The boundaries of sleep and reality

Lately I have been kind of confused, since i don’t seem to know where the dream ends, and the RL starts. It seems to me when I’m awake that I am still dreaming. To join it, I sleepwalk, but with my eyes fully open, obeying everyones commands as inquestionable orders. So I recall things like, seeing people I don’t know, my family and friends, at my house, and I never know whether it’s the real world, or the dream world. :help: as any of you experienced something similar? Cause I feel like I am constantly dreaming, and sometimes say things a would in a dream, like a LD…

hmmm, is it something like this?

I think i know what you mean, although my experience doesn’t seem to be as strong as yours. Waking reality often seems to be very dream like for me and sometimes i get a flash of a memory or feeling and i can’t remember whether its from a dream or waking reality.

I think its progress of a sort (i’m quite into practicing awareness, Buddhism, etc…) - to be able to recognise that waking reality and dream reality aren’t as different as our society makes out. Maybe this feeling can also help you to realise that waking reality is in some ways as changeable and transient as dream reality - in that we create our own reactions, emotions and reality in how we perceive the world and situations around us.

Having said that it is a pretty weird feeling, especially if you have been used to trusting in the solidity and ‘realness’ of waking reality. I would just try and go with it and practice being aware and in the moment… maybe just trying to live in the ‘now’ would help you deal with it? :confused:

thanks, that really helps. It’s expecially akward, since most of the people I dream with are from real life, and I say things to them, like: “How’s your work going, got that promotion yet?”, when they say, “but I’ve been unemployed for a month now…”

Haha! Yes… awkward… I’m glad i was able to help a tiny bit. Good luck and let me know how it goes! :smile:

It’s just a ride :smile: