No problem. I am glad that i was able to convey a different perspective.
Sometimes when i have HI, but am sort-of-aware yet lack the intent of WILDing, the HI will snap me awake, sometimes scaring the hell out of me. Other times, though, i do actually catch myself before fully slipping away. But as i was trying to say: perhaps your awareness-save can be developed to the point where you notice the HI (dreamscape forming), but not so much so that you wake from it. Then again, i just realized that experience of such would probably make you used to it to the point where it doesnt wake you up (if that is what is happening).
Meditation is a very usefull skill. I first pursued it because of the focusing/self-discipline aspects, but then as time passed i found the healing, clear-mind, and various-awareness aspects of it as well, the former two helping very much with stability and Lucid-onset. It is a skill that proves more and more useful. I never dreamed it would help with lucid dreaming (lol pun), but it does, and i am glad that i am already pretty good w/ it. I guess i sometimes take it for granted though.
Anyways. The trick, i think, is in having your awareness to the point where you see the HI, but let it slide. The more one thinks, i discovered, the slower the HI progresses to vivid HI. Eventually the HI will get strong enough (perhaps the first time) so that you can add intent-to-LD to the awareness of dreamscape, and then the imagery will expand to a full dreamscape with you in it lucid. For me, it seems that the HI is like a picture, surrounded by total ‘nothing’ (like you cant look at it directly, the picture always centered in view, kinda) and then the nothing disappears, the picture sort of ‘zooms in’ and next thing i know im in a dreamscape. Its terribly unlike what i had in mind WILD’s were.
However, this is all personal WILD technique, and knowing that its not the same for everyone, i must urge other WILD’ers to describe their own, to help show the variations behind WILD, between people - not to mention it would be very interesting to hear about how others do it.
As for the blobs of color thing…I just read a thread, and in it Basilus West described very well the difference between phosphenes and HI. Personally, i have always wondered what the colored blob/waves/‘light’ that i would sometimes see, like after lying down for a bit in darkness, eyes open or not. Based on my WILD experience, albeit limited, i know enough that i must stress that the ‘color-waves’ or ‘blobs’ are not HI, and not even close to what is needed to pull a dreamscape out of. The HI needed is very distinct, like the interior of a room, or an open green field…I felt it would be useful to mention it in the WILD topic. Props go to Basilus for pointing out the distinction between the phosphenes and HI.
I was just suggesting that the TV might help you get better HI, so that you could have higher chances of WILD. Hey, if youre lucky you might see a re-run (you could plan this) and then if it carries into your dream/HI you could become lucid. Like, while falling asleep you might remember that the TV is on and become lucid in a TV-influenced or, more likely, a FA. I might give that a try even…
Interesting, the WILD and DILD possible recall difference thing. Hmm, personally i think that recall with WILD is worse than with DILD. This may be due to at least two factors though: My being only fairly experienced w/ WILD. And my usually falling into ND’s/non-lucid-vivid-HI afterwards until my alarm (my ‘save’ ) goes off. Also, theres how many of my WILDs are unstable, and how others are short lived despite stability, which may have something to do with it.
Dream recall, i would guess depends on at least two factors: Your devotion to recall (ie DJ, how much you reflect upon waking, etc). And on how soon you woke from the dream in question.
I dunno, theres probably far better advice in the big dream recall topic. If there isnt one, there should be lol. Its a very huge aspect of dreaming. I think its pretty relevant at least on a personal level, because some of my LD’s are hazy, despite being LD’s. Some say it is due to low stability and/or lucidity/awareness, and i would agree with those people. Stability and Awareness definetely play a big part in dream recall, not to mention dream control.
Im not too sure, but they might be MILD’s, or maybe WBTB’s of a pure nature. Do you go to bed w/ LD intent or just go back to bed? If the latter, they could just be spontaneous LD’s, possibly due in part to youre being fairly awake already (which i think may be one of the main principles in WBTB). At least personally, WILD involves HI, but like right before it turns quickly into full dreamscape, zooming and then me suddenly ‘in it’. You mentioned, however, that the dream seems to form around you? In that case, it may very well be a WILD. Going back into the dreams is either intent/MILD or WILD depending on how the process is like. In itself, going back into a dream is an impressive skill.
Hope all that was insightful.