The BIG WILD topic - part XVII

Thanks, I will remember to try that the next time I have success! :smile: I’ve practiced doing things with my imaginary body while my real body is very relaxed, not sure if that could be of any help? It’s a technique I thought of myself, I’m not sure if it’s discussed here before. I basically just move around touching and feeling things with my imaginary body.

I’ve had visual HH too, like things jumping out in front of me when I’m going to sleep. One morning when I was still very tired but awake and closed my eyes, I could clearly see the inside of some warehouse, a man working there, and sort of zoom in things. It was really cool but I couldn’t enter it, and I had to get up and go to work anyway. :neutral:

Anyway, the time I has some success WILD’ing, the only thing I actually saw was the darkness getting brighter.

I’m not sure it was a hallucination, it may have actually happened, or possibly it just felt like it was really fast and strong. When the sounds distracted me, I became more aware of the rest of my body, and didn’t feel the heart pumping so much, or maybe it just actually slowed down. Does this make any sense?

Oh btw, I am actually a little afraid of feeling my heartbeat at all. I sometimes have cardiac arrhythmia and when I can feel my heart beating I always think about it and hope to not get any extra beats :anx:

I envy the people who can WILD on demand, because oh my sweet dear mother this tech. is hard to grasp!

I have been trying each night for a month consistantly and cant get past the Alpha state, I’ve done the sound files, ROYGBV, counting, drawing “on my eyes”, but nothing! I just get bored and fall asleep.

That sensation of a fast heartbeat is often because (according to other meditative practices) that your chakras are active and on high power. That is not your real heart, but your chakra circulatory system you feel. You may as well have been able to astral project at that time too.

Mikk’s following question about feeling a sort of second heartbeat has been splitted from the BIG WILD topic and made its own thread there.

Thanks! :content: And yeah, I’m going to start WBTB…its just I’ve been so busy and…a little lazy. :peek:

Regarding the heartbeat, my heart will beat very fast and then suddenly it’ll just return to normal and I’ll realise that…Hey…it was kind of all my imagination. Its really hard to explain. :neutral:

Two days ago I had my first successful WILD+WBTB.

I went to bed at 11:30pm, woke up again at 6:30am and stayed awake for about 40 minutes. During this time I was active and moving around the house. I made sure to see a lot of sunlight (opened up all the doors and windows) as I read that sunlight stimulates the pineal gland and what better way to wake yourself up than to have bright light everywhere.

I went to bed with the intention to realise I was dreaming. I am 100% confident that the last thought I had before my mind went into ‘standby mode’ was to “recognise the nature of the dreamstate”. Suddenly I was conscious, but I felt disembodied in a large black void. Slowly, the darkness began to turn into streaks of white light. It got faster and faster, almost like the star trek style warp graphic. Once my entire vision was white, it got brighter still for an instant then faded into a dream scene of a bedroom.

The experience was exhilirating. I was conscious the entire time. I conjured up my grandfather who died 5 years ago. He died of a heart attack and I never got to say goodbye. For some unfortunate reason, his image wasnt the same as he looked in real life. But rather than be repelled I accepted that I knew who he was meant to be.

As soon as I entered the dream, the area immediately around me seemed ‘blocky’ and out of focus, like a really pixelated video on a computer. After shouting ‘Increase lucidity by 1000’ three or four times everything got clearer. This happen to anyone else?

And I seem to recall a short clip i downloaded from somewhere once. I think it was a .swf of someones impression of the ‘WILD-transition experience’. I wish I could find it again because as soon as I woke up it was the first thing i remebered because it looked EXACTLY like what I had seen.

eep, sorry for writing this book.

Congrats on your WILD, Alextanium! :smile:

I don’t think it’s particular to WILD. It may happen in a DILD too. It’s rather common to have pixelated backgrounds or DC’s. On the Lucid Crossroads website for instance, they advice in such cases to shout “Increase clarity!” (instead of “Increase lucidity”).

I’ve tried WILD a few times in the past, and I’ve been trying it more frequently recently, but it hasn’t earned me an LD yet. Can someone tell me how close I’m getting? My experience went like this…

At first, I didn’t focus on anything in particular except staying concious. After a while, I began to see patterns of light/dark, so I started to watch those. My body became more relaxed, and partially numb. During this time, I eventually realized that I had started “blinking” subconciously, even though my eyes were closed. It started to feel as if my eyes were opening involuntarily, and I had to fight to keep them closed…

When I did this with WBTB, this continued for a while, and then suddenly, I could see part of my room! I only got this far twice. I thought I had opened my eyes, but then I opened them for real and found that I was laying in the wrong position to see that part of my room. :ack: Do you think this was the start of a dream? Or just HI?

Both of those occurances happened a while ago, but more recently I tried to use WILD with a nap, and had a slightly different experience. The light patterns I was seeing eventually disappeared, then later came back, and this repeated a few times. After a while, I saw some images that seemed like the HI I had always expected, but never before experienced: dream-like images that only lasted a second, then were gone. Then, I actually did partway open my eyes involuntarily. It still felt like my eyes were closed, though… the thought crossed my mind that perhaps I was now dreaming of opening my eyes, but the thing is, I could still hear real noises loud and clear. I hated to get this far and then risk throwing it all away by moving. I kept at it a little longer, but soon had to get up.

Sorry this is so long, but how close do you think I got? Did I actually make it all the way and not realize it? Next time, I guess I should go ahead and take the chance of waking myself up if I think I might have reached the dream state. After all, I wasn’t any better off the times I didn’t try. :bored:

Sorry if this has already been asked, but I really don’t want to look through 7 or so topics of posts for it.

It helps to do WILD after WBTB. I also am someone who needs their sleep. I also don’t exactly have the longest attention span. Could WILD be done without WBTB without making you lose sleep and not be keeping your mind awake for 2 (or so)hours?

I tried WILD again today with both WBTB and a nap, and my experience was the same as last time: my eyes eventually began to open involuntarily. This time, I didn’t stop it and did an RC, but sure enough, it wasn’t a dream. I guess that answers my question on how close I got when napping. :bored: In all of these recent attempts, I was laying on my back, whereas I was laying on my side (well, more like halfway on my side and halfway on my stomach) in the earlier attempts. I wonder if that’s what makes the difference? I guess I should try WILD on my side again when I get the chance. :smile:

I find any form of WILD while lying on my back to be uncomfortable. It’s harder to swallow saliva that builds up in your mouth and your covers can constrict on your chest, making it harder to breath (and therefore to relax).

I also find that the “I have to move” feeling and “involuntary eyelid opening” is much harder to resist when lying on my back. I assume this is because its not the most natural of sleeping positions. I have my best success in comfortable lying on my side positions in which no part of my body touches any other part of my body (sandwiching pillows and parts of your blanket between your arms legs and torso). I find the lack of sensation of skin-on-skin helps me to forget about my body.

I attempted WILD+WBTB this morning again. I got the same disembodied feeling of flying down a tunnel of light, but this time i couldnt quite get there. I could see a grassy lawn on the other side then it disappeared. Then I had a FA and stupidly forgot to do an RC upon “waking”. This FA played out for a good 10-15 minutes before I awoke to the sound of construction crews outside :sad:

The BIG WILD topic continues here.