it.

Sounds like the same problem I have. I will have SP but no HI during it.


Everyone experiences WILD differently. If you do not experience HI do not worry about it. Sometimes people get to hung up on the symptoms of WILD that they keep themselves awake. I suggest that you just focus on your technique and forget about everything else and just let things happen.

Good luck and happy dreaming