The Chroniclers Part II

Dang it…! Did someone hide the sky island behind some clouds?! I couldn’t find it when I went lucid this morning… :sad:

No lucidity last night for me either, altough I almost WILD’d.

I had no recall from last night, sorry guys.

argh, I hate July, it’s my dryspell month. I have SO many LD’s in June, then comes July, and nothing. I’m hoping august is better.

No good. I was so close to becoming Lucid, but failed to notice that having 34 fingers was a Dreamsign.

Hey, I was reading the older posts on this subject and it looks really fun and cool, can I join?

Anyone can join, we’ll just have to wait for Shatterspike to induct you into your ranks.

:razz:, I feel important.

Sure you can join. You’ve been added to the user group.

I’m thinking that could a mod lock this topic, and make part three with this post at the beginning?

Edit: lol Genkai.

Welcome Tahku :smile:

I’m going to make another serious attempt tonight. I feel all inspired from last night :tongue:

link to The Chroniclers Part III